
Why is it so clean?

"Lucky there's a family guuuyyy~!" Sang the crimson haired shinigami as he was in a white tuxedo and top hat, dancing with group of male and females in similar attire next to some stairs

"Lucky there's a man who, positively can do! all the things that make us~" he paused with the rest of the dancers as a baby in a gold tux was presented by his mother

"Laugh and cryyy~" the baby sang his solo line as Shiro raised an arm towards the top of the stairs with everyone else to finish the opening

"He's. Our. Fam-ly. GUUUYYYY" the curtains closed as the fat man in the gold tuxedo approached our protagonist

"Hey thanks for coming on short notice. Cleveland just moved and the mob tracked down Mort so we needed someone to fill in for today" Said the oversized man as he thanked Shiro

"Don't worry about it Peter, it's what I was summoned for. Besides you pretty much saved my life from a bone-crushing awkward family reunion" the shinigami responded as he didn't mind dressing up for a bit of showbiz

"Oh those are the worst, you know there was this guy who showed up in front of his parents after 13 years." He said as the scene changed to a flashback of the silver-eyed crimsonette watching himself nearly getting killed by his mother's hug

Before the crimsonette could question how he was able to show a flashback of another world, the T.V comedy star continued

"Hey you want to join me and the guys at the clam? We got room for one more since Cleveland left" Peter offered despite Shiro being underaged

"Uh, sure I guess I could join you for a bit" he accepted with a shrug planning to kill more time

"Hey guys, check this out! This is Shir... Shirley.... Sheryl?" The fat man butchered the red-heads name as he introduced him to the paraplegic cop and the possible sex offender

"Shiro, and nice to meet you guys" the shinigami greeted as he took a seat in the booth

"Oh, You were a great fill in for Cleveland, this your first time doing something like this?" Asked the cop in a wheelchair

"I actually played in a mariachi band for fun, so this didn't feel so different for me" Shiro said as he took a swig of his beer

"Hey are you old enough to be here?" the bartender asked as he walked up to the group

Shiro's eyes began to glow as he gazed into the man's eyes

"Yes, I am. Now you should get us another glass on the house" the shinigami said calmly as the bartender's eyes became swirls

"Ofcourse.... another glass on the house" he said lethargically as he went to grab another glass for the group

"Woah, you can hypnotize people!?" asked Peter

"You summoned me from another world, I am basically a magical being that can do a lot of things" Shiro replied with a deadpan expression

"Wait you're from another world? Are the chicks there as beautiful as ours? heh giggity" asked the perverted airplane pilot

"Here's a pic of my girlfriend" Shiro said as he showed a photo of him and Kuroka with her cat ears out

"Hehe mee-oww" responded Quagmire as he liked what he saw

"But anyway enough about that, let me show you guys the best beer you've ever tasted!" shiro dramatically said as he raised his hand to spawn in some beer

"You can just make beer from nothing!?" Peter exclaimed as he grabbed the system-made beer

"Again, magical being now try it." The silver eyed crimsonette said as he watched the trio take a swig

The trio's eyes widened as they downed the whole beer without realizing it. Silence permeated the bar as the trio savoured the newfound taste of heaven itself.

The fat man raised his glass along with his two friends

"Gentlemen!" he started "I believe this is the greatest beer in the history of all beers!" he declared as everyone in the bar looked in awe at the radiating glow that came out of nowhere from the fat man.

"FREE BEER FOR EVERYONE" Shiro yelled as he brought out another set of beers for the whole bar. The gathering that night was known as the greatest party in the history of Quahog.

As our protagonist returned to his world, he walked towards his house with a slight buzz as always. However when he stepped into his house, he felt something off. There was something different about the house.

He looked around for a moment and realized it as he looked at the kitchen sink. There were no dishes that needed to be washed. He and Ophis generally never finished all the dishes nor cleaned the house. Now that he thought about it the house seemed to sparkle for some reason. In the past although the house was a bit dirty, there were no insects crawling around due to him always pumping out enough reiatsu to affect only the bugs.

Now as he examined his house he couldn't help but ask himself

"Why is it so clean?" Shiro said out loud only for a voice to sound out behind him

"Honestly, you need to take care of yourself more. But it's alright for now, I'll have all the time in the world to teach you about cleanliness" Came the feminine voice behind him

When the crimsonette turned his head he was greeted by the sight that brought a multitude of questions to pop up in his head. His mother in her maid uniform, was standing next to his father on the couch as he drank the tea he left in the fridge and what looked to be his little brother Millicas as he looked excited to see his older brother. Kuroka was waving to him and he guessed Ophis was in her room.

"But.. but how?" Shiro asked as he was sure Kuroka wouldn't talk and he specifically warned Issei again not to give out his home location.

"Your name was on the house registry when we checked up all the houses in Kuoh. Honestly we were surprised how simple it was when we saw 'Shiro Aversis' written down as the owner of this house for the last 6 years" His father said with a smug smile

The shinigami was just stood there and facepalmed himself muttering "stupid, stupid, stupid" to himself as his family looked amused

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