
Chapter 12 - Testing

"yo" - Speech

'yo' - Thougths

*yo* - Sounds


Kael was beyond happy, though the thought of having psychokinesis is rather tempting. Gaining these abilities was more than enough.

Although Kael had plenty of spare souls, he decided not to rush into getting a regeneration skill or other abilities right away.

He had already planned for this when he was making his drafts, so he knew that he would eventually gain the abilities he wanted. It's just a matter of time, and souls...

Instead of rushing into getting other abilities, Kael focused on building a solid foundation first. He had remembered from the series and knew that Roy's current physical condition with every bodily aspect that he modified was enhanced drastically through the injection of the T-Virus. Therefore, Kael decided to focus on body modifications first, knowing that when he eventually infused his serum, he would get a double power up and it would drastically multiply his strength.


AN:[READ IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND] Sorry for the interruption, I know that leaving a note here will greatly affect you're reading experience but promise, just this time. So basically to know what the mc did here, let's first understand what Roy did in the series. Ok so first, doing a body modification will result in an increase in strength and speed as seen in the early chaps and in the original series, and injecting a serum enhancing drug will naturally enhance the body—including the body mods thus gaining another plus strenght/speed. So what Roy did in the original is waste that opportunity, why? Well Roy's body mods at that time was only his tail and wings which have greatly benefited after the T-virus infusion, and the other parts of his body— his claws evolving to an almost steel like substance despite not being modified at all, so get it?[That was enough for Roy to jump ranks achieving Top-low-rank immediately] In simple terms the mc used this opportunity to have a double power up injecting himself with the serum with an already powered up body. Got it?

(Imagine a hard as DuraSteel modified claws being enhanced when an ordinary demon claws get a direct upgrade to steel.)


After waiting patiently, Kael achieved what he had been working towards: an imposingly strong body that lacked nothing in terms of offence, mobility, defense, and power. His body had been enhanced, much stronger than Roy's enhancement. In addition, he gained the advanced regeneration skill and various other abilities. With this upgrade, he was practically brimming with power and was possibly the strongest in the upper abyss. The only thing he lacked was fighting experience.

He can even match up to a Higher rank demons in terms of physical prowess. Roy, when he just ascended to Lower Middle-rank has the stats and battle prowess of a Top of Middle-Rank demon, he can even put up a fight against a High-rank demon which was xeron. Roy's physical stats at that time was something between 80-90, and his strength and speed stat exceed that, so crossing out magic power he was something between a Lower to Middle middle -rank demon in terms of raw power.

With a thought he ordered the system to show his skill's description.

[Advanced Regenerative Abilities]: The subject's regenerative healing factor is significantly enhanced, enabling them to rapidly recover from severe injuries, including the regrowth of lost limbs, with remarkable speed and efficiency.

[Viral Manipulation]: The subject gains the capacity to manipulate and control the T-Virus to some extent, potentially infecting others or even creating bio-organic weapons under their command.

[Adaptive Camouflage]: The subject can blend seamlessly into their surroundings, displaying chameleon-like camouflage abilities, granting them stealth advantages in various environments.

[Toxic Excretion]: The subject can secrete venomous substances from their claws, fangs, and other parts of his body allowing them to incapacitate or subdue opponents with potent toxins.

[Viral Empathy]: The subject exhibits a limited form of telepathic communication with infected creatures, enabling them to exert influence over lesser infected beings or form alliances within viral communities.

Kael was grinning from ear to ear. He had been waiting for this moment for what felt like forever, and now that it had finally arrived, he was practically doing a happy dance. It was like Christmas morning, but instead of getting socks and underwear, he got exactly what he wanted - and it was even better than he could have hoped for!

With his new powers, Kael was stoked to hit the road and start collecting more souls. He felt like a total badass after his first major power-up.

Speaking of souls, Kael's skills in Viral Manipulation and Viral Empathy made every low world(Meaning, worlds that aren't capable of defending against such viruses.) he visited a soul generator. He could just release a cloud of virus-infected particles into the air and just wait for the magic to happen. And with his Viral Empathy, he could even get the infected folks to spread the virus even further, netting him maximum benefits.

"Ah~ with this, I'm ready to head to my first world. But first—"

Kael suddenly slashed at his pinky finger, causing it to fall off. He wanted to test out his new abilities first.

As he examined the wound, he realized that slashing through his finger had been more difficult than he expected. His newly evolved skin was much tougher than before, providing more resistance than he anticipated. He doubted that his previous claws would have been able to cut through this new skin, but his newly evolved claws were sharp and strong enough to slice through the resistance with ease.


That's how long it took for Kael to regrow his finger, which, while not instant, still left him more than satisfied. If he remembered clearly Dr. Curtis Connors, who gained regenerative powers from the Lizard serum, took a day or more to regrow a limb. However, Kael knew that the speed of regeneration could vary depending on the individual and the context, so he wasn't sure if he could expect the same results.

He also found out that his [Advanced Regenerative Abilities] is like a passive skill and does not need mana to activate, 'it's more like an innate skill now.' He thought

After that, he also tested his other physical ability. His senses and perception was greatly enhanced, granting him extraordinary sight, hearing, and smell. This caused his eyes to change, which he previously mentioned.

Other than that, his leaping ability was also enhanced, allowing for him to cover vast distance with a jump. He've also confirmed that he gained the lizard's wall-crawling ability, though he can do so before, but now he moves more quickly and easily along walls and other vertical surfaces.

"Now, I could even strike the upside-down pose with my future demon queen... just like in the movies." Kael chuckled.

Shaking those thoughts away, he continued to inspect his new abilities.

[Viral Manipulation] is also like an innate ability, but at the same time can be used as an active skill. As he tried activating it, he remembered Roy using this through his blood? he doesn't really remember. For now he can only generate a small amount of it due to his limited mana, though he can also use it like Roy— dropping his blood in a water source to infect others.

Testing [Viral Empathy] isn't possible at the moment, but he surmised that if he infects others, he can naturally use it through the virus present in the subject.

Overall, Kael was extremely pleased with his progress so far. He acknowledged that he owed it all to Roy, who had to walk before he could run. Thanks to the knowledge he gained from Roy's story, he was able to speedrun the first part of his journey towards becoming stronger.


AN: hey guys! Good day! Sorry for the info dump but yea enjoy.

Oh and let me know and drop some ideas abt viral manipulation.

Also, don't forget them stones~÷~

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