
DxD: Lelouch Vi britannia Return In Ero world As a Black Knight

Lelouch vi Britannia or also known as Zero had many Contracts during his living years that he made, but this one was different because it was a contract with a devil. Now he is in a completely different world where devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels live, but they will also know the the name Zero now.

vilan864 · Anime & Comics
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132 Chs

Chapter 71: Perverted

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"Who did it?" She growled, wanting to take vengeance on whoever killed her best friend. She didn't care she hadn't known Lelouch back then, she'd still tear the bastard apart for him.

Lelouch sighed quietly before responding. "No one you'll ever need to worry about." Not unless the God that punished him by sending him to this world chose to punish Suzaku in a similar manner when the second Zero finally passed on.

He wondered what kind of punishment Suzaku would encounter once he died, he had been Lelouch's second greatest collaborator after all. Behind C.C. of course.

Koneko frowned as Lelouch dodged the question, still she could tell he was telling the truth. "Did you already kill them then?" She wondered, recalling that, when he was telling her the abridged version of his past, he held no compunction against killing family. Killing the person who killed him would be all too easy.

Lelouch wondered how to answer that question, there were a few interpretations he could give. Suzaku was still alive beneath the mask as far as he was aware, but his identity was completely subsumed by Zero now.

And Suzaku had been officially listed as "deceased" after the Battle of Damocles. "Not exactly." He chose a technically true answer, considering Suzaku wasn't dead but the identity was.

"Just know that they won't be coming after me ever again." While they were both best friends and worst enemies, he and Suzaku had completed the Zero Requiem.

His penance in blood for killing Euphie had been paid. Lelouch doubted that his replacement would try and kill him a second time, even if he ended up in the same world.

"I'll take your word for it." Koneko hated how Lelouch could dodge questions so easily, trying to get a straight answer out of him was like trying to wring the perversion out of Issei.

It could be done, but only on rare occasions and it was always temporary. "Lady Rias will likely want to talk with you, to get to know you better so that, if anything like this ever happens again, we can't be shocked by your past.

" Rias had clearly been more focused on improving Issei's growth, allowing Akeno to train Lelouch in her stead.

But Koneko was willing to bet that her willingness to leave Lelouch be had changed after Lelouch revealed that he was concealing his name in the world of Familiars and what Unas had hinted at while he was in control.

Rias saw her Peerage as family and, as far as she was concerned, family shouldn't keep secrets from one another.

Lelouch felt a growl echo in the back of his throat before he sighed. "I suppose… I suppose I could answer some of her questions when she confronts me." Lelouch conceded.

He didn't plan on sharing his past, certainly not more than he shared with Koneko, but perhaps he could clear the air a bit by answering whatever questions Rias had about him.

Thunder crashed again, ending the conversation abruptly as Koneko flinched again and Lelouch returned to his ministrations.

He scratched one of Koneko's ears, causing the Nekoshou teenager to purr in contentment. A yawn escaped his lips, drawing one from Koneko as he did. "Let's try to get some sleep.

" Lelouch mumbled tiredly, shifting on his side. Koneko didn't have to compensate much as she was already laying on hers, but she wrapped a leg around Lelouch's waist, eternally thankful that he was wearing boxers at the very least, and held him close.

"Just. Please hold me until the storm passes." Koneko mumbled as her eyes began to droop tiredly. Her forehead pressed into Lelouch's chest while he pet her and her purring slowly evened out into snores as the Knight and Rook fell asleep.

Lelouch didn't last long in school the next day, his exhaustion apparent as he fell asleep three times in his first class.

Knowing that his lethargy would only get worse as the sun rose higher, he made a request of Sona to have all of the teachers send his homework to the ORC clubroom and made his way there to take a catnap.

He had relished in the cool darkness of the room and crashed almost immediately on the couch, hoping to be able to sleep until the sun went down and his Devil strength was no longer sapped by the light of the day and his lingering exhaustion from the previous night's escapades.

The door to the ORC clubroom slammed open hours later, waking Lelouch from his extended nap.

He looked pulled out his phone to check the time, noticing that, while he had slept less than he would like he still got a decent amount of hours out of it.

The young man put his phone away as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and sat up, observing a frazzled looking Koneko stomping angrily into the room.

He tugged at his uniform, loosening up the wrinkled clothing and took note of the signs of Koneko's annoyance. Her hair looked like she had been shocked by static, and her tail was twitching in irritation.

Lelouch was surprised she had dropped the illusion she normally held that concealed her cat-like features, she must have been really upset if she had let it go at school.

"What happened?" Lelouch asked, noticing that Koneko had almost immediately turned to him with her claws and teeth bared before retracting them seeing that it was him who spoke.

'Well, she's pissed.' Koneko didn't exactly have a hair-trigger temper, but when she was angry it took her a while to calm down.

"The perverted bastards were spying on the girls in the locker room again." Koneko answered as she started pacing around the room, only feeling a little bit better now that she was near her best friend.

"Only this time they somehow managed to get inside a locker and were giving a running commentary." Koneko's ears twitched and she flexed her fingers.

"I beat those idiots to a pulp." They deserved nothing less in her opinion, violating everyone's privacy like that. Especially hers.

Koneko hated being spied on.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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