
Good news

I finished my assignments and exam so that's the reason I haven't been able to post much. Thank god for that. I'm just built different.

Also, the first volume is done, LETS GOO!! This volume has been more of an introductory to what's gonna come. I need to plan out where the story will go in volume two so I wont post for a couple more days but fear not my readers, I shall upload at least three chapters when I do post. (Sometime this week)

Also during the weekend I read a really good novel. The novel was called , Rebound: A 2nd Chance by The_Gaji.

Since I wont be positing for a couple days you guys should give this a chance. Its a good story that will drag you through many emotions(Not sad but more anger, frustration, and most of all excitement)

Also I will have a new schedule for updating(I'll try to follow it as best as I can)

1-2 chap per day making it around 30-50 chaps a month. I'll also take small breaks in between volumes to prepare the next volume and to make sure I wont burn out.

Thanks for reading and again make sure to give, Rebound: A 2nd Chance by The_Gaji, a chance.

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