
Chapter 46: Dohnaseek!

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On top of his head, he wore a black fedora. Even if I had quickly recognised him from the anime, Observe still managed to do its thing.

[Dohnaseek. Lvl 57. Fallen Angel of Grigori

HP: 9825/9825

MP: 5075/5075

STR: 178

VIT: 165

DEX: 175

INT: 89

WIS: 75

LUK: 40

In a fit of rage, the fallen angel known as Dohnaseek collaborated with a devil to carry out a massacre in a town that worshipped the God of the Bible. As a result, he was cast down from heaven a few hundred years after the Great War.

After killing his Devil partner, Dohnaseek was expelled from Heaven, and he thereafter spent the next several decades destroying anyone who even considered the God of the Bible in any capacity.

He was discovered by the leaders of Grigori and taken into custody, where he was somewhat curved out of his more violent tendencies.

However, should the God of the Bible be mentioned in his presence, he is likely to return to them. He was taken into custody by the leaders of Grigori.

The following feelings are current: intrigue, anger, and disgust.

The opinion that he has of you is that because he does not understand what it is about you that makes you so significant that Raynare's team is tasked with keeping an eye on you, he considers you to be a waste of his time.

Because you are a human, he despises you and feels utter revulsion against you.]

"Now, tell me, isn't it fascinating?" When he eventually came closer to me, I murmured under my breath as I completely blocked out the windows in my mind and concentrated all of my attention on him.

My ears were filled with the sound of the band Disturbed's song "Into the Night" all of a sudden.

It was... appropriate, taking into consideration what I was sure was going to be happening in a few seconds if the desire to harm me that was coming from him was any indication.

Taking into consideration what I was sure was going to happen in a few seconds. The ability to Detect Bloodlust had already progressed two levels, and it was continuing to do so gradually.

Before laughing at me, he gave me an arrogant glance in my direction. "To judge by the defence you put up, which only just about succeeded to stave off my assault, I have no choice but to acknowledge that you are more intriguing than you appear. Yet, unfortunately, that won't be enough to save you tonight. I've had enough of doing absolutely nothing except vegging out on my couch. You die tonight boy. It makes no difference to me if Azazel-sama finds you interesting or thinks you are something else."

The abrupt emergence of the cloak caused Dohnaseek to strengthen his stance in the air, and I stared up at him in silence without making a sound before mentally asking for my inventory and using psychokinesis to equip The Cloak of Deathly Midnight.

I had the pleasure of seeing his eyes widen as I appeared in front of him using Flash Step, grabbing into his shoulder with enough strength to rattle his bones there thanks to my Reinforced strength, which was superior to his. I had the pleasure of seeing his eyes widen.

Before I broke the silence with an even tone of voice, I peered blankly into his wide eyes. "Not here. Zombies are the ID you create."

The sun turned blood red, and the city of Kuoh took on the appearance of a post-apocalyptic wasteland as once-immaculate structures and homes fell into disrepair and were levelled.

The snarls and groans of the undead could be heard all around us, and there was smoke billowing from many different parts of the city.

Even though it was obvious that Dohnaseek was shaken up, he still tried to attack me with a light sword that suddenly materialised in his palm.

I was able to retreat, but the attack resulted in a brilliant flash of light and the shattered glass of a window as it tore through the final layer of my Mana Shield.

Dohnaseek growled and glared at me while he frantically searched the area with a trembling light weapon in his hand. "What kind of a mistake is this?! What on earth is that?!"

Before I responded, I looked at him expressionless, which served to unsettle him even more. After that, I spoke in a monotone voice that was devoid of any emotion.

Gamer's Mind is awesome since it helped me pull off this performance, despite the fact that I was a little concerned about it.

"In order to protect Kuoh City from the aftermath of this battle, I took us into a dimension that I had created myself." Because of my skills, I was better than Dohnaseek in every way, except for the amount of health points that we both had. However, because he had a lot more experience than I did, I had to be very careful and not hold anything back.

It was because of this that I put on the cloak and led us into the zombie identification room.

Boosted Gear was my fallback plan in case I couldn't handle everything else. I jumped right in and started using the Cloak to communicate with the numerous Nazi zombies that were there without any introductions.

Because of this piece of information, his eyes widened in dread as he understood that I was capable of conjuring up entire dimensions at will and luring anybody I desired into them. He heaved an audible breath as sweat started to break out of the pores on his face.

It was as though he had come to terms with how stupid he had been when he attacked me, and it appeared as though he was regretting it more than anything else in his life. His pallor and expression on his face told the whole story.

After another second, he appeared to regain his composure and growled at me while pointing his light weapon in my direction.

At that point, I was visibly shaking even more than I had been before. "What difference does it make if you own a Holy Gear that enables you to construct dimensions?! Human, I will put an end to your life before you ever become a danger to us Fallen Angels!"

I responded to his assertion by slowly cocking my head to the side, and then, without saying a word, I pointed my hand at him. This caused him to visibly flinch and put up his defences.

After nothing happened for a few seconds, he appeared perplexed, but he was forced to take evasive action when a snarling zombie charged at him from the top of a store.

When Dohnaseek turned around, he saw an army of zombies clothed in military uniforms snarling at him from the roofs all around us, and his eyes widened in response.

"Devour him."

Dohnaseek's eyes widened even further as my emotionless voice resounded, and the contingency of undead leaped at him with inhuman strength, rotten bloody teeth bared and ready to tear his flesh and arms posed to rip his limbs. My voice resounded, and Dohnaseek's eyes widened even further.

The Fallen Angel withdrew his attack as he began to defend himself against the zombies that had managed to get closer to him.

He created a light shield on his free arm and pulled back. I observed with great curiosity as a multitude of light spears materialised above him and began to advance and attack the zombies that had not yet approached him.

According to what I was able to piece together, the reason for this was to reduce the amount of zombies that approached him.

I took my time to evaluate his reaction speed, his awareness, his habits, and how fast he was while Dohnaseek took his time to gracefully dispose of the army of zombies I sicked on him.

I was relieved to see that despite his amazing speed, it was in no way fast enough to overtake him. In point of fact, I was confident that I was considerably quicker than he was.

That was supported by our data, but in order to be certain of it, I required more than just statistics. It wasn't made clear to me by Observing whether or if Dohnaseek possessed any skills or equipment that could boost his abilities in the same way that mine could. I was relieved that he didn't since it gave me the confidence that I could easily finish him off.

~I was sure that I instructed you to wake me up if anything exciting took place while I was sleeping.~


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