
talking to Lucifer

I got up from the bed and put on the clothes that were on the side. It was the first time in my life that I had put on such formal clothes. What they had left on the side of the bed was a black suit. It seemed pretty expensive, like these tailor made Italian suit Harvey Spencer like wearing. I did non know how to put the tie so I just left it to the side. Just when I finished preparing, as if he had been waiting for me to get ready, Sirzechs entered inside the room.

"Oh. I see you got up already. Honestly when you dropped from the sky, I thought you would die. " He said keeping the smile plastered on his face.

"Lucifer-san, was it? Thank you for helping me. May I ask you where I am." Judging from the demonic aura of the people around I can guess it somewhat though. I must be in the underworld.

"You can call me Sirzechs you know. I took you in the underworld after the battle to recover since Asia Argento too was injured and had fainted. "

"Asia is injured? Is she fine?" I asked anxiously. I had passed only some days with her, but in my heart she was already like a sister. I guess her innocence made we want to protect her. The same protection I had desired too.

"She is fine. You can go to see her later." He said smiling. " Before that, I wanted to thank you for the help you gave during the fight. I was very impressed by your strength. I wanted to ask forgiveness for what has done the heir of the Astaroth's house." In that moment I felt like someone had dropped a bomb on me. Didn't he mention that piece of shit of Diodora. Wait. He wants to ask forgiveness?

"You see, we were investigating on the movement of the ex devil king faction too. Azazel told us about the incident that happened to you. Connecting Ophis's snake clue with the information gathered by his vice, we came to the conclusion that Diodora probably was with the Khaos Brigade. Since it could damage the reputation of my friend Ajuka Beelzebub, we decide to bury the incident and declare that he was killed by the ex devil king faction." He said. Thank god, he did not want to kill me. This man scares me to death. His aura of destruction, makes me feel really vulnerable. I do not know why, but I can feel something like death in his aura. It reminds me of the same feeling I had before dying. Like just by touching I would end in total darkness.

"So you did know it. Thank god, I run away then." I said relieved.

"In reality you would not have been harmed even if you were to remain in the city. After all, for us demons the energy you use seems invisible. No, you seem invisible. Nothing would have leaded us to a friend of Rias. We would have started a conflict with the fallen angels though. They did have a base in the city after all." He said casually.

"I do not know if to be glad or curse myself for having wasted so much time for nothing." I said exasperated.

"Ahahah. Do not worry. In the end, you actions helped us establish the peace treaty. The only thing I regret was not coming fast enough to save my sister's servant. I've never seen her so much hurt."

"He did die in the end, huh. I guess it was his decision to become a devil so you sister should not feel guilty about it. It's ironic, I saved him from the fallen angels and he in the end went and got killed from another fallen angel." I said. I was a little saddened for his death. Not because I liked him. I just felt responsible for not warning him enough of the dangers this world had. From what I watched in the first season, he would have chosen to become a devil every time just for some boobs.

" Do not worry. It is not your fault. I just hope my sister can recover from this. Anyway I wanted to thank you for you help and if possible ask you something." He said smiling.

"I'm all ears."

"What do you want for the help you gave us during the fight? First I must give you a proper reward. " The moment he said that, I knew what I wanted. This was my opportunity to thank my parents for all they had done for me. For having loved such a crazy child. This would be my parting gift. This accident made me realize how much of a disaster I was for normal people.

"Could I ask you to make my parents rich. Enough for them not to worry about anything anymore. Enough to repay them for having put with a son like me. If it's not enough, I can work for it. If possible I would like them to be protected too. " I said while bowing my head. For them I would even grovel if it was necessary. Since the time I was born, I've felt guilty. Was I not possessing the body of their children? Was I the killer of their children? The more I helped them, the more I could escape from this nightmares. I loved them after all. Watching their face turn to disgust would be enough to break me.

"Will you not go back? You can still dissolve the spell, you know."

"Going back would make me happy, not them. Staying away from them I can have what I desire. They can be safe. Just knowing that is enough for me." I said smiling sadly.

"I understand. I will do everything in my power to help you parents. I swear it on the name of Lucifer."

"Thank you. " I said. "It means a lot to me."

"Doing only this makes me feel like I took advantage of you though. I will build a nest for you and Akeno too. After all you will be without a home after this. " He said smiling mischievously. In that moment I felt really embarrassed. Don't tell me listened me talking to Akeno? My black history keeps getting bigger.

"Thank you. " I said still red like a tomato.

"As for the favor I wanted to ask you. Could you please talk to my sister and help her get up?" He said.

"Are you sure you want me to talk to her. We were not that close." I said surprised.

"From what I have heard about you, it seems like you experienced a similar experience to my sister. I would like for you to help her get up and maybe train her like you did with her peerage. I was impressed by their progress. After all they destroyed Riser and his peerage. Of course, I will compensate you for that too. Ask me for anything." He said. I guess she did lose someone to the fallen angels like me. He did promise me to protect my parents so I could give it a try.

"Ok. I will do what I can." I said.

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