
Chapter 1


I could hear the cheering crowd, their excitement could be heard throughout to arena. I thought battles like this where are outdated and banned but considering this was the underworld, a fight till death was some sort of entertainment for these crazy people.

My hands have been tied as I sit with the high officials, the crowd goes wild as they announce a new fighter "he's here the one you've been waiting for" I decide to look up "Dread" the commentator shouts excitedly "I want to place my bet seems like for once things are going my way" I gulp, is that who I'll fighting? I hope not. I thought I had hope but I don't know anymore, I think this is the end for me.

I watched the match begin and how he slits the man's throat in a split-second; complete fear grips me. I know I want to die but not like this I want a peaceful way which will be convenient for me, I don't want to feel pain. He had first crushed his bones then slit his throat it was a gruesome murder. I can't die, not like this then his eye meets mine. I turn back to my psycho captor "what did you say my parents did again? I'm not my parents, I never bargained for this!" "That’s the thing, someone has to pay" he says smiling "it's the Rule of the Underworld" which idiot made this rule I think of course I don't say it out. And that was how two days later I found myself in the ring with Dread.

Chapter 1

"Mikayla what the hell are you doing up there "my mom shouts from down stairs "hurry you'll be late for school"."I'm coming" I shout back. I hurriedly put on my white high waist Short and a yellow crop top with different colored designs at the front and my converse shoes and run down stairs to the kitchen. "Took you long enough" my mum says as she hands me my plate of pancakes and syrup. I settled down on my seat and devour my pancakes.

"Ugh are you a pig? eat like a lady your nineteen" my big sister says, she's older than me with a year and nine months.

I look at her plainly "whatever" I turn to the seat at my right "Josh" he is my back up. He shows her the food in his mouth "Eww dad Josh and Kayla are behaving like ruminant animals again""Kaitlyn" Josh and I say giving her a deadpan look, she smiles. "Now Kayla, Josh, how many times do I have to tell you to behave, if not you'll be going down to our store to work as punishment" he says as he walks into the kitchen to where mom is , kissing her on the cheek. Josh has a disgusting look on his face, I lightly chuckle, he always does that.

Kaitlyn puts on her signature smirk, I roll my eyes at her behavior."Come on" dad says "I'll drop you guys off since I have extra time to spare" I pick up my bag pack from where I dropped it at the front door and step outside.

Our town is divided into four the upper region, the lower region, middle region and the reign region. I don't really know why locals call it the reign region, I'm not really bothered about asking since every time I ask about it they just dismiss me. We live at the middle region, security has its fair share and the houses are on the average level unlike the lower or upper level. The town's ok. Everything we need is here not much but its ok. We moved in here two and a half years ago because of dads work and it's convenience to Moms work. Dads a doctor while Moms a detective weirdly cool. I'm happy here.

Dad horns bringing me back to reality. I quickly run to his car and get in at the back seat beside Josh. Kaitlyn always waves the senior flag at us just to seat at the front and dad always sides with her except when we are riding with mom. I'm already used to it.

The dries not long we arrive at Josh's School Trinity High. The school's not fancy, old but respectable. Josh gets off, I smile and wave at him, he smiles and walks to a group of friends at the parking lot. We drive off. While in the car I look up there are rain clouds, well it looks like it's going to rain I just hope it doesn't catch up with me.

Dad drives me to the nearest bus stop and parks, dad and I get down from the car but Kaitlyn remains seated in the car. "Now honey stay safe, don't get into any trouble study hard, don't give yourself so much stress and I believe you will do just great" he kisses me on my forehead. I look over at Kaitlyn, she gives me a salute with her two fingers to her head "bye don't forget to call and visit" she calls out as Dad drives off with a smile.

I scan my surroundings, a man with a long coat and a hat is sitting at the bench provided at the bus stop. Apart from him there's no one; that's the thing about this town it's not that populated the reason why it's so calm. I smile to myself thinking about the encounter I just had with my family. The man sitting beside me stands up, that's when I realize the bus is here. He glances at me slightly, I shrink at the intensity of his gaze although I can't fully see his face, he turns and enters into the bus, I follow shortly after taking a sit near the window at the back as I spot few people seated.

I'm going to Reynard University located at the upper region. I smile knowing I'm studying what I love. I look up and sigh the rain clouds are darker it looks like it's going to rain. The bus ride is slow but pleasant, a soft music tune is playing on the FM while the bus heater warms. I turn and see the man still staring at me, I deadpan what a weirdo. I reach my bus stop and I get up, the man grabs my hand tightly he looks at me in the eye “be careful" he says, then smiles, he then releases my arm. Scared I get down from the bus hastily crossing the road , a car almost hits me, but I run, I can hear the car honking and the driver cursing at me, I quickly enter the dorm building then the elevator immediately I see my room I rush to open the door. Once I enter I lock the doors, I sit on my bed my mind taking me back to the man on the bus. “I’m thinking too much he might be drunk”.

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