
A3! Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Athena Alexandria Andromeda merupakan anak perempuan dari Billionaire Algio Alaska Andromeda dan Afsheen Aurora Afrodit. Athena sangat menyukai kegelapan dan ketenangan. Apa yang diinginkannya harus didapatkannya bagaimanapun caranya, baik itu dengan cara baik atau sebaliknya. Zeus Arion Atlanta seorang ceo dan mafia kejam, berhati dingin. Sehingga membuat rekan rekan bisnisnya dan orang orang yang ada didunia bawah takut berurusan dan membuat masalah denganya. Ketika takdir mempertemukan dan mempersatukan dua orang yang tidak saling mengenal dengan kepribadian dan karakter yang hampir sama.

    Lusi_Adelia · Teen
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    I Really Am a Slag Shou! (Quick Transmigration)

    Chi Zhao binds with the slag shou system, and if he succeeds in his missions, he will be rewarded. But who said life is easy! A rich old man who was slagged by him: “I know you love me. Your past pains, I’ve already investigated them.” The star admiral who had been slagged by him: “Don’t be reluctant anymore! I’ve always known that you didn’t betray me.” The entertainment mogul who was slagged by him: “Don’t make any noise. Honey, will you come home with me?” The dark sentinel who was slagged by him: “Now, do you still want to say that it is not my child?” The prince regent who was slagged by him said, “The mountains and rivers are yours, but you are mine.” … Chi Zhao burst into tears: “Boss, believe me just this once. Let me get the reward, okay?” Thinking that the acting is very good, in fact, every day he’s spreading meng. NOT MY NOVEL !NOT MY TRANSLATIOIN ! I TAKE NO CREDIT ! Support the source --> https://kktranslates.home.blog/2020/10/29/i-really-am-a-slag-shou-by-%e4%bd%a0%e7%9a%84%e8%8d%a3%e5%85%89/

    Miss_Tester · Fantasy
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    聚餐结束,漂亮女同事借醉酒为由,让你送她回家,请做出选择: 【选项一:开着自己外表改装成A3的RS3送她回家,奖励:每日脱发量-10】 【选项二:以自己回去还要改bug支撑项目上线为由拒绝她,奖励:计算机基础理解+1】 【选项三:揭穿女同事刚才喝的是果汁,装醉是馋自己的身子,奖励:随机知识升级点+1】

    程序员小朱 · Urban
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    A3! x future children?! Fanfiction

    Atichan13 · Fantasy
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    I Have Medicine- Reupload Translation

    This work is not my original work but a translated version. To show support to the author see the original version. Author- Falling Clothes Become Fire https://www.novelupdates.com/nauthor/%e8%a1%a3%e8%90%bd%e6%88%90%e7%81%ab/ Description Gu Zuo: Are you sick? Gongyi Tianheng: You have medicine? Gu Zuo: You’re sick! Gongyi Tianheng: If I say I’m sick, can you cure me? Gu Zuo: If I say I have medicine, would you want it? Gongyi Tianheng: However much you have is how much I want. Gu Zuo: However much you want is how much I have. Gongyi Tianheng: Then bring it all out. Gu Zuo: … Simply speaking, a scaredy-cat shou transmigrated and had to think of a way to survive. He had a golden finger called Medicine Refining System, but unfortunately, he didn’t have the ingredients needed to refine medicine and level up. A great young master to an empire’s preeminent clan had a super high IQ, but his potential for cultivation was low. Unfortunately, pill refiners were too hard to develop, and weren’t restricted to his personal service. But he could acquire plenty of ingredients. Two people, one was sick and one had medicine. Therefore, the one who was sick kept the one who had medicine, and everyone was happy.

    Mera_Valentine · History
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    The A's

    Graffory , Travis , and Addy are cousins. The three of them loves each other very much. For people Graffory is an famous idol or a singer of limpong country , Travis is a famous well-known chef and Addy is a car racer. these three are really famous in limpong country but behind their cute and handsome face they hides a secret. For people they are celebrity but their real identity is A1 , A2 , and A3. The problem occurs when A1 kill the beloved brother of mafia king who was living out of country since long time. When king hear the news of his brother's dead he comes back and starts to search of 'A's. "will king succed in finding the murderer of his brother?" "Are they really cousins??" "will the world get to know about their identity one day??" "what is the truth that graffory hides?" "to know this all read my novel...""thank you"

    Jehu_Na · Action
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    지투지 - https://g2g03.com/registration2 온라인 스포츠 베팅 및 온라인 카지노를 위한 최고의 베팅 회사 지투지주소 https://xn--mp2bs6av7jp7brh74w2jv.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80%EC%A3%BC%EC%86%8C/ https://xn--9b6ba185d.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80%EC%A3%BC%EC%86%8C/ 지투지 https://xn--mp2bs4m3sb78h9lq.casino/ https://xn--9b6ba185d.casino/ 지투지벳 - https://xn--g2g-d97lq12h.com/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80%EB%B2%B3/ https://xn--g2g-d97lq12h.com/category/%EC%98%A8%EB%9D%BC%EC%9D%B8-%EC%B9%B4%EC%A7%80%EB%85%B8/ https://xn--g2g-r28oa.com/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80/ https://xn--o79a85u1ybkuu.com/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80-4/ https://xn--o79a85u1ybkuu.com/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80%EC%A3%BC%EC%86%8C/ https://xn--mp2bs4m3sb78h9lq.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80%EC%A3%BC%EC%86%8C/ https://xn--mp2bs4m3sb78h9lq.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80-2/ https://xn--mp2bs4m3sb78h9lq.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80/ https://xn--9t4b23sgte.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80%EB%B2%B3-3/ https://xn--9t4b23sgte.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80%EB%B2%B3-3/ https://xn--9t4b23sgte.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80%EB%B2%B3-%EC%9E%85%EA%B8%88-%EB%B3%B4%EB%84%88%EC%8A%A4-%EC%97%86%EC%9D%B4-%EB%AC%B4%EB%A3%8C-%EC%8A%A4%ED%95%80%EC%9C%BC%EB%A1%9C-%EB%A6%AC%EC%96%BC-%EB%A8%B8%EB%8B%88/ https://xn--9k3b13i95ki1e66a.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80/ https://xn--9k3b13i95ki1e66a.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80-4/ https://xn--mp2bs6av7jp7brh74w2jv.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80/ https://xn--mp2bs6av7jp7brh74w2jv.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80%EC%A3%BC%EC%86%8C/ https://xn--mp2bs6av7jp7brh74w2jv.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80%EA%B3%84%EC%97%B4%EC%9D%B4-%EB%AC%B4%EC%97%87%EC%9D%B8%EC%A7%80-%EA%B6%81%EA%B8%88%ED%95%98%EC%8B%9C%EB%8B%A4%EB%A9%B4-%EC%9D%B4%EB%8B%A4/ https://xn--mp2bs6av7jp7brh74w2jv.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80/ https://xn--mp2bs6av7jp7brh74w2jv.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80%EC%A3%BC%EC%86%8C/ https://xn--mp2bs6av7jp7brh74w2jv.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80%EB%B2%B3/ https://xn--mp2bs6av7jp7brh74w2jv.casino/ https://xn--mp2bs6av7jp7brh74w2jv.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80%EA%B3%84%EC%97%B4%EC%9D%B4-%EB%AC%B4%EC%97%87%EC%9D%B8%EC%A7%80-%EA%B6%81%EA%B8%88%ED%95%98%EC%8B%9C%EB%8B%A4%EB%A9%B4-%EC%9D%B4%EB%8B%A4/ https://xn--o79a85u1ybkuu.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80%EA%B3%84%EC%97%B4%EC%82%AC/ https://xn--o79a85u1ybkuu.casino/ https://xn--o79a85u1ybkuu.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80/ https://xn--o79a85u1ybkuu.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80%EB%B2%B3/ https://xn--o79a85u1ybkuu.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80%EA%B3%84%EC%97%B4%EC%82%AC/ https://xn--o79a85u1ybkuu.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80/ https://xn--o79a85u1ybkuu.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80%EB%B2%B3/ https://xn--o79a85u1ybkuu.casino/ 벳레이더 https://xn--mp2bs6av7jp7brh74w2jv.casino/ https://xn--9b6ba185d.casino/%EC%A7%80%ED%88%AC%EC%A7%80/

    John_gabriel_david · Games
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    Shamas zaman

    Oppo a3s

    Shams_Arain_1089 · Urban
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    Cassio Series 1: Falling Star

    Agent A3 or known as Alexa Alliah Aleejah Montreal is the youngest daughter of Agent 666 or known as Mr. Alejandro Cañoza Montreal and his wife Mrs. Belinda Schemetzer-Montreal, the Mafia Queen of Schemetzer Organization in Europe. She's a doctor and at the same time an agent slash a reserved military army. And on the other hand-Marcus Kim. The main singer and oldest in the group of CASSIO. A K-pop group that known all over the world.

    venus_Cortez · Realistic
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