

2 months ago,

A fresh start in a new town. Luna arrived at her new college. She was excited as hell.

"Hey newbie!" A voice came from behind her.

"Huh? Are you talking to me?" Luna turned and saw a tall guy standing in front of her. He was something else. I mean she has met many guys in her life but never saw a man like him. Perfect body, perfect facial features and not to mention a beautiful smile.

"Well, I don't think there is anyone else here." He replied.

"Umm, yes.

"Sorry if I startled you." He said scratching his head.

"It's ok ." Luna smiled.

"By the way. I am Daniel. But if you want you can call me anything, beautiful." Daniel winked.

Luna get confused, he was talking so politely just seconds ago and now he IS flirting?

" Nice to meet you Daniel. But my name is Luna not beautiful."

Daniel laughed.

"Is there a problem if I call you beautiful?

"Yes there is." Luna folded her arms across her chest.

" And what's that problem of yours?"

" I don't like people calling me with nicknames. And now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to my class.." Saying that Luna started walking towards her class.

"But listE....."


"Hey, girl!"

Luna turned to see who it was.

"Umm. Yes?"

" What's your name?" Kiara asked.

" I am Luna. Today is my first day here."

" Oh great. Are you free at recess?"

" I guess. I don't think I have anything to do at that time. But why?"

" I would like you to meet some of our class students. I hope we can be friends."

"Yeah, sure. I'll be there.

Suddenly everyone became quite. Someone's footsteps echoed in the hallway.

"Why did everyone became quite?" Luna asked Kiara. "Because He is coming." Kiara replied in an excited tone. "Who!?"

" Valerius. He is the most popular student in our whole college."


Valerius entered in the hallway and everyone's jaw dropped.

"How can he look so good everyday?" Somebody screamed. Maybe someone who fancies him very much. But it can't be one because looking at everyone, most of the girls were drooling.

When Luna's gaze fell on him, it was like her heartbeat stopped. She had never saw guy like him. Valerius walked towards Luna and towered her. Everyone started to whispering things in each other ears.

" Do you know me?" He asked in a cold voice.


'Someday All The Love You Have Given Away, Will find Its Way Back To You. And It Will Finally Stay.....🖤

Thank you for reading!

More chapters will be out soon ;)

Instagram I'd: k.webnovel

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