
7. Her Tears

In a circular stadium, stood Ainz facing his opponent in what he classifies in his mind as PvP (Without drops). The sky red casting an illusion of despair towards the inhabitants. While the denizens of the party stood with bated breaths in order to view this scuffle between an 'ordinary' human and the heir of phoenix. Of course, Ainz knew their reason for interest, if they were anything like Rias, then the moment he attained a landslide victory, like crows gnawing a body for meat on the aftermath of the battlefield, they too like crows will gnaw upon him.

'In other words, showing too much will bring too great attention but too little will leave a bitter taste. What do you think Ddraig?' The two, dragon and overlord without reason, just to pass time entitled themselves to some meaningless banter. If Ainz wished the battle would not even last two seconds with [Time Stop] and [Paralysis] combo he could easily incapacitate him, ending the fight. though this has no benefit in long term for any of his plans.

'Honestly, partner, I, as a dragon would always boast my power in order to show the lowly humans, devils and every other living being my might but in this instance, you might try to awaken the balance breaker.' A new term entered his mind.

'Balance Breaker?'

Paying no attention to the arbiter of the game or even the world surrounding him, Ainz was focused to learn what more this gear could do.

'Yes, an infernal drive that grants the user great power over the incomplete version.'

'So how do you think, could I activate this skill from this fight?' With words filled with a jest, Ddraig spoke,

'Simple, just play the fool'


The inhabitants of this tomb were at awe, seeing their overlord return after a long time. However, time has changed. With a new goal, the individuals of this place started their work.

"Demiurge. Do you think letting Ainz go in the underworld was a wise thing?" Albedo spoke a bit of anger in her voice. Last time Ainz made his way towards this wayward place, he announced, of his intentions. Many feared for what might happen to their last supreme being in an unknown place, filled with its unknown inhabitants. But demiurge, however, supported this venture.

'Don't worry it will just be like Re-Estize. Nothing will happen'

Sitting before hundreds of virtual screens depicting the visage of Ainz in a body, Albedo would try to stand beside him, to hold his hands once more to just feel its warmth like before. But the staggering amount of changes, facing a new world, finding their lord in a human-like body, able to copulate and seeing him once again numbed those feelings and replaced them with joy and happiness.

The feelings repressed in her heart bloomed once more.


Ainz stood pondering on his throne on what his future actions should be. She thought if Ainz noticed her or not? but before such thoughts could fester jealousy or anger in her heart. Her lord's words encroached upon their minds in order to put a conclusion to this gathering.

"With this, our today's meeting is concluded. For now, you all are dismissed. Serve me well in the future as you have now, everyone"

Mare standing across her spoke, "We won't disappoint you, Ainz-Sama"

The words she spoke was with happiness contrasting her expression in his disappearance. This, at least, brought her assurance that she herself was not suffering alone.

Others, soon, followed giving pleasantries coming from deep within their heart and at last for the first time, all of Nazarick's inhabitants made their way towards their stations with a new drive.

Albedo liked to roll around in her room and gush about her love, made her way towards it but before such could happen.

"Albedo, stay," Ainz spoke. But this time, she could feel nervousness from his voice. Unlike his usual aloof voice, his voice now filled with hesitance making Albedo think if she wronged him anyway.


"Albedo. First of all, I'm sorry." Bowing before her, her lord and the only one who she holds affection, spoke those words with regret as well pain?. This statement alone shocked her to its core.

"Why? Why do you apologize, Ainz-Sama?" Taking a happy expression she spoke, in order to not let him see her unsightliness.



Words were unneeded to convey their thoughts. Their hearts aligned speaking their thoughts clearer and more passionately than their minds or even their mouths every could. A longing that burned her from the moment of his disappearance and the regret of not being able to convey even a fraction of her sadness, overwhelmed her.

A small trickle of tear slowly dripped from her left eye.

"Huh..." words stuck on her mouth, like a lump of breath held against her throat. Making it harder for the cold-hearted girl to hold on her crumbling facade.

But again she stood as an overseer, again she stood forefront of what a servant should strive for and again she denied her love. For it would bring sadness to his lord. For him, even if she had to suffocate her love and coat it with the fallacies of idle banter against shalltear, she would do so. She would do with a smile. For she was an overseer, for she was a girl in love.

"A...inz-S...ama. This...one...ap..."

"Stop" She was about to leave unable to handle it anymore. Bringing sadness to his lord was already breaking her heart. As such she tried once more to deny others the reason, deny her emotions but most importantly deny herself.

However, before this could happen, the monotony of life grips her to its reason, the sands of time even forgetting the shallowness of this women, an anomaly held her with warmth.

"Eh..." Her mind was unable to register what was happening, staggered at this event. Ainz hugged her tightly. Unlike his usual self, where his touch was only permitted in exchange for something beneficial. Now this touch was purely emotional conveying the thoughts on their heart.

"Albedo. I missed you..." This was enough to break the final strings holding back her emotions, allowing the girl who held everything to finally release it. Her despair and horror to know that Ainz left her, the pain stabbing her heart questioning if he ever looked her way or the jealousy towards others, all had disappeared.

In this place of Nazarick, the great halls spoke of legends.

It's every breathe regarded awe from its watcher.

A place which was sacred,

A place which was pure,

And the place where two hearts became one and together,

For eternity to come.

She finally reigned in her emotions. But still, Ainz's hands never left her, giving her a sense of assurance. Ainz, himself was uncomfortable and she knew it. For what maiden of love would she be if she was not able to eye his discomfort. Nevertheless, against his uncomfortable feelings, he still held her knowing that this will give her happiness and so like any wronged individual with a conniving mind, she capitalized on it fully.

Holding him in her embrace as she held him in exchange. No kisses or even a touch beyond it, even still the sentiments they shared were conveyed.

Eventually ending their hug, she looked at Ainz on what he would say.

But again an unexpected thing happened. A red hue crept over his face as Ainz stammered over his words,

"I...sorry of leaving...and worrying you"

She herself wanted to incite more reactions out of him.

"I want to make a request, Ainz-Sama"

"Hmm...Anything. You can ask me anything" Flusterred as albedo was unconsciously touching all over his body, Ainz spoke those words.

"Then, close your eyes." He did so thinking if she has a gift for his safe return.

He felt something soft touch his ears, even still respecting her desires, Ainz endured evoking a sadistic glee on Albedo's face.

Seeing, her, lord writhing in front her, invoked something dark within her. Causing her desire to dominate him, here and now to flare. Losing her sanity little by little as she continued forward.

But again before she would cross the line.

"Ahem..." Mare made his voice known.

"Albedo-Sama. Demiurge calls for your attention in regards to his new project." shyly he spoke bring albedo back to reality. Releasing herself from his warmth, Albedo shifted back to her old self.

With great resistance, the succubus left to do her job.

Ainz Pov:

When Albedo hugged him,

[Emotional Suppression has been Activated]

But again when he relished her warmth,

[Emotional Suppression has been Activated]

The words spoken by her kindled his embarrassment,

[Emotional Suppression has been Activated]

The final touch of her body as she whispered sweet nothingness,

[Emotional Suppression has been Activated]

As he stammered on his words awaking his embarrassment,

[Emotional Suppression has been Activated]

As he rolling on his bed thinking on her words,

[Emotional Suppression has been Activated]

'Perhaps, using that joke item might prove beneficial as this is getting annoying to deal with'

Ainz always knew. He knew her and knew, too her sadness. He wanted to see her as nothing more than her daughter for he felt guilty for his past actions of changing her backstory. However, does this barrier between us more important than her happiness? Those words hit him always. He never allowed her such actions for the reason of her love was wrong but again Ainz was weak.

He loved his children more than anything on this world and if their happiness resulted from being one with him then the overlord he was would grant her wishes.

For the girl deserves it and a part of him knows that without him, Albedo would never find her happiness and in front of her, the one forced on a one-sided love if he courts anyone, then she would break.

The overseer who always supports Ainz would fall from grace.

And so fulfilling her wish would be the correct thing to do so. For her happiness which she never and invoke a smile, a true one forever hidden to the world.

And so he smiled, expecting of the future.


For people thinking it might be an albedo route it might be, it might not who knows.

I like to think of myself as a sort of a mysterious character in terms of waifu selection.

Anyways, if you like it to hand over your stones, now.

"udaudavoodavooda!! udaudavoodavooda!"

Or you might be cursed. Muhaha...

Next chapter