
Chapter 16 : "Half-human

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"The offer shall remain open."

The living room fell into silence after that. Not much was to be said. Hiroki then broke that silence, "So what do you plan to do with Hyoudou-san and his date with the Fallen Angel?" At that, Akeno's expression stiffened and Rias paused mid-sip. "I do hope you don't plan on letting him die. He'd join you since I'm aware that Devils form harems and we all know what his dream is…"

Kasane was much more blunt, "Even though the Three Factions are at a stalemate, this is your turf and you've yet to route them out…"

"With how brittle this Cold War is, I cannot make a hasty move without starting another war," Rias said respectfully, yet she wanted to explode on these two.

"That's fair," Kasane relented. "Even though he is one of the Perverted Trio, do not let an innocent boy die because you want him in your peerage. You will be taking away his consent."

"That's not my idea," Rias said. " I prefer not to force people into my peerage."

What a load of shit, the blue and white duo thought. She seemed to be the type to take what she wants without consequence. And since she's a Maou sibling, she thinks that she'll get away with it. You'd sell out your best friend to get what you want.

Akeno, meanwhile, moved behind Hiroki and leaned herself on his shoulders, her boobs swarming his head. "Ara, Hiroki-san, so what were your plans?"

Kasane looked irritated that this girl was throwing herself at her man. She was nice to a limit and that limit was fastly approaching. Hiroki just looked bored, sipping his tea without pause.

"Take Kasane out and go on a date with her, maybe not in that order. To be truthful, if you do not wish to see what happens when I claim her, your visit will be cut short…"

"Pervert…" Koneko said with a deadpan.

"Jailbait," Hiroki shot back without pause. Koneko glared at Hiroki, "Anyway, what do you plan on doing once Hyoudou-san is in your peerage? I do hope you plan to inform him of his Sacred Gear and all relevant background information."

Rias set down her tea on the provided tray, then sat back on the couch, "I do. I don't want my adorable servants unprepared."

Hiroki eyed Rias critically, staring deep into her blue-green eyes, "Hope that you do. Misinformation causes problems. Also, if it is the Gear I am thinking of, I want to train him."

"You could…if you join my peerage," Rias' mouth curved up slightly.

Hiroki snorted out a laugh, Kasane joining him, her shoulders shaking. Rias, however, did not find this funny. "One, he's not in your peerage yet. Two, you don't control me. Three, you must be deaf. I said I or Kasane-chan are not joining a peerage ever. Let me also remind you that you are guests in our home. We can just as easily kick you out as we invited you in. Now understand, Heiress Gremory, if Hyoudou-san does carry the Sacred Gear I believe, you need me to train him. He carries a Dragon-type Sacred Gear, do you know what that means?"

Rias, fortunately, did know. With a sigh, she said, "A Dragon can only train from another Dragon."

The navy Dragon smiled, his fangs slightly showing, preening at being told right, "Good."

Kasane shifted closer to him, "Is there anything else you wish to discuss?" Kiba and Koneko have been silent, drinking tea and devouring snacks, respectfully. Akeno helped herself to more tea.

"Himejima-san, you did not have to make more. I would have done so if you asked," Kasane said, watching her return with a full pot.

Rias shifted her gaze to the white-haired girl, "What are you?"

"Half-human," she replied blankly.

"So what is your other half?" she pressed.

Kasane huffed, "Nosy much?" At the same time as Hiroki said, "Careful where you're going with this, Gremory-senpai," he warned sternly.

Koneko spoke up, "Her energy is not that of a Devil."

Akeno's cheerful look turned neutral as she glanced at Kasane, who to her credit, did not flinch. Seconds later, that neutral look turned to a frown, "Strange, I cannot tell at all."

"Not a Dragon," Kiba muttered.

Hiroki and Kasane shared amused looks. "I'll give you a hint, she's not a Youkai." It was unhelpful and he knew it but this was their chance to mess with them a little. He received four blank looks. He shrugged, "What? It's obvious. Narrows it down, and provides entertainment."

Kasane looked at the clock, "Hirochi, that place in Kyoto closes in an hour and a half."

Following his mate's gaze, he nodded, "Sorry, we'll have to discuss more at a later date."

"Are you a part of the Youkai Faction? Are you here to spy or sabotage us?" The tone conveyed from the crimson heiress not only set off Kasane, who then slowly paled as the question reached Hiroki's ears.


Hiroki's Dragon aura flared, crushing the teacup in his hand, spilling on his skin, and even though it was hot tea, he showed no reaction to it being on his skin. In fact, it steamed off his skin! This caused the peerage to widen their eyes, Akeno only smiled with flushed cheeks. "You are not as intelligent as Sitri-san. Please consult with her before you throw a severe accusation like that at us. If you must know, Yasaka-san had taken in Kasane-chan and me because we were orphaned on the streets of Kyoto. Without her, who knows what could have happened to us? The Maou Leviathan is more than aware of our presence, no doubt Sitri-san had contacted her about us after we declined her offer. She also knows that we have no intention to harm either of the Maou siblings that reside here. However, you are pushing my patience."

Rias faltered at the mention of Serafall and the leader of the Western Youkai Faction. The peerage was now tense. This had not gone to plan.


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