
Snack or Spank: The Yin, The Yang and The Wolf

Sneaking around the halls, a little wolf pup silently crept along, scanning it's surroundings cautiously with all it's senses and signalling it's partner in crime, a little white haired catgirl, with it's tail, tonight they were going after their biggest score yet, however they both new that their prize was being guarded by a Panther aided by a small pack of wolves.

Arriving at their destination the looked to each other and nodded slightly, it was time to begin the Grand Heist. Opening the door quietly the Catgirl watched the exit while the wolf pup searched the room carefully before coming across the desired goal, unfortunately covered in enough alarms and traps to stop even the greatest of thieves from obtaining such a bounty, but these were no ordinary thieves, Weaving his way around the pup managed to claim their prize successfully, however, in grabbing the objective an alarm was tripped, the Catgirl's head snapped round to watch as he jumped through the traps, narrowly avoiding capture before dashing towards the window with his partner close behind as they entered the garden only to freeze as they saw what awaited them.

There surrounding them was their foe, a tall, well endowed catgirl with black hair and golden eyes with an annoyed smile on her face, and 15 highly trained, female, werewolves in position to capture the two little burglars. with both their fur standing on end and seemingly nowhere to run they watched as the encirclement began to close, seeing as they would not escape easily the wolf pup grew in size until he could carry his partner on his back and escape quickly, dashing towards the black haired catgirl directly seemingly to jump over before ducking between her legs and escaping into the trees.

Bobbing this way and that he ran through the trees before moving into a large hollow space beneath one and following the passage into their hideaway, having placed an illusion on the entrance he was sure they were safe for the time being. climbing off his back the Catgirl checked their loot as she started dividing it, the wolf pup now having taken to his base form moved beside his compatriot as they both started laughing in excitement.

"Nice work Leon! hehehe we hit the jackpot! woo!"

"hahaha! who said we couldn't have sweets after bedtime! look at us now! we have all the sweets in the manor!"

Little did either of them know a black cat was watching them with amusement from the entrance of the room, until Leon started sniffing and froze, he knew the scent, even if it was extremely faint he knew it, his ears twitched around franticly as his tail went rigid, alerting Shirone that they were not alone. Turning around slowly Leon spotted the cat and immediately gulped, their only escape route being on the far side of the room, a secondary tunnel that was next to the entrance... were she sat watching in her cat form, Thinking fast Leon had three options, abandon his sister, bribe their opponent, or try to use his special ability grab Shirone and flee. Kuroka just sat there in her cat form waiting for them to move, her biggest threat/target was Leon... if either of the two could stop her it was him, the little brother with the most dangerous power she's ever seen... The legendary.... Puppy Eye's.

What should Leon do!

should he abandon his comrade!

or will he escape!

find out next time on DXD: Guardian!

Be Human


SargentGhostcreators' thoughts
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