
Echo of the Ancients

Currently on hiatus for an indeterminate time period.

Gavin_Erickson · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
10 Chs





The demon stoped his insane mutterings, feeling a primordial energy swirling around the young man that he had just murdered. He looked back, seeing a rift of cosmic energy in the shape of a cocoon surrounding the young man. Azlael shuddered, throwing his arms in front of his face in a protective field, shielding his face from the golden blast he felt moving his very soul. He saw the young man raise off the ground, shrouded in the cosmic cradle, stitching his life back together with mystical golden threads.

The young mans heart rose from the ground below him and fixed itself in a gory splendor, absorbing the blood and viscera of the surrounding bodies - his parents - to repair his shattered body. The golden threads laced around his heart, binding it together piece by piece and wrapping around it in a binding of wire. It laced through his ribs, solidifying his heart into place and resetting his bones around it. The wound on his face stitched together, stealing the eye from the demon who killed him. The pitch red orb ripped out of the Primordials face, mimicking the scar he inflicted on the young man to the demon's face.

The demon roared in rage once again, feeling the blood drain from his body as he fell to his knees. "NO! How did you manage to activate it! That shouldn't have happened!" the primordial looked up in horror at the young man rising from the cradle of void surrounding him. The colossal figure stood from his spot on the floor shakily as he felt his vitality drain from his soul and flow through the now still air toward the resurrected child. "No! That shard was MINE!" The demonic figure screamed in a discordant tone, reverberating over the hellish wasteland that surrounded them. It reached out to the young man as its soul seemed to drain from its body, no longer looking like a great imposing figure, but like a shriveled old monster.

"No, its not yours." The boy, now looking more deific than the shriveled monster, stood out of the cosmic ward encompassing his body. The boy still seemed meek, but was full of his renewed rage at the entity laid before him, shriveled except for his face, which was still contorted in a menacing mask of rage. "It was my parents'."

"Get away!" The shriveled husk shouted at the child whom had been brought back to life, the rage clouding his features slowly being covered up in a new figure of fear. The boy didn't slow, however, he walked with the same measured pace he had used so many times today, in his last life, which seemed so far away.

The boy stoped above the slouched figure who had felt so awe and fear inspiring just moments earlier and reached out, once again channeling the memories of his fallen family to power his strike. The son remembered the good times he spent with his parents, the bad times, the regrets, and the words he wished he could say to them. He felt himself go numb as the burning tears streamed out of his face, burning under his stolen red eye, and flowing along the shallow divot of his fresh scar.

"There's only one thing awaiting you" The scarred face looked down on the demon below him, reverse as to how it had been what felt so long ago. He shoved his hand into the now soft and flimsy skin of the former Primordial, through the broken ribs, and griped its heart. He pulled it out, reveling in the feel of bones and blood scraping against his hand as he did, and held it up to the face of the being. He looked into the once more unhinged eyes of the demon and spoke one word before crushing the heart in his hands.


The feeling of warm blood soaked around Carson's hand as he let the crushed heart fall to the ground. The hole in his soul was filled with the remanent shards of the being that had just fallen before him, filling it in a mosaic of gold and scarlet. His world shifted as, once more his perception changed. He saw colors that his mind had never before processed, saw the world in a new shape that seemed unbefitting of the reputation he had before thought of it, and he regained his sense of depth bringing the world back into focus.

Carson fell to the ground in a heap, the weight of the events that had just transpired finally caught up to him. He could feel the change in his soul, and could already somehow tell what changes the shattering and repair of his soul had on him. He would never be able to be blessed, and he felt a lust for blood.

From now on he'd only be able to get stronger... by killing.

The sound of shouts came from outside of the room as he saw a number of people in black rush in. Carson stood with the little energy he had left, and limped away slowly from the pillar of the monolith behind him. "Carson Smith, you have been judged a tier 1 terrorist by the court, you are convicted due to crimes against the state, and have no right to a trial. You have been sentenced to immediate execution. May your soul rest in torture for your crimes." A voice in front of him spoke loudly, as if it was injected straight into his mind. Carson froze, the young man not quite believing his ears. Still, he turned and ran, or rather limped toward the monolith, not believing for an instant that anyone would joke about this after what had just happened. He wasn't stupid enough to try and plead his case. They had already used him as a scapegoat, and he wouldn't leave this room alive unless he did something to save himself. 

"Fire." Carson heard the same voice behind him, and felt numbing fill his body. He fell to the ground, feeling the remnant energy of the crystal trying to patch up the holes now riddling his body. He crawled forward towards the monolith, blood trailing behind him as he went. "Don't let him touch it!" He heard, but it didn't matter. His hand was only inches away from the structure, and about to touch it. Before he did, and only once the shooting slowed, he turned around and gave that rude gesture one last time, sticking out his middle finger, and said what was now beginning to become his signature phrase.

"Go fuck yourself!"

He slammed his hand onto the monolith, and the deafening reverberation from earlier returned once again. He felt his world spin as the pillar pulled on his recently reformed soul. He managed something before disappearing however, the same man who had before ordered his death, now screamed in shrill horror. "Fuck! He's a Primordial!?"

And Carson's world went black.

Oof, took a while to get this one out, homeworks been killing me. Let me know what you think 'bout this chapter.


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