
Earthland's Gamer

Fairy Tail Fanfic. A boy who was born without magic, yet wished to be mage was gifted with Earthland's version of the Gamer ability. With this ability in hand, he will grow to become the very best like no one ever was. Inglish is not my first langueg, so expect errors, mistakes, and etc. Discord link for those who are interested: https://discord.gg/RKPV39b ***** Disclaimer, I don't own anything from Fairy Tail, The Gamer, or any other fiction that I might reference.

1dope4 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Ch. 13

After making sure that there were no more bandits at the camp, he entered the two-story house that Ron came out of. He dropped a massive rock to board the door and went to sleep. He was left with barely any Magic Power, and he was exhausted from clearing four bandit camps.

When he left the house in the morning, he wasn't expecting to see a bald-headed man with a tornado crest sewed on his clothes. His guns materialized in his hands in a second and were aimed at the man's head.

"I mean no harm!" Richard quickly raised his hands in the air. "I saw you were the one that destroyed four bandit camps, and I just want to talk with you."

Edwin didn't drop his guns and said. "I'm listening."

At the same time, his thoughts were running wild. 'Baldhead had somehow seen me fight the bandits. He's either a mage that is very good at hiding or has a Magic that allows him to observe from a distance.'

"Lord Vertex is thankful for what you've done. He wishes to speak with you and award you for your deeds."

"Don't need a reward, I did it for myself," Edwin answered. He had no desire to meet up with any nobles. Even if they were true nobles as Tom had called Lord Vertex.

Richard nodded his head. 'It seems Lord Vertex was correct. The kid had probably suffered from bandits and was out for revenge. However, judging by his response, he doesn't want to meet with Lord Vertex. Interesting... most young mages would jump at the chance of being recruited by a noble. Maybe he's had bad encounters with them as well, considering he still hasn't dropped his guns.'

"Still, Lord Vertex wishes to thank you in person. You've done his territory a great favor."

"I was planning on moving East as soon as possible," Edwin told him. He was really hoping to avoid meeting a noble.

"Are you thinking of joining the army?" Richard asked, and Edwin nodded to him. A war would be the best place for him to farm XP.

"I see. Well, do you know that Mages who aren't affiliated with a noble house aren't accepted in the army? They could just as easily be spies sent from Sin to sabotage it. You might even get killed on the spot."

Edwin didn't know that, but it did make sense. Still, that wouldn't stop him from camping somewhere near the boarders of Sin and join the fray when the war starts.

"If you are willing to sign a contract with Lord Vertex, you would be able to join the army without any issues." Richard tried recruiting him, but that didn't work on Edwin.

"Not interested in signing contracts. I like traveling and exploring. Can't do that if sign with a noble house," Edwin refused without hesitation.

That proved to Richard that the kid most likely had misgivings with the nobles. Considering how some of them were not the best of people, that was understandable.

"I see. In that case, if you are willing to meet with Lord Vertex, he could write a recommendation letter for you. Wess, the strongest mage in Sankas, is currently leading Lord Vertex's men. With a recommendation letter, you will be able to join the troops Wess is leading."

"But I will have to return to Sankas with you to get the recommendation letter and meet with Lord Vertex," Edwin stated.

"Correct," Richard confirmed.

"Which would give Lord Vertex the chance to force me to sign a contract," Edwin continued.

"He would never!" Richard growled similarly to how Tom did.

"Lord Vertex is a fair man! He would never force you to sign a contract. Lord Vertex only wishes to thank you and reward you for your deeds!"

A recommendation letter to join the army would be of help to Edwin, but he had to meet with a noble to get it. He didn't know if it's the correct choice, but he decided to give Lord Vertex the benefit of the doubt.

"So be it, I will come with you to meet with Lord Vertex," Edwin complied.

"You won't regret this! Although Lord Vertex will be disappointed about not being able to recruit you, he will not force you to join him. Come, let us make haste to Sankas."

Just before Richard turned around to lead him back to the city, a Lacrima in his back pocket stopped glowing. On the way, he introduced himself.

"By the way, my name is Richard Leal," he said and looked at Edwin, expecting him to do the same.

"Ted," he gave him a fake name. He already used Ben before, and that name might have a bounty on it. He wasn't sure if Nelson and Erik had informed what they were going to the Colrane Forest. If they had, there was a chance the house of Anguis had placed a bounty with his fake name.

"Just Ted?" Richard asked.

"Yes. Orphan," Edwin answered him simply. That was at least truthful since he was indeed an orphan.

"You're a very skilled Guns Mage for being so young. Who did you learn from? One would think someone as skillful as you would be better known in the Kingdom," Richard fished for information.

"No one. I'm self-taught," again, Edwin answered with as little words as possible.

"How did you obtain your guns? They seem to be of incredible quality. One would think an orphan wouldn't be able to afford something so expensive."

"Master Crafter N owed me a favor." Edwin had prepared that answer when someone asks him about his guns.

"Really? You know Master Crafter N? That's incredible. Some people say he is an old man, others say he is someone as young as you. So, which is it?" Richard asked eagerly.

"Neither," Edwin answered.

"Neither? What do you mean?" Richard was taken back by Edwin's reply.

"Master Crafter N is a woman," Edwin answered and did his best not to laugh and to keep his face neutral.

"A woman?" Richard asked with wide eyes.

"Yes," Edwin told him with a straight face. If rumors spread about Master Crafter N being a woman, so be it. That would only work in his favor since people won't be looking for him.

On the way back to Sankas, Richard kept asking him questions, fishing for information, but Edwin either lied or answered with as little words as possible. The less people know about him while he was weak, the better.

After they entered the city, Richard led him to the manor of Lord Vertex. It was a four-story building surrounded by high walls. Passing the walls, the path that led to the mansion had gardens on each side. Richard directed him to an expensively furnished room.

"Lord Vertex will be with you in a moment. I'll be right back with him."

Richard left him alone, and Edwin looked around. Everything in the room was of high quality and obviously expensive. If he was in need of Jewels, he might've considered storing something in his pocket dimension, but he had no need for money.

A moment later, Richard returned with a man dressed in expensive golden robes. Lord Vertex gave Edwin an appreciative nod.

"As the Lord of Sankas and the villages around it, I wish to thank you for what you've done for us," Leon was truly thankful of Edwin clearing the bandit groups.

"As I already told Richard, I did it for myself," Edwin replied.

"Yes... I heard," Leon looked at him with pity. Richard informed him of what little information he got from Edwin, and he believed that 'Ted' was orphaned due to bandits.

"I understand you will be able to provide me with a recommendation letter for the army?" Edwin cut to the chase.

"War is no simple matter. Are you sure you wish to join the army?" Leon asked.

"Yes!" Edwin replied.

Leon let out a sigh before saying. "I will contact Wess to inform him about you, but you will still need the recommendation letter to confirm your identity. I will also show you a picture of Wess, so you know who to seek out. Bear in mind you will have to reach Dolanor in the next couple of months. Any later, and you might get sent back."

"Thank you, that would be great."

"Is that is the only thing you want, though? It feels as if you've received nothing for your deeds. You did us a favor, and in return, you get sent to war."

Edwin thought for a moment before saying. "If you have any Magic Book you can spare, I would be glad to accept it."

He wondered if he can learn a Magic without taking a specific Mage Class for it and if it will appear in his Magic tab. If not, hopefully, it would expand his choices.

"A Magic Book? Hmm. Richard did say that your Guns Magic is impressive. Learning another type isn't a bad idea. I have one I could gift you, but I hope you understand that a Mage can't learn any type of Magic he fancies. Some types of Magic are simply not compatible with some Mages."

"I'm aware, but that won't stop me from trying," Edwin replied.

Leon nodded and ordered Richard. "Go grab the Magic Book on Telekinesis and a picture of Wess."

"Yes, My Lord." With that, Richard left them alone.

Leon then asked Edwin a few more questions, similar to the ones Richard had asked him, but he responded with the same answers. Lord Vertex seems to be mostly interested in Master Crafter N, or specifically on the fact that the crafter turned out to be a woman.

Shortly, Richard returned with the book and picture in hand. He gave them both to Edwin, who stored them in his pocket space. He thanked Leon and left as soon as possible. Lord Vertex acted kind, but he was still a noble, and Edwin was cautious when dealing with them.

After making sure he had everything he needed in his pocket space, he left Sankas. His next destination was a few days of travel from the city, the Red Forest. The woods were named after the red leaves of the trees there, and the place was filled with C rank creatures with a few B ranks here and there. That was the perfect place for him to farm XP until he maxes out his current Class.

The first creature he spotted was a large wasp called Arkaitz, and Edwin eliminated them with a vengeance. When he was young, he was bitten by a small one in the neck, and since then, he hated the insect with a passion. He took great pleasure in killing any that he spotted.

The Iron-Antler Elk and Three-Tailed Foxes were the other residents of the Red Forest. He hunted a few of them mostly to harvest some materials, but he mostly kept them alone.

The Arkaitz wasps, however, he went out of his way to find and destroy as many nests as he could find. He wasn't sure if killed of their entire population, but after two weeks of hunting, he stopped encountering them.

During his time in the forest, he managed to get his Martial Arts to increase by 1, and he had nearly maxed out the Skill. He also had minor success with the Magic Book he got from Lord Vertex. However, no matter what he did, Telekinesis never showed up in his Magic tab.

Another week passed after he eliminated the wasp in the Red Forest when he finally maxed out his Class.

[Name: Edwin

Age: 13

Rank: E++

Class: +

Mage: Requip 5/5

Stats: +1 Free Stat Point

Strength: 36.1

Dexterity: 37.5

Spirit: 50.6


Requip 5/5

Guns Magic 5/5


Crafting 10/10

Martial Arts 9/10]

Eagerly he opened up the Class selection window and selected Mage.

[Alchemy, Earth God Slayer Magic, Sword Magic, Telekinesis, Water God Slayer Magic]

No one commented on Richard? Bald head, a patch over his eye, and spied on Edwin. I thought it's obvious.

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