
DxD: Lelouch Vi britannia Return In Ero world As a Black Knight

Lelouch vi Britannia or also known as Zero had many Contracts during his living years that he made, but this one was different because it was a contract with a devil. Now he is in a completely different world where devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels live, but they will also know the the name Zero now.

vilan864 · Anime & Comics
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132 Chs

Chapter 3:decorations

There was also a bookcase filled with history books and other books Lelouch had found interesting between the entertainment center and the staircase.

There were no excess decorations, it was very Spartan for a high school student, but that's how Lelouch preferred it.

Not much, but it was a decent place to live all things considered. Lelouch finished making his snack, placing the knife in the sink after making his sandwich.

He ate it quickly as he walked up to take a quick shower to relax after another annoying day in class, then he'd get started on his homework.

He quickly climbed the stairs, walked down the hall, and made his way into the bathroom.

As he flicked on the light, Lelouch removed his uniform jacket before peeling off the rest of his clothes, he turned the knob in the shower and waited a few minutes for it to warm up.

Stepping in, he groaned in relief as he felt the nice warm water cascade down his form.

Nothing quite like a hot shower after a day of boredom.

It was the simple pleasures that made life worth living he decided.

Later that night, Lelouch was dreaming about his past. Only, it had been going differently than he remembered.

He found himself trapped in Shinjuku again, but instead of escaping after taking control of the terrorist group, he found himself trapped under rubble with C.C.

who granted him Geass once more. Only this Geass was a completely different kind compared to the one he had been granted in his first life.

He woke up suddenly, feeling suffocated by the black armor that had appeared around him in his not-memory dream.

Lelouch slowly sat up, moving the blankets off of his sweating body as he tried to stop himself from shaking.

'What… was that?' He wondered quietly as he stared at his shaking hands. Whatever that armor was, it was nothing like his own Zero uniform.

It was impossible to describe how it felt as anything other than wrong. It was something that should not have existed.

"I need a drink." Lelouch murmured as he clenched his fists to force them to stop shaking. He shoved his blankets away from his sweating body and stood up wearing only his black boxers, preferring to sleep like that when it was a hot night like this.

He let his eyes adjust to the darkness before making his way down stairs to avoid falling down the stairs. As he made his way to his kitchen, Lelouch thought about what he was going to do about the dreams he kept having.

This dream was only the most recent in a string of strange dreams that had been occurring on and off for the past month or so.

This one was somewhat different, he could actually recall it for one, but it was also different in the overwhelming sense of pure dread that had permeated the dream.

He had not felt like that in Shinjuku back what felt like a lifetime ago, he had been scared for his life yes, but the overarching sense of dread he felt in that dream felt far worse.

He opened up his fridge and pulled out some milk and a glass from his cupboard. He poured himself a glass of cool milk and made his way back to his living room.

He decided to flick on the television for a little background noise as he drank his milk and turned on his couch to stare out the window at the black sky.

It was a full moon tonight, lighting up the vast expanse of space alongside the stars in the sky.

Although, there seemed to be a shooting star tonight he noticed. Lelouch blinked as he realized something alarming.

'Um, it's coming this way… and it's not stopping.' His mind supplied only one phrase he could say at this moment as he quickly ran to the far corner of his living room, curling up to protect his head between his bookcase and the stairs.

He saw the light about to crash through his window. "Fuck my life." His window shattered and Lelouch ducked down to avoid the shards of glass flying through the air.

He got lucky for once and none of the shards hit him, but the star, rather the body that was glowing like one, smashed into his table and he had to resist a groan at how much it was going to cost to replace it as it completely shattered.

Lelouch eyed the groaning mass of flesh laying on the remains of his table from his position in the shadow of his staircase.

"Ow, fuck, fuck, fuck!" the female figure shouted. "I'll kill you for that you fucking devil bastard!" The blonde-haired girl's clothing was… well shredded was the best description Lelouch could come up with.

Her Lolita dress was hanging on to her petite form by literal threads, one of her pigtails had come loose, draping her hair over her right eye.

And he could very easily see her breasts, the shreds she may have once called clothing doing nothing to hide her form.

But the thing that drew most of Lelouch's attention were the black feathered wings coming out of her back.

He heard flapping sounds and turned to his window again in time to see another figure with black wings enter through his destroyed window, landing on the shards of glass and glaring at the blonde thing in front of him.

"You're quite vulgar aren't you," the voice of Kiba sounded. "Is that why you Fell?" Lelouch blinked in shock at seeing his blond classmate with black wings coming out of his back.

Unfortunately for Lelouch, when he tried to shift to escape upstairs, his foot crunched some of the glass on the floor,

he flinched as the glass dug into his foot but more importantly the sound had the effect of drawing the attention of the two winged creatures that broke into his home.

"Hello there," the blonde said seductively which creeped Lelouch out.

"Are you dressed like that just for me?" On the other hand, Kiba's response made Lelouch want to strangle the blond man.


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