
Chapter 1- Mission Accomplished.

In the endless vacuum of space, in an irregular Galaxy.

The stars here are scattered about in a seemingly random pattern, and the planets, even more so. It is a place of chaos and disorder, a vast and mysterious place which is home to billions of stars which are constantly changing, with new stars being born and old stars dying causing most of the planets to look burned with no signs of life due to exposure to stars going SuperNova.

Despite the dangers, it is still a beauty filled with mystery and wonders. The stars are as beautiful as diamonds and for a fact some were due to elements and conditions that only science can explain. It is a place of new discovery, a treasure trove that induced many space explorers and daredevils to an early grave. So to avoid such losses, the most common 'beings' that ventured in these parts would be unmanned space shuttles. Advanced spaceships designed for long distance space travel, navigation, voyage etc. Piloted by an AI, like this one.

This space shuttle is equipped with the latest technology. Designed for search and exploration. The radiation and environment have little or no effect on it as it was built for these situations.

But despite its technological advancement, especially in the field of discovery, the navigators and scanners could not pick up the planet right in front of it. If not for the AI assistant that functioned as the 'brain' of the shuttle that noticed the planet from its Eye Borg, it wouldn't have noticed it.

The planet looks like a very big moon with a white-ish and smooth surface, the only blemish being the large crater in its middle. The crater is so large that it could swallow up entire cities, still it covered only 30% of the planet. It is so deep and so dark that the light for the stars around dimmed off when coming close to it, like a bottomless abyss.

Even though the shuttle couldn't get any more information, as on getting closer to the planet, the sensors picked up on a 'Force' ahead that could completely destroy the shuttle if it ventures further, the feedback that it sent to its owner was titled

" Mission Accomplished ".

Some billions of light years away in a room of a shuttle, that looks like a one man command centre of a spaceship.

A man comes into view, looking at him and his environment that has junk everywhere, one word comes to mind, a 'Recluse', a 'shut in' to be precise.

Still in his sleepwear but with his pants down and tissue in hands, he stares at his screen with weary eyes but with a hint of blush on his face. For some of us, it is easy to understand what his actions mean, but for the sake of others I shall not diverge more information. His fun is short lived tho as his screen turns completely red highlighting a message that reads,


We all know that feeling, the feeling of hopelessness. No one wishes to be in that position but we don't always have a choice and when you're finally in that position it's up to you to decide, if you will die like many whose lives have ended in that feeling of hopelessness or to beat the impossible and become the impossible. Yes such is the hope in hopelessness.

This was the situation of the "man", burdened with an impossible task he was forced to take on, he went all in. Used his funds meant for 500 years of space exploration with a crew of at least 30 members, to bid on a state-of-the-art unmanned space shuttle, the latest of its kind.

Many called him crazy, others expected him to fail miserably BUT the message before him now shows that it was worth it.

"I found it?.I found it..HAHA..I actually found it!! HAHA HA~,

joy is so apparent in his voice, this scene would be more heartwarming if he wasn't jumping around with his pants down.

'Requesting for medic droids to take action, the mental state of the commander is critically low immediate action is needed to stabilize his condition', his personal AI assistant notices his condition and acts accordingly.

What is this 'planet' that causes mental destabilizing joy?

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