
DxD: The Plunder System (Paused)

Gods, Devils, Angel, Fallen, Dragon... Countless beings, countless skills. So, what does a human do in such a situation? He fucks and he steals. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me at: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

The Aftermath

Bodies on bodies were piled as an aftermath of the battle. Raynare's body was the only one that could not be recovered as a result of Rias using her bloodline skill.

Kento was impressed by the skill far more than any of the other skills he had seen so far.

So, much so that he wanted the skill as well.

But he couldn't take it.

Not yet.

As he recovered the dagger, Kiba asked. "Why did you attack them? Mine and Rias' attacks would have been more than enough to take them down."

He sighed. "They came after me, almost killed me. So, I wanted to assist even if it was only a little."

Kiba found it understandable as anyone would be furious if they were attacked without their fault.

"Your aim was immaculate." Rias complemented, burning down the bodies.

"Your control over water has improved since I last saw you using it." Akeno enjoyed the show a little more than the others.

"So did your fighting ability and strength." Koneko said. "They are way above what you showed me last time."

Kento shrugged. "Been training a bit, besides a man's gotta keep his secrets."

"That was so cool!" Issei nearly jumped towards Kento. "I did not know you were this strong!"

In truth, Issei was a little jealous of Kento. Everyone was interested in him and that made him feel left out.

However, he knew that there was no point in being jealous.

The boy saved him and Asia. If anything, he should be grateful.

"Kento." Rias said, standing in front of him. "I apologize for my behavior. I had a lot going on and these fallen were also a part of the reason. But thanks to you, I can take time for myself to sort out my issues."

She gave him a standing bow, surprising him and a lot of others. 

"Thank you."

Kento knew that it was genuine and it made him rather happy.

'Not everyone owns up to their mistake.'

He shook his head. "I know you all just wanted me to be safe and also wanted to protect the people around you."

He still did not like a lot of things that they were doing, but those were not serious issues.

"So, it's alright." He laughed. "I hope you don't consider me a threat now?"

This made them laugh. 

"No. You are someone that helped us." Rias said.

"Yeah!" Issei nodded vigorously. "You are our friend, man!"

'Friend, huh?' 

Kento wasn't sure if he considered them to be his friend, but they were good people. 

'Never hurts to be on good terms with others.'

Kento nodded and extended his hand.

"Yeah. Friends." He wasn't sure if he meant it. But he did consider them to be good people.

Issei's eyes widened when he saw Kento extending his hand. But when he realized what it was for –he immediately held onto it.

"You bet!"

The entire week had been hectic.

Whether it was regarding Aika or the fallens.

But after all that, Kento wanted to relax for a while. 


Teleporting near the park, he took a deep breath.

He received the skill a while back but he could not use it often as it had a cooldown of six hours and could only teleport him within a radius of five kilometers. 

Buying a popsicle from the guy near the park, he relaxed on a swing.


<<Showing Current Status>>

<Name: Kento Yamazaki>

<Age: 17> 

Race: Human> 

<Class: Inferior> 

<Title: The Plunderer>

<STR: 100> 

<AGI: 70> 

<VIT: 100> 

<PER: 70>

<INT: 60> 

<WIS: 20> 

<CHA: 40*> 

<POINTS: 650>

Kento was aware that he had come a long way from when he started.

Starting with ten points in each stat, he now had hundred in strength and vitality and way more than enough to get all his stats to hundred.

Fighting with the fallens, he learnt that hundred was the mark that would put him on the same level as them.

Low class fallens.

But it was his skills and items that put him way above them even without all his stats being at hundred.

"Alright." Finishing the popsicle, he mumbled. "Let's do this."

'System… put thirty points in agility and perspective, forty in intelligence and sixty in charisma.'

He wanted to put points in wisdom but the system did not allow him. He was certain that wisdom was something far more special than his other stats.

<<Points Allocated>>

<<Showing current Status>>

<Name: Kento Yamazaki>

<Age: 17> 

Race: Human> 

<Class: Unique> 

<Title: The Plunderer>

<STR: 100> 

<AGI: 100> 

<VIT: 100> 

<PER: 100>

<INT: 100> 

<WIS: 20> 

<CHA: 100*> 

<POINTS: 490>

He had more points, but he was going to allocate them according to the situation.

However, the reason he brought all his stats to a hundred was special.

<<Congratulations! Agility has reached 100>> 

<<For breaking the human limits, the host has been provided with a skill!>>

<<Hermes' Celerity (A): Gives the host a 50% boost in agility when fighting opponents with any advantage over the host!>>

<<Congratulations! Perspective has reached 100>> 

<<For breaking the human limits, the host has been provided with a skill!>>

<<Athena's Insight (A): Gives the host a 50% boost in perspective when fighting opponents with any advantage over the host!>>

<<Congratulations! Intelligence has reached 100>> 

<<For breaking the human limits, the host has been provided with a skill!>>

<<Coeus's Perspicacity (A): Gives the host a 50% boost in intelligence when fighting opponents with any advantage over the host!>>

<<Congratulations! Charisma has reached 100>> 

<<For breaking the human limits, the host has been provided with a skill!>>

<<Adonis's Charm (A): Gives a 50% boost in charm if facing a female harbouring feelings of hatred or disgust towards host.>>

<<Class Upgraded>> 

<<Inferior → Unique>> 

<<Skill Obtained>> 

<<{Cupids Love}: Allows host to change the flavor of his ejaculation according to the preferences of his partner>>

Seeing the chain of system notifications, he felt happy.

'I wonder if the increase in class gives any other benefit. But for now, I will take the skill.'

He noticed that the skill did not have a grade, which made him wonder if all sexual skills were without a grade.

He also received a lot of other skills but he wondered if it would be a common thing if he increased a stat by another hundred points.

However, he did not want to gamble and decided to keep the points for later 

Because there was another thing that he had to do before all that.

[Skill Grade Increment Potion (S) ×1]

[Skill Grade Increment Potion (A) ×2]

<<Grade Increment Potion (S): Increases the grade of a desired skill by three grades.

Note: Grade cannot be increased to S or above.>>

<<Grade Increment Potion (A): Increases the grade of a desired skill by two grades.

Note: Grade cannot be increased to S or above.]

It was pretty clear from the description that for him to get a skill to S grade, he needed an even better potion.

'Or maybe there is some hidden condition.'

"For now, let's worry about this."

He had gathered quite a lot of skills.

And quite a few skills that he could not increase the level of.

Like the skills he received from getting his stats to hundred.

But even without that, he had a few spells that he could increase.

{Inspect (F)}

{Water Manipulation (F)}

{Blindshot (F)}

{Light Manipulation (C)}

{Teleport (D)}

He left out strategist because the skill was directly proportional to his intelligence and wisdom. 

So, excluding {Strategist}, these were the skills that he could improve.

And honestly, he wanted to get {Light Manipulation} to grade A.

But there were a lot of problems with doing that.

"I cannot use that skill as freely as I want to."

Until he can come up with an acceptable reason for him being able to use the skill, he could not recklessly use the potion for that.

And he also wanted to improve his {Teleport} skill.

"If the cooldown is reduced and distance is increased, I might be able to apply it in battles."

But was it a smart choice?

He asked himself.

'It is not.' He knew.

Being able to teleport endlessly was the ultimate offense and defense.

However, he knew from the other skills that getting that skill to grade C would not be enough to reduce the cooldown to the needed amount. 

'Even if comes down to ten minutes, it will not be worth it.'

He needed the skill to be at least of grade A.

"So it's decided."

There were only three options left now.

"How do I go about this?"

Summoning the grade A potions, he wondered how to use them.

It could not be poured over a skill. After all, a skill was not a physical object.

"I hope this works."

Closing his eyes, he chugged down the potion.

And to his surprise, the potion tasted like honey.

<<Grade Increment Potion (A) consumed>>

<<Which skill would the host like to upgrade?>>

'It worked!'

Grinning at the question, he answered.


<<Using the potion to improve {Blindshot(F)}>> 

<<Improvement made!>> 

<<{Blindshot(F)} → {Blindshot(D)}>> 

<<Blindshot (D): The first five shots made by the host are guaranteed to hit the target. Additionally, any shot made after the first five shots has an additional 60% chance to hit the target.>> 


Following this, he consumed another potion.

<<Grade Increment Potion (A) consumed>>

<<Which skill would the host like to upgrade?>>


He answered immediately.

<<Using the potion to improve {Inspect(F)}>> 

<<Improvement made!>> 

<<{Inspect(F)} → {Inspect(D)}>> 

<<Inspect (D): Allows the host to check the name, age, skills, class and special trait of an individual.>> 

Now this was an amazing improvement.

He did not have to guess the class of an opponent based on their skills. He could get the accurate class without much effort.

"And finally."

<<Grade Increment Potion (S) consumed>>

<<Which skill would the host like to upgrade?>>

'Water Manipulation.'

After all, it was his main offensive skill that he could use without any worry.

<<Using the potion to improve {Water Manipulation(F)}>> 

<<Improvement made!>> 

<<{Water Manipulation (F)} → {Water Manipulation (C)}>> 

<<Water Manipulation (C): Allows the host to summon and manipulate water for offensive and defensive measures.>> 

"It didn't give me much of a note about the improvement." He mumbled. "Guess, I will have to try it out myself."

But he was going to do that later.

Because for now.

He was only going to rest.


[[A/N: Read Ahead: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

Didn't post earlier cuz of my routine medical checkup.

With this, it's the end of an arc. 

From the next chapter, it will be a new arc and we will focus on factions and pantheons other than the three current major ones –Angels, Devils, Fallens.

Till here it was just an introduction to the DxD world that followed canon as much as possible. Now MC will explore characters that were not explored much in the anime or LN.

For starters, we will focus on two specific pantheons.

Post Edit: After reading the comments of this chapter, I realised how dumb a lot of people are. The boost passive skills are activated if he faces enemies with "ANY" advantage over him. You can at least think a little hard and figure what "ANY" might mean.
