
DXD : Kraken

MC reincarnated into the DxD world and has a Sacred Gear. MC's purpose is to protect his family and have a happy life. If you don't like MC catching pokemon then you should skip this fanfic. If you hate Rias and devil then you should skip this fanfic… This is my first time writing a fanfic and I'm not good at English… Thanks

SSasuketamin · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 2: This school has a lot of Devils .

While Sasae was assessing the two girls in front of him, a distorted voice resounded in his head.

[ Instead of appreciating those fat lumps, you should be careful, kido. They are devils .]

'Oh, I know. I feel their aura. Looks like they didn't intentionally hide it completely. After all, normal people can't feel the two of them.' Sasae replied back to the voice in he head.

[Um, I just advise you to be careful. After all, you don't have much of a happy past with the Devil… Neither do I.] The voice inside Sasae's head once again warned him.

' If these two devils appear here like this, then they are probably high level devils and Kuoh is their territory. That means this school may have many other devils… What are they called… peerage… A system of slaves and high level devils are slave owners.' Sasae said.

[That's why I warn you, high-level devils are not as easy to deal with as the stray devils we used to kill.]

' Well , thanks for worrying about me Kraken . ' Sasae said with the voice in his head , or more accurately Kraken . The monster was sealed inside Sasae's Sacred Gear.

[ Who cares for you ? I just don't want you to get in trouble and die a stupid death. Though I doubt that a troublemaker like you would enjoy getting involved in crap…] Kraken said.

While Sasae and Kraken continued to argue, Ranko patted him on the shoulder.

"Why are you so dumbfounded? Let's go Sasae-kun."

"Ah um…"

"Don't tell me you're attracted to other girls." Nari commented sarcastically.

"Can't blame Sasae-kun, after all, his alma mater is full of boys. At that time, it was just me and a group of other female students. The rest are all male students." Ranko said.

"Indeed, it's a school full of thugs. It was fortunate that back then I enrolled in Saint Ishiyama Academy."

Sasae just remained silent, indeed his old school was a rather chaotic place. At least until he brought it under his control.

The three then continue to enter Kuoh High School until they are stopped by two girls with glasses.

"Please stop for a moment." The bespectacled girl with large breasts said as she stopped the three of them.

" What 's up ?." Sasae said, now he also noticed the banner on her hand instead of her bosom swaying as if it were going against the laws of physics.

'Are they the student council?.' Sasae thought.

"Sorry to block you, but can I ask who the three of you are? From your uniforms, it doesn't seem like you're a student in the school." The girl with the bob hair said.

"If you want to ask someone's name, you should at least introduce yourself first, it's basic courtesy." Sasae answered simply.

"Sorry for my lack of courtesy." The girl with the bob hairstyle adjusted her glasses and continued talking. "I am Shitori Souna, the student council president of Kuoh High School." (Author: Sorry if this isn't Sona's fake name, I forgot her fake name.)

"I'm Hatsuji Sasae, a transfer student." Sasae said as she looked at the two girls standing next to her.

"And I'm Hatsuji Ranko, a transfer student." Ranko introduced .

"…Hatsuji Nari."

After hearing the names of the three people standing in front of her, Souna nodded in understanding and said.

"I see, so you are three transfer students. I have read through the profiles of three of you. Please follow me to receive the uniform." Souna said before looking at the big-breasted girl standing beside her. "Tsubaki, continue here to do your job."

"Yes, Souna-Kaicho." Tsubaki said.

" Please follow me ." Souna said as she led Sasae's group with her. After a few minutes of walking through the corridors, the three finally arrived at the student council office.

Sasae's group received their uniforms and was instructed to move to their classroom fairly quickly.

"Good luck Sasae-kun, Onee-san will miss you very much." Ranko said with a sad voice while hugging Sasae.

"Okay Nee-san… Come to your classroom." Sasae said. Now he would go towards the second year's classroom while Ranko walked towards the third year's classroom, and Nari headed towards the first year's classroom.

"Good luck Nari-chan." Sasae said.

"Don't add more chan, Nii-san." Nari rolled her eyes shyly.


Inside a certain 2nd year class at Kuoh High School, many students chatted among themselves. Mostly they were discussing the arrival of three transfer students this morning.

"Hey, did you hear that we have 3 new students today?" a girl with no special features asked another girl. The girl in question just nodded and answered.

"Indeed, there were three strange students this morning and from what I heard they were transfer students. The two female students were beautiful beauties while the other male student was as handsome as Kiba. -kun." The girl answered while sneaking a glance at a handsome male student sitting at the back of the class.

This handsome student with blond hair is none other than Yuuto Kiba, who is known as Prince Kuoh.

"Hey, this new student is really handsome. If I were a girl, I'd fall in love with him at first sight." One male student said.

"Yo, are you okay bro. It would be normal for you to notice the two girls walking beside him but why are you paying attention to this ikemen?." Another male student complained.

While the other students continued to discuss with each other, the teacher entered the classroom and told the students to take their seats.

"Okay class. You've probably heard about this news, but we have a new transfer student from Shiga Prefecture. You can come in!"

The classroom door opened and a student wearing a Kuoh Academy uniform entered the classroom.

Entering the classroom was a boy about 1m80 tall with black hair that slightly covered his dark eyes. He had a mysterious aura around him and the girls in his class screamed when they saw him. That male student was Hatsuji Sasae.

"Kyaaaa! He's so handsome!" One female student shouted, and the other students started shouting the same.

"Yes!! He's more handsome than Kiba-kun!"

"I ejaculated." One male student said.

After a few minutes, the teacher once again stabilized the class and spoke.

"Well, you can introduce yourself, Sasae-san."

"Okay!" Sasae stepped forward and introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Hatsuji Sasae!." Sasae introduced himself simply.

"Do you have any questions to ask Sasae-san?" Teacher said. Then a few hands went up. The teacher then selects a random student.

"Hatsuji-san, where did you study before you moved here?" A female student asked.

"Ah, before I moved here, I attended Ishiyama High School." Sasae said

Immediately the whole class fell silent, even the teacher started to sweat when he heard my answer.

"And as you might think… It's a school that produces a lot of criminals or thugs… At least that was before I started studying there… Now that I've moved, I'm also I don't know what it is like now." Sasae said.

"So you are a tycoon in Ishiyama?." A male student worriedly asked.

"I don't know… Probably not. I just didn't want to be bothered by them while I was there." Sasae said.

After finishing the introduction and the students' questions, Sasae was assigned her seat by the teacher. His seat was behind a handsome male student. After Sasae sat down in her seat. The male student turned to meet Sasae.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Yuuto Kiba. Hopefully from now on we can get to know each other." Kiba said while raising his hand towards Sasae.

"Nice to meet you, Yuuto-Kun." Sasae replied.

Immediately the girls in the classroom started screaming while bleeding from their noses, even the female teacher got nosebleeds when she saw Kiba interacting with Sasae.

"Kyaa, I'm dying." A female student said.

"What a wonderful sight."

"Guess, Kiba-kun is on top or Sasae-kun is on top?"

Sasae's eyes twitched slightly when she heard the female students' comments. However, he was just trying to ignore everything.

The class went on quite boring and everything quickly ended. What he cared about was that this school was full of devils… A lot of devils.

[ You are so unlucky kido , sasasa . This school is full of devils.] Kraken said.

' Well, I'm not afraid of them… I just don't want my family in trouble.' Sasae said as he walked out of he classroom.

It was lunch time so Sasae gathered together with Ranko and Nari. They decided to go to the rooftop and start having lunch together.

"So what do you think about this school?" Sasae asked Ranko and Nari.

"This school isn't bad~ I was put in a class full of pretty girls. If you see them, you might fall in love with them Sasae-kun. However Onee-chan will protect you so that you don't get robbed by them." Ranko said while hugging Sasae.

"Nee-san you shouldn't do that here." Nari reprimanded Ranko's brocon.

" And you ? ." Sasae asked Nari.

"The class is pretty good, other than that, nothing special. Fortunately, I was seated close to a quiet classmate." Nari said while thinking about a white haired loli.

While the three continued to talk to each other, three strangers entered the terrace.

Walked in front of three girls, one with bright red hair with an attractive body. Behind her is a black-haired girl with oriental beauty and a white-haired… Loli. Sasae immediately realized that these three were definitely devils. If it was only him, he wouldn't care too much about them because the Kraken had hidden his aura. In their eyes, he would be just an ordinary person. However, Ranko and Nari are different… They don't have anything to help them hide the Sacred Gear that is still asleep inside of them.

' Mah, that's troublesome.'