
Huntresses & Artemis



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Jumping from roof top to roof top like Spiderman I got closer to the group that were chasing after the monster , I made sure I did it quietly making sure they won't detect or hear me as that would cause unwanted conflicts , I was up in the tree at the park where they had cornered the monster and began they began circling it.

They all pulled out their weapons with three taking out swords that looked as if they were made out of silver and gold whereas the remaining two prepared their bows and arrows and got into position.

They all have each other a signal and they began their assault the three with swords attacked the monster from all sides while the two with bows ran around it firing off arrows.

Seeing it's self surrounded the monster also took a battle stance and struck it's claws towards the sword attacker at it's closest making her jump up and cut down at it yet it some how managed to dodge a fatal blow and tried getting away by running into the Archer infront of it but the swords women did not allow that as they attacked it's legs mercilessly making it give out a loud roar , furious it swang it's claws left and right hoping to atleast strick one of the huntresses and it did , one of the women ran into the claws and was sent flying into the nearby tree and she let out a loud cry.

" arghhhhhhh ". she cried out in pain , she was badly injured but she was still conscious.

" Emma " one of the huntresses cried out after seeing her friend flung away , now it had done it .

They fearlessly attacked the monster slicing it piece by piece as it tried fighting back but in vain it was covered in arrows and green blood all over it's body struggling to remain up but it was done for , the the huntress got ready to deliver the final blow , she stretched her bow long and aimed her arrow then released it , the arrow traveled fast in air till it struck the monsters forehead and it past through to the other end , the monster dropped on the ground it's eyes lifeless.

After the monster was down they quickly ran to their fallen friend who was slowly healing but still not good enough as the monster's claws had some poison one them , so the others took out some portions from their pouches and gave her to drink making her regain some life in her body.

One huntress walked over to the monster with her sword and began stabbing it.

" damn monster , why didn't you just die like a good boy ". she yelled.

" Marius , stop you are damaging our trophy ". another huntress said.

" No Sarah , let me make it beg for mercy ". the first one said as she continued stabbing and cutting the corpse.

" you guys stop , you don't want lady Artemis to find you like this ". Another said making Marius stop stabbing the corpse of the monster.

" this was awesome do you think we will find another prey like this one soon ". a fourth one questioned.

" not likely , it's hard for such strong ones to escape Olympus or the underworld , I don't even know how this one came up ". Sarah answered.

" what a bummer , guess we remain hunting those pathetic strays forever ". the fourth added.

" Look on the bright side , Jully , atleast stray put up a better fight and they scream better ". Marius said.

" guys am sorry for am sorry for always being the one to take damage ". the injure girl slowly got up as her wound were healed.

" don't worry Emma , you are new at this and we don't expect you to do it right straight away so cheer up , atleast you are not dead ". the others reassured her.

" I know but I really wanted to impress lady Artemis and now ". Emma said.

" Don't be down you did well and I know you will be a great huntress in no time ". a voice came from the trees and a figure of a beautiful woman appeared.

( image here )

All the huntresses got on their knees and spoke out. " the hunt has been successful Lady Artemis and we got no deaths ".

" don't worry , I was watching and if things didn't go well I would have stepped in ". Artemis said.

" that , was an amazing fight you this thing was strong but I know my huntresses are stronger " , she added , " but this monster belongs to the underworld , I wonder how it got here it must have been Hades , I hate all men but I hate him more than many men maybe we should hunt him some time ".

" Am sure we would win my lady ", one of the huntresses proudly stated.

" ofcourse we would win it's only to be expected ". Artemis confirmed.

" yeah , his a man after all and they are all weak ". the huntresses stated.

" ok girls , let's pack our prey and get out of here ". Artemis ordered.

"" yes Lady Artemis "". the huntresses replied and got ready to pack up their prey , they took out a small metallic box and a long piece of cloth with which they covered the corpse and the cloth together with the corpse began to shrink at visible speed , after it was small enough they placed the metal box on top of the piece of cloth and it disappeared into the box.


After packing the box they got ready to leave only to be stopped by Artemis who sensed something amiss , she pulled out her now and stretched it out in my direction.

" Come out or I will make you come out " . she commanded.

I remained quiet and she fired of her arrow which barely passed my check.

" last warning ". she yelled preparing another arrow.

" ok ok , chill am out ". I jumped down from the tree infront of them.

" What , brought you here man , speak ". Artemis commanded.

" for your information am genderless , thank you very much ". I replied." and I was just passing through ".

( dragon gods are genderless so is mc but he identifies as male maybe I should give him a female form like sa )

" he lies , men can not be trusted let's just kill him and be over with that ". one of the huntresses shouted.

Artemis smirked and said , " try not to die , ok girls let's teach this guy a lesson ".

They grew hungry faces as they looked at me and began surrounding me , I got an awkward smile thinking of what to do with these women but I decided to just beat them up a little nothing fatal.




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Some one help me out with Greek names here coz am running on fumes.

KristoPheruscreators' thoughts
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