
Chapter 37: Facepalm

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"Name the time and place." Kiba riposted, causing Koneko to choke and Lelouch to shoot up from her lap in shock, both staring incredulously at the blond Knight.

"I don't work for free though, gotta pay up." He couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing as Lelouch pat Koneko on her back to help her choke down her donut.

"Damn you Kiba." Lelouch and Koneko growled together before the blond boy went "Been there done that, I'm a Devil remember?!" Causing the pair to facepalm at the horrible joke Kiba had just subjected them to.

Thankfully for what little sanity Lelouch had remaining, Rias entered the room with a grin. "Kiba, could you go get Issei please?" Rias asked, her excited smile not dropping in the slightest.

"I need you to keep this plan under wraps, but when he goes after the Fallen Angels I want you and Koneko to follow him.

" She looked at Kiba before he left. "You'll understand if Issei does as I expect, just don't mention any of this to him."

Rias turned her attention to Koneko and Lelouch on the couch. "Now, you two, I have different orders for the two of you.

" She made her way to the front of her desk and leaned against it, her face shifting from excited to solemn.

"Koneko, I want you to back Issei up when he goes after the Fallen Angels, Lelouch." She turned to her second Knight.

"If you're feeling recovered enough from your training with Kiba I want you to come with Akeno and I.

" She crossed her arms and decided to offer incentive to her Knight so she could see how well his training had paid off the past week or so.

"We'll be holding off the rest of the Fallen Angels while Issei storms their base, if you're not up to it Akeno and I can handle it ourselves."

Lelouch considered his options, knowing that he had until Issei arrived to answer. "I'm well enough, besides," a cold smile flickered on his face for a moment.

"I want to get my revenge on the Fallen Angel who killed me." Lelouch knew Rias had baited him with the knowledge that they were going after the other Fallen Angels, but he didn't care. He wanted to extract his pound of flesh.

He wanted to kill the one who killed him.

"Excellent, now, one of you will have to tell Akeno to keep quiet if she arrives while Issei and I are talking." Rias ordered, eyeing the door. Kiba would be back any second.

Koneko patted Lelouch on his leg. "I'll tell Akeno, you rest." She said shortly as she finished her donut and reached for another.

Koneko knew her friend was exhausted after Kiba's speed training. She didn't want him to get hurt if he went into battle when he wasn't fully rested.

Lelouch smiled and replied with, "Thanks." Just as the door opened and the occupants pretended they hadn't just discussed manipulating Issei into running into Fallen Angel territory.

Lelouch didn't know if Issei could stick to a plan properly so he had no problem with this, especially as it would allow Issei to grow in maturity as he faced down the Fallen Angels to save a girl he cared for beyond mere Lust.

At least, that was Lelouch's hope as he sat back to enjoy the show Rias would put on to drive Issei to save Asia.

The slap was a bit unexpected, but Lelouch was intrigued by the possibility that it was possible to be released from a Devil's service. 'Huh, interesting.' He'd have to keep that option in mind for the future.

And when Rias talked about the unique nature of the Pawn, declaring the Fallen Angel area enemy territory, Lelouch almost smirked. If that wasn't bait to encourage Issei he didn't know what was.

Akeno walked in and Koneko finished off her third donut before going to talk to her. Lelouch couldn't hear the whispered conversation, but Akeno nodded with a small smile.

Koneko turned and gave him a nod as she sat down, he responded with a smirk. Looks like Rias had better luck with plans than he did, this one had gone off without a hitch.

Akeno walked up and whispered in her ear. Rias nodded. "Something has come up, Lelouch, Akeno, and I have to step out for a moment." Lelouch nodded in understanding and rose from his position lazing on the couch.

Koneko grabbed his hand before he left. "Careful." She whispered, looking up at him nervously. Lelouch just squeezed back and whispered, "Will be. Promise." Before letting go, he gave her a soft smile.

Koneko had a serious fear of losing those she was close to, so her reaction was understandable. Lelouch just did his best to comfort her the way he would have comforted Nunnally in her position, he would return to his friend alive.

He followed Akeno and Rias to the magic circle Akeno had prepared, Rias ignored Issei's questions and gave him a final warning before they teleported away.

When they arrived at their destination, they were in a forest. Lelouch looked around, getting a feel for his surroundings before he heard the voice of the Fallen Angel who killed him from a tree branch above the trio.

"Ooh, ask and you shall fucking receive." She cursed with giddiness before jumping down to the ground.

Lelouch felt his Wrath pulse as he called out to it, responding almost eagerly as his cold rage spread out from the center of his chest and began to envelop his body. He concealed it from the outside though, focusing on using it to increase his power.

'It will double soon, and then stop.' Lelouch was increasing his power far faster than he normally did, but so long as he didn't go beyond double his base power, he wouldn't have much to worry about.

He just had to be careful because he normally increased his power carefully, he didn't want to get overwhelmed.

He was having a hard time caring about getting overwhelmed by his Wrath when he was standing in front of the one who killed him.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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