
Chapter 1

It is said that my world has been on fire for my whole life. I've never seen green grass or heard the birds sing or even seen a sunrise without blood spread across the sky. My world is a mixture of red, orange and yellow flames. Death has become my friend, fear my companion and warfare my regular day.

The war between Humanoids and survivors have been going on since history created it so. But in actuality, for the past fifteen years. Ever since Scientist Greg McJeffery found the new formula to enhanced mercury substance to solve our problems as humans. Everything went to shit. He promised it could cure our sickness and our mortality. Yeah, that wasn't the case.

What he didn't know was that this new "cure" was something that would kill us. The mercury was an alien-invested substance that would turn our bones into metal and give each of us an AI program unit to assist such a change. The experiment turned our human side into a machine.

They took over Earth like it was easy. And we let them take us, change us and destroy us. Humanoids are my enemy. My sole mission is to destroy each and every one of them.

Whoever created the monstrosity that took everything I love will be dead from my bullet. I vowed ever since I learned this history, that I, Zeria, will destroy the humanoids for good and restore my people. If only I was strong enough... or at least taller.

I'm ten and short, skinny, weak, all the qualities that make up a ten-year-old. But my soul, personality or whatever that makes me, me, is something different. I have those rare things that everyone wishes they had. I'm incredibly smart, too smart for my own good I guess. But it isn't that, that makes me different, its the fact that I'm resilient and stubborn.

For a ten-year-old, I assume that's weird. I should be into dolls, unicorns or some shit like that. I'm not. I like guns, and fighting tactics and ways to destroy my enemies. Since my world is of warfare, I guess I had to adapt to this environment.

I mean my home is an old army base underground, so in reality, it is what it is. I've been training since I could remember and my father is the leader of survivors, so my relationship to war is thicker than blood.

The only love stronger than my love for war is my small innocent crush on Braydon. Handsome, oh who am I kidding, gorgeous, strong, everything a woman wants. If only I've developed enough to make him want me. He's six years older than me but in a couple of years, age won't matter. Right?

He may be my preoccupied crush as of right now, but he's also my fighting trainer. Now if only I could get the upper hand to take him down. He's taller, faster and too distracting for me to finish him. Ok... at least get a kick into him.

Braydon's been my trainer for a while now and I can't seem to get a hit on him. He's got abs of steel. Truthfully, it's not fair. He is six years older than me. What are my small fists and tiny body going to do to a guy like him?

We circle each other, out of breath and tired. I just have to at least get one hit into him. If I could manage that, it means I progressed. Even if it is just a little bit.

I launch for an attack but he sees right through me. He pushes me to the side and I fall to the ground. Landing pretty hard, I scrap my hands and knees. My anger rises with each fall I land.

I punched the ground in frustration. This is harder than I thought. I know I'm small and he's at least three times bigger than me but I am holding my ground. I just have to be smart. Then it hit me.

"Hey, you getting tired over there?" he asks with his adorable faint accent. British, I believe they once told me.

I know he's just trying to be nice but it's pissing me off. I close my eyes and release all the distractions from my brain. His footsteps are moving closer to me. Just a little closer, and... I swoop my leg from under his feet. He falls harder than I could ever fall.

Quickly getting on top of him, placing a knee on his neck and raising my fist to a punch, I'd say I got him. I cockily smile at him. He's so handsome when he stares at me like it's the first time.

Forgetting he's stronger and that he can lift me with ease, we flip and now he's on top. He cockily smiles down at me and I get more ticked off than before. I knee him in the groin, tilt his head to the side and roll us over. Earning my spot on top again, I regret nothing.

I hear clapping behind me and turn my head into that direction. My father stands there with a proud smile on his face. If only my father wasn't here, I could stay like this for a while.

Distracted once again, Braydon throws me off and I roll away in pain. I slowly get up trying not to wince in pain. I smile at my father with a gleam in my eyes knowing I finally manage to take down Braydon.

Also that I managed to get on top of him but I'll keep that part to myself.

I walk over to my father. His smile still present. He grabbed me into a hug and I almost screech in pain. I try to laugh it off but that just hurts even more.

"That's my little girl." He says happily.

Little. Not a chance. I push away and give him a stern look. "Little isn't in my cards old man. I'm a young woman in training. Show some respect."

He laughs heartily and pulls me into another hug, this time less painful. "Right, my young lady who can kick ass. I guess I should watch what I say." He leans down to whisper into my ear. "You'll always be my little girl."

I playfully push his face away. Of course, when I marry Braydon, I won't be so little anymore. I roll my eyes at him.

Braydon smiles at our loving relationship. I tilt my head to get a better look at him. He may be older but at heart, I'm the same age as him.

"Thank you again for training her, I know Tris should be doing this but she's busy with Elizabeth for her combat training." He smiles at him with a sympathetic gleam to his eye.

Braydon shrugs it off. "I don't mind. Zeria makes an interesting opponent. You never really know what's going to happen next with her."

There. That look tells me I'm more than just anyone to him. If only I was older just to see how we would turn out. I hate being ten.

"That's right. I'm unpredictable. That should be enough to let me continue my training with Braydon. I mean, Tris could never keep up with me. But Braydon seems to know how to push me past my limits." I say sweetly hoping father won't switch me over to stupid Tris who knows absolutely nothing about my feelings towards Braydon.

He gives me a skeptical look before turning to Braydon. "You wouldn't mind being her permanent trainer, now would you?" He asks but really not a question.

"Who would I be to turn down such a character as your daughter. I wouldn't mind. Honestly, I'm curious what she throws at me next." He smiles down at me.

Point one to me and zero to dumb Tris. If only Tris could see me now, she would probably want to break my arm or something. She may be older and more developed than me but I at least have an interesting character. Personality is what actually captures a heart.


"Alright, I guess it's settled. From here on, Braydon will be your new trainer. I'll let you continue then." Father nods his head respectfully at Braydon and rubs my cheek affectionately before leaving us alone.

As soon as Father left out of earshot Braydon glared at me. "Sneaky how you managed to get me stuck with you."

Stuck. The word stung much more than he'll ever know. I tilt my head higher, appearing not as affected as I truly am.

"Anything to get away from Tris, you know that." I tried my hardest not to crack.

He walks a few feet away before turning back to me. "Why do you hate Tris so much?"

Because no matter what I do, she'll have your affection more than I. I am an adult trapped in a kid's body. You don't see it yet, but I am more suited for you than that miss snobby bitch.

"I don't hate her, I just don't like her. Plus, your a better teacher than she is. I feel like I can go all out on you then make it a petty fight." I try to convince myself to make it more convincing to him.

"Petty fight?" He asks.

Shit. "Yeah you know, if I piss her off in some way, she'll pull my hair or something. You would never pull my hair. Girls do that when they get angry. Pull each other's hair. It hurts you know." Crap. I basically told him our petty fights are about him.

Our petty fights are about his affection and most of the time, I get my hair pulled. Truly, if only she would just accept that we are meant to be, then she'll get over it and I won't have to get into any type of fight with her. In the end, I know I'll win this love battle for you. It's just a matter of time.


"What are your petty fights about?" He circles me, knowing I'm lying in some way. Somehow he just knows me.

"Nothing. Just girl stuff." I look away from him.

I walk into pace as we circle each other once again. My gaze fixed perfectly on the ground. He stops and I follow each of his movements. He starts again.

"Are your fights about me?" He questions playfully.

I stop and look up at him. How could someone be as smart as him, be stupid at the same time? Of course, but you don't know that. You're just playing with fire, an untamed and unknowing fire that is surprising and unpredictable. Taking a simple guess because you believe yourself as handsome as ever. And the only guy worth fight for around here.

Not too many options if you ask me.

"If it was about you, it wouldn't be worthwhile now, would it? It's not like I'm someone you're going to pick. If this petty fight was about you, what would be the point when everyone knows you would rather have her than a ten-year-old girl such as myself?" I turn away trying to hide the pain.

I know some truth behind my words but hearing him confirm them would break me. This ten-year-old may have an old soul but I feel pain too. This age difference kills me every single time I see her. So don't make it worse, Braydon. At least wait a few years to see me turn out.

"Why would you cut yourself out of the run?" My heart beats faster than before. "It's not like she's the better option anyway. There are other survivors out in this messed up world. Plus it wouldn't be a fair fight if it's just the two of you." I can hear the smirk on his face.

It may be funny to him but to me, it's the hope I cling onto every day. "Yeah, that's if any girl would ever want to fight for your affection. From what I can tell, it doesn't seem worth fighting for."

He smiles his charming smile. "You know what?"


"Your not so bad to be around."

With that, I could live a thousand days longer without another word from you. Braydon, You have no idea what you do to me. If only... I keep coming back to that. All the if's, all the maybe's, all of this just to wait and see who we are together.

I would fight my death battle for you. I would take a bullet for you. I would do anything for you to please you. Why? Why do you do this to me? My heart can only hold out for so long. Who really knows how long I would hold this love for you. In a moment, this fictionalized love I've conspired in my head could disappear.

These thoughts are my questions to myself that make me question whether or not I really love you. If one kiss from you can confirm that, I would wait years to come for that absolute answer. You're truly the only one I would wait for.

For now, I push any thought that has to do with him just to strike him down once again. I live for the moment he's under me. At least then, for a simple moment, I'm in control. I hold him down to earth and he's forced to see me.

I take my stance once again. Arms up, hands hanging just in front of my face, feet spread apart and Braydon in my direct eye contact.

"I would say the same thing about you but I'm thinking not really."

Next chapter