
Chapter 18: wait did I even have to...

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She gave me a little head shake while looking at me. "Don't be concerned, Ise. I still have a tonne of errands to run, but I've also decided to start going to the gym in order to be in better shape. After all, we can't let the goods go to waste, can we? "She spoke with a wise expression on her face as she closed her eyes and nodded her head.

After I had finished drying my hands with a towel, I told her, "Of course," as I closed the window that had notified me of the creation of the skill "Dish Washing" (Really?). I had just finished cleaning the plates, vases, and utensils that we had used earlier in the meal. "Dish Washing" was a newly created skill. Since you are going to the gym, do you think it is OK for me to buy food for myself?

She gave a slight nod in response. "Not worth your time. Since I will be getting there about the same time that we eat, I will get it on my way home from the gym and bring it with me. Bear in mind that it won't be on a daily basis because I'll only be there three times a week."

I smiled and nodded at her before picking up my luggage off the ground. "After that, I'll be on my way. Have a good night, mother. Love you, "After saying that and giving her a peck on the cheek, I turned and walked away. Because I had Gamer's Mind, I was confident that expressing my affection for her would come through as naturally as it did. I was grateful for it since it made the lie I told simpler to tell.

I exited the house and, after accepting the standard reputation gain quest that required me to get to school early and get back home early, I activated Observe and started making my way to Kuoh Academy while keeping an eye out for anything and everything that caught my attention, whether it was interesting or uninteresting.

After Gamer's Mind and Gamer's Body, Observe was the most potent weapon I possessed, so I had to work as quickly as I could to strengthen it so that I could glean as much information as possible from just a single glance.

It didn't level up, it didn't even get close to levelling up by the time I got in Kuoh because I was sure that beyond level five skills will only level up quickly in battle scenarios, and unfortunately I didn't have a lot of time because of school and sleeping...


Did I even need to sleep?

To clarify, I think the inquiry was appropriate. My health was not, for lack of a better word, "monitored" in the traditional sense of the phrase. It was tracked by my HP, and Gamer's Body ensured that any exhaustion or physical discomfort I experienced lasted for no more than a few seconds at most before I was able to wish it away.

The use of Gamer's Mind would also alleviate any mental exhaustion I experienced as a result of not getting enough sleep. My face began to break out in a maniacal grin as I started giggling to myself in private.

Ah. The state of disrepair.

Anyways, my devilish phase of the day came to an end right before Kuoh came into view, and thank goodness for that since it spared me the peculiar glances I would have undoubtedly gotten if I had walked in randomly giggling like your usual cliché bad villain does.

Anyway, after acknowledging Sona's return with a nod and the feeling that my reputation with her and the school was gradually improving, I walked towards my classroom and took a seat there. Sona, who had been surprised to see me so early the previous two days, was no longer surprised to see me so early.

There was a capability that I wasn't able to test out the day before, and I was positive that it would be useful at some point. I reached into my bag and pulled out a book at random to examine it with observe. Even though it had been running nonstop ever since I left my house, observe had not progressed to a higher level.

I heaved a sigh of exasperation and shoved that to the back of my mind before pulling out a book on mathematics and staring at it. I checked around to make sure no one was staring, and then I concentrated on the book.

I hushed, "Knowledge Absorption," and I was relieved that it was a method that could be kept under wraps.

My eyes widened in surprise as I felt my mana copying what was written in the book and implanting it on my head. I felt my mana going from within my core towards the book using the contact with my skin as a medium. I felt my mana copying what was written in the book and implanting it on my head.

The majority of the information was either something I was already familiar with or something I just dimly recalled; nonetheless, thanks to this, I get the impression that I won't have any trouble recalling what I learned through the application of this strategy.

When I looked up, I saw Katase and Murayama walking into the classroom. I was about to start salivating like a subnormal fool when I saw them.

When they noticed that I was staring at them, Katase gave me a friendly grin, while Murayama made a smirking face at me.

Katase signalled to me with a hand motion that she wanted to speak with me later, and I was positive that the topic would revolve around where we were going to hang out after school. I was right.

Before she and her buddy took their seats, I gave her a nod, which caused her smile to become slightly larger.

Before Aika entered the room, I had a moment to pause and take in their stunning appearance. She gave me the sexy eye, and I returned it with an amused expression, which caused her to giggle like a schoolgirl (well, sort of).

As she took her seat, I admired her curvy figure and shrugged my shoulders. Of course, I was observing her for the purpose of grinding (hehe).

After a brief period of time, I decided that I had had enough of staring at her and tore my eyes away from her. I then pulled another book out of my bag while flagrantly ignoring the intimidating entrance of Motohama and Matsuda.

My eyes were glazed over with hunger, and if anyone had caught a glimpse of them, they would have immediately assumed that I was a psychopath.

"The Acquiring of Knowledge."

I had every intention of using this much beyond its intended purpose.


After devoting the first thirty minutes of the first period to studying the information contained in the books that I will be using throughout the academic year, I came to the conclusion that I could spend the remaining time of the period honing skills that were neither flashy nor required any mana due to the fact that my mana regeneration rate was fifty.

In addition to Observe, I maintained Stealth and Reinforcement's activation, which, amusingly enough, allowed me to sneak up on those who were unaware of my presence and scare them.

In addition to that, I spent the entirety of the morning irritating teachers with my now perfect grasp of the school content — my information absorption had reached level three at this point.

They had all noticed that I wasn't paying attention, and they had called me out on it. I had been making an effort not to pay attention, but they had pointed it out to me.

When they tried to embarrass me by asking me questions on the topic, they found themselves even more embarrassed by the fact that I had impeccable answers from the textbook. It was my hope that if I carried on like this for a week, they would get the message and stop bothering me.

The enhancements to one's reputation that resulted from learning the subject matter and refraining from displaying their expertise were likewise valued.

As a result of my consistent use of Stealth around other people and my ability to sneak up on them, I was able to level it up to ten, making it my highest skill. The bonuses it got at that level had me drooling with excitement.

After seven hours of continuous use, the Reinforcement skill barely advanced two levels. I was aiming to get it to level ten so that I could take advantage of the boost in bonuses that appeared to occur every five levels of skill.

Observe received two levels as a result of the fact that I was paying attention to such diverse subjects as ants and plants. It had reached level seven at this point, which meant that I had two more levels to go before I could view characteristics and emotions.


When we will reach 20 patrons on Pat-reon I will mass release of 10 chapters of my both fanfic on webnovel and on patre-on too. So If you want to read ahead you can visit my patreon there you will be able to read 6+ chapters ahead now. There is a fanfic of naruto 18+ too with many lemon scenes. Thanks you


Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read ahead or just want to support take a visit on my patreon. On 20 patron I will mass realise of 10 chapters here and on patr-eon.



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