
Chapter 38 Please, don't tell anybody about this.

"You see, although your Sacred Gear is, in fact, limitless, your body is another story. You see, everyone's body is only able to handle so much. In this case, you exceeded the limit of how much magic your body could hold at once. At most, your body is able to hold the lower end of high-class magic, and no more. You, however, had the demonic reserves of a low-class devil on the higher spectrum, as well as a holy energy equivalent to a high-class angel, one of 8 wings at the very least. This was simply way too much magic for your body to hold." The doctor explained.

"So, my body eventually gave out on trying to contain it, which resulted in the magic being spread throughout my body and attacking me." Shin assumed, receiving a nod from the doctor. Shin cursed himself for being so stupid. He had been so greedy, so consumed at the prospect of gaining more power, that he had overlooked the simple fact that he was not ready it. That his body was not yet ready to handle such power.

"Yes, and your body was damaged in three places specifically the most. The first was your brain. It was the first thing it attacked, it was the cause for your vertigo, as well as the blood that came out of your nose and eyes. Second, it attacked your liver, which was why you were vomiting blood. Finally, it also attacked your heart, causing it to pump way too much blood, which caused your veins to blow." The doctor listed off, causing Shin to fall into despair.

Once again, Shin was not a doctor, but he didn't have to be one to see that this was not good. "Is there any permanent damage?" Shin asked, his hands shaking in worry.

"When you came in, the first thing we did was seal off your holy magic, which allowed your body to regain control of your magic and stop the attacking. Second, we used a phoenix tear to try and halt the decline of your organs. Luckily, the damage to your brain was almost completely healed." The doctor explained.

"Almost?" Shin said, worried.

"Yes, it's nothing serious. It will heal within the next week, but for now, things like standing up too quickly, bright lights, and exertion could cause vertigo or migraines. It's a slap on the wrist considering all the things that could have gone wrong." The doctor explained, easing some of Shin's worries.

"The damage to your liver was completely healed, and there is nothing to indicate that it was ever damaged. Your heart, however, that's a completely different story." And just like that, Shin once again fell into despair.

"Although the phoenix tear did halt your heart from being damaged any further, it could not heal the damage done, and quite frankly, you would not survive open-heart surgery. The damage done to your heart is too extensive, it can't be repaired. At the current moment and time, I give you a year, two if you're lucky to live; and at most six months before your bedridden." The doctor explained, Sona and Shin both falling into despair.

"Luckily, while you were unconscious, we did implant a pacemaker, which will help you keep a regular heartbeat, however, it won't make a difference in the long run when it comes to how long your heart will last." The doctor explained.

"What about a heart transplant? Won't that solve the problem?" Sona asked, her eyes a bit watery.

"It's not possible," Shin said, he already knew the seriousness of this situation. Quite frankly, Shin was screwed. He wouldn't have any way to get a heart transplant.

"And how would you know?! Did you suddenly become a doctor?!" Sona said to Shin, about to go off on him however, the doctor stopped her from doing so.

"Actually, Miss Sitri, Mr. Hyoudou is correct. There is a complication in the possibility of a heart transplant. That being Mr. Hyoudou's blood type, AB-. It is only found in less than 1% of the population, and on top of that, the heart would have to be of a human who was reincarnated as a devil, just like Mr. Hyoudou. Frankly, he would have a higher chance of winning the lottery 7 times in a row." The doctor explained, causing Sona to quiet down, now realizing how dire Shin's situation was.

"Is there even anyone with the same blood type as me that has been reincarnated as a devil?" Shin asked, his voice devoid of any hope.

"No." The doctor said. "I'm sorry Mr. Hyoudou, but there isn't any possibility of a heart transplant." The doctor stated. Neither Sona nor Shin saying a word. "I'll leave you to yourselves." The doctor said as he stood up and left the room, the two nurses following after him.

Even after the doctor and the nurses had left the room, there still wasn't a single word spoken. There was only silence, the only sound in the room being the continuous beeping signaling Shin's heartbeat.

"Sona," Shin said quietly, drawing her attention. "Please, don't tell anybody about this." Shin requested of her.

"Why not? This isn't something you should hide." Sona said, stating her opinion on the matter.

"Because I don't want to spend the rest of my time being coddled by people. Treating me like glass. I'd rather die sooner and happy than later and miserable." Shin explained, Sona looking down, silent.

"Fine, if that's what you want. But don't take this as me agreeing with your decision." Sona said, causing Shin to nod in gratefulness. Slowly, and painfully due to bruises and sore muscles, he swung his feet over the edge of the bed and stood up.

"Shin! You shouldn't be standing up!" Sona said, coming around the bed and trying to get him to sit back down on the bed.


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