
Progress & plans.




[[ ok two more chaps and then we go to cannon , so continue the support lol. ps don't forget tommorow is weekend so super mass release ]]

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Alex's POV.


After a week of training in the personal dimention with time accelerated to one day one week ratio Trixie finally managed to control her aura to the desired level where only Great Red and Ophis can know it's her and that's after they are in close proximity to her and I did change her name to Trixie as why not I mean Issei did it and I think mine sounds better.


Anyway you might think it was a short time but we were training in the private dimension and I had changed it's time so that one day in the real world is equal to two weeks in the dimension that's like four months though we were done by the second month on aura control since both me and Alice were helping out and she is a quick learner , I don't think I could have done it in such a short time with out Azathoth and Alice.


After she full mastered aura control she requested that we help her get her original form back and it wasn't easy even after taking alot of sin energy from her it just didn't work so I did what any loving father would do . . I devoured her with Azathoth and reconstructed her body back even better than before.

( image here )

After she saw her new body , Trixie couldn't help but to fly around for hours getting to enjoy the feeling of the new bad and even let out loud roars from time to time as we enjoyed the show from the group and even Artoria came out to see the cause of the roaring and she said , " I don't think that's one dragon I can slay ". after Trixie finally got over the excitement of the new body she changed to her human form and run towards me then gave me a warm hug which I very much liked but before the other girls can call me a Loli con or Gilgamesh can threaten her she said , " thank you Father ". the girls looked at each other then at Alice asking for answers but got none and began asking me questions with Gilgamesh attacking me with clear intention of cutting me in half but I slowly explained and they finally understood . . hopefully all of them , after that we stopped the training a bit and had a small feast welcoming Trixie to the family.


Training continued as usual but Gilgamesh's tactics became more . . I don't know the word for it but violent and it got worse when she found out I haven't done the did , I know I could have with Alice but I was busy and with our kind of stamina it can last for weeks anyway she was determined to be my first but I had other plans so I did what any self respecting man would do . . avoid her like hell and continued with my training and with Artoria and Merlin teaching Trixie I decided it's time to create a new teacher , so after getting everything ready I began the difficult process and am sure no one in DXD Universe can do this even with Yahweh because the more powerful the person I want to create the more energy it takes but thanks to my infinite energy I can even create the most op of beings I know but I refrain myself from doing such a thing cause being Op is my job.


And this time I created some one to help me train in some other areas and ofcourse it was a she and am thinking you guessed who well it's . . scàthach the queen of the land of shadows and god killer anyway I also made changes to her body just for her to be of good use and after getting to know her a little I knew she might become one of my most favorite of the created girls as she didn't want much and even didn't seem interested in going out because that would be a problem I wouldn't want another Merlin.

( image here )

All she asked for was a quiet dark place and some strong monsters to fight every now and then so I created her territory similar to the land of shadows and gave her the authority to change it as she see fit then created a dungeon in her land and made it so that every time she defeats the boss the monsters get an upgrade but that's still to a certain level as I didn't want any stupidly Overpowered monster I even asked Alice to watch it and make sure they grew normally.


When training began I realized one thing , she was even worse than Gilgamesh and she liked pushing her students to the edge but thanks to all my broken skills my edge was not anywhere close so after going at it for days she finally gave up and just began to cramp as much knowledge as she can into my head and in this way she found my edge.


Now you might wonder where the creations get knowledge similar to the original well that because when creating the real souls are just summoned and put into the created bodies with a few alterations ofcourse.


After training with scàthach I went to check up on Trixie an found that she has improved quite a bit a fast learner indeed , after that I spent a few more days with them and the it was finally time to go back to the real world so I fixed the time flow and after saying goodbye we left the dimension.


Nothing much has changed in the outside world as it is as busy as usual but Alice deals with the companies and I was already very rich by now , using technopathy I watched through the news that has been going around and nothing new and even the cannon is going as expected now the only problem are the Greek gods that seem to be looking for me probably about Artemis but all in vain , I think I will pay them a visit sometime from now.


I take Trixie on a tour around the mansion and show her around , then begin teaching her some of the common sense of today the following day all was peaceful that day but someone interupted our training session as she just teleported into the house , Trixie looked at her with wide eyes and was the first to speak.




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