
Chapter 5 Shin offered a solution.

Afterword, he would go on his night run, usually getting home at 9:00 P.M. where he would eat his sixth and final meal. Meal six was unlike the others, as it could be considered a meal, but it wasn't actually food.

For meal six, he would drink a liter of milk with peanut-butter chocolate protein powder, and a banana. After his sixth meal, he would go meditate in his room for 30 minutes usually, trying to unlock his sacred gear but this far had been unsuccessful.

After meditation, he would go to bed, ready to start the next day. And thus, was the daily life of one Shin Hyoudou as he prepared for what he knew was to come in the near future. All of this was so he could get stronger, so he could strengthen his body. He was excited to see what the future had in store for him.


For as long as he lived, there was one thing that he had always seen people do. You could say it was human nature, I guess. That being when the average person saw some huge bodybuilder walking down the street, they always say, "Just imagine how much they have to work out to look like that."

What would Shin say to those people? Well, to sum it up, he would say their ignorant. The truth is, you don't even really need to work out every day to look like a bodybuilder. Ask any bodybuilder out there in the world, they will always tell you the same thing.

Lifting weights is easy, and over time, you start to find exercises you really enjoy, giving you the motivation to work out. The hardest part of gaining muscle is eating. For the first month of his new 6000 calorie diet, he had done relatively fine with his diet, sticking to it without any problems.

However, the longer he was on it, going on four months now, the harder and harder it became to keep that same motivation. For anybody who has tried to bulk, they could surely sympathize with how hard it is to eat when you're not hungry. To force-feed yourself, knowing that without it, you would not reach the goals you wanted.

Shin couldn't help but think to himself, could this be considered an eating disorder? Usually, an eating disorder has negative effects on your body, like anorexia. Although it wasn't as bad as most eating disorders, he was sure his blood pressure would disagree.

However, the upside is that he was making good progress so far. Just the other day, he had deadlifted 130kg, which was no easy feat being at 68kg. Although, it admittedly wasn't as much as he was capable of lifting in his previous life.

Unfortunately, he was quite sure he did not have the Boosted Gear. When he made the goal of getting up to 90kg, he accounted for the possibility of him having the Boosted Gear, allowing him to essentially juice himself up on mega-steroids without negatively affecting his body.

However, he was thus far able to put on 10kg of lean body mass, which was an impressive feat, far better than anything he had ever achieved before. The most he had ever put on before during a cycle was 13kg over the course of a full year.

He had suspicions that the reason for this was genetics. As he had stated before, his genetics were much better than his previous life, and that fact just kept appearing again and again.

Tapping the button on his alarm clock just as it started ringing, he sat and swung his feet over his bed, landing on the coal hardwood floors. Walking into the bathroom, he emptied himself of his bodily fluids and did something that has become a habit to him, and that was weighing himself as soon as he woke up.

Getting on his scale, his eyes widened when he read the readings. Not believing the readings, he double-checked to see if he was holding something or if anything was sitting on the scale that would tamper with the readings. Seeing none, however, he stepped off the scale and reweighed himself. The scale shooting out the same numbers.

"That doesn't make any sense. How did I gain 2.2kg in a single night? That's months' worth of progress in a single night!" Shin said, surprised. "Well, I guess I am still going through puberty, so there is always the chance I got a sudden inrush of hormones," Shin mumbled trying to make sense of the situation.

After going through his usual routine of breakfast, meal prep, and his run, he was now approaching the student council office, ready to eat meal two. Currently, there were very few people roaming the halls of Kuoh Academy due to it still being over half an hour before school starts.

As he entered the student council room he was greeted to the site of Sona and Tsubaki, the president and vice president of the student council respectively, working on several stacks of papers.

"What's with all the papers? That's even more than normal." Shin asked, drawing Sona's attention, showing the bags under her eyes, suggesting she had been at this for a while.

"The Kuoh Academy DNS crashed, so everything that is usually handled electronically by programs, we now have to do by hand until the DNS is fixed," Sona said.

"That sucks, but why can't you just switch to a different DNS? It's not that hard, and there are several thousand you could choose from." Shin offered a solution.

"We wish it was that simple, but all of the programs run off of that DNS. If we changed the DNS, we would have to get someone to go into the code of every single one of those programs and change the DNS. That would take even longer than to fix the DNS we currently use. Thankfully, it should be fixed by noon." Sona said.

Shin nodded, looking around the room, looking for someone in particular. In the corner of the student council room was one silver-haired beauty, laying face-down into her desk. "So, it seems snow-white is asleep then. Well, we all know what the only way to wake her up would be then." Shin said as he approached the silver-haired beauty.

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