
Pouring Rain

I don't know what am I, what kind of creature am I. My soul is kind of spirit. I don't know the start of life, but i sure about the end. Under the giant lush tree, I closed my eyes, lying on a bench relishing a wind blows. A leaf drops on my face unlocking lucid dream, the missions contract meeting. Look, i currently move into another dimension. Everything around looks white, and i wear a white suites. The one who draged me in finally appears. A woman called deity, said that i have 3 days left to end the mission. Its mean i'm going to die, soon. I had no memories about my passed life, also i didn't counting how many times i reviewed. I reviewed for aim, as long as i completed the mission, she grants me memories and decent life.

A year ago, i woke in young man body named Dam. He broke and jobless living with his sister, Jiah. She lost her sight by an accident. She's blind, buries her dream becoming ballerina. Jiah isolated herself, attempt for suicide twice. The second trial harm Dam. He's dying, he's beg for Jiah's better life. The deity sent me replacing him to bringing Jiah form the brink. This is my mission in some countless life. Through some kind of life, i became a professional in gaining wealth. However, wealth can't grants me to cure Jiah. The last three days is counting down, here I'am walking towards hospital and already signing consent for donating my eyes for Jiah and anyone who needs . Eventually times up, mission ends with my death. In a puring rain with perfect preparation of Jiah hospitalize, I leave this body. I left her without knowing, hope her anger and grief will not last.