
Chapter Two: Spoilers Are not Always Bad. Part 2

I quickly realized what they wanted since their lustful eyes and the way they were leering at them was anything to go by and judging by the expression on Muruyama's and Katase's they were also aware of their intentions. While I couldn't fault them, because those two were hot, what they were trying to do was despicable –only passable in roleplaying of course. Anyways, the only real threat was that 'Lieutenant Thug' and seeing that Katase and Muruyama were carrying their shinai and they were individually higher level than him then then could deal with him and I could help with the 'Lowly Thugs'… why were these humans treated as mobs? I eventually shrugged and chalked it up to game mechanics and logic.

Quest Alert!

Rescue the princesses that don't really need help!

Mina Muruyama and Miko Katase are being sexually harassed by Lowly Thugs and their Lieutenant. Help them by taking care of the Lowly Thugs and show them how much of a badass you are and how much you have changed.

Rewards: 2000 XP. Greatly increased closeness with Miko Katase. Greatly increased closeness with Mina Murayama.

Failure: Decreased reputation with Miko Katase and Mina Muruyama. A wasted opportunity.

I quickly accepted the quest and immediately after the thugs advanced on Murayama and Katase who tensed as they began to reach for their shinai in preparation. Seeing this I decided to prepare myself for a fight –the first one since coming here I quickly realized. I used Reinforcement on my body and since my MP Regen was half of what it cost then I could keep it active for quite some time seeing as the amount of Mana I in comparison to the amount of Mana I was spending per minute meaning that I now had double the STR and DEX for the duration of this fight. For the lowly thugs I supposed it would be enough.

I then activated Stealth and quickly sneaked behind one of the lowly thugs. Nobody took notice of my presence and Stealth even went up by a level much to my pleasure. When I was within striking range of the thug I drew my hand back with all the strength I could muster in my reinforced body and punched him heavily on the back of his head. He fell down into the floor like a sack of potatoes with surely a concussion.

Critical Hit!

I paid the message box no mind and moved to the closest lowly thug and delivered a backhanded punch into his temple sending him to the ground too. It was also a critical hit due to where I hit him and he like the first one was rendered immediately unconscious and out of the fight. I ran towards the third one and kicked him in the balls –it was a dick move but it was necessary if I wanted to complete the quest. I was rewarded with another critical hit and another unconscious lowly thug. I'm sure he lost his ability to have children but I couldn't care less about that. I checked their remaining HP with Observe and while I had just taken away around half of their max HP I have given them the 'Unconscious' status, probably due to the nature of my blows and the pain I delivered with them.

"What the-?!" I heard the leader of the crew shout as he realized three of his cronies have been rendered unconscious in less than ten seconds by admittedly a scrawny looking teen. The shock gave away to anger quickly enough and he snarled. "Kill that motherfucker!" He shouted and not a second later Katase and Muruyama where on him with their shinai swinging fast and gracefully in a deadly dance. The Lieutenant Thug pulled out a bat from somewhere –game logic I suppose and began to defend himself but I'm sure it won't be enough to deal with Katase and Murayama.

I couldn't appreciate the impressive display however as the three remaining thugs advanced on me their faces pulled into horrendous snarls of anger and hate. I felt nervous, knowing that I didn't have the element of surprise anymore, but Gamer's Mind calmed me and I my head was cleared. They had numbers on me but I was definitely smarter and thanks to reinforcement I was probably stronger and more skilled than them. I had this on the bag but I had to be smart about it.

I smirked as I made a 'come hitter' motion with my left hand. "Why are you guys taking your time? Come and get me! Or... let me guess, are you afraid I will punch the living daylights out of you like I did to your worthless friends?"

A new skill has been created through a special act. The skill 'Taunt' has been created.

Taunt. Active. Lvl 1 [0.0%]. You know when to be an asshole to rile up your enemies into attacking you and make foolish mistakes. Taunted enemies will gain a boost of 100% in their strength but will make stupid mistakes in their anger.

Well… I wasn't expecting that but it was appreciated very much. I saw the three of them becoming angrier before they ran towards me to give me the beating of my life… as if I would let them. The first one reached me and he tried to punch me on my face but it was slow and telegraphed. It had power behind it, probably enough to seriously injure me, but like I said it was slow and my mind directed my body into what to do.

I grabbed him by his forearm as I stepped to the side and used his momentum and my own strength to twist around myself and I sent him directly into the path of the second thug. The collided into each other and a generous chunk of their HP was taken away by the very hard hit they suffered. They were sputtering in pain on the floor and they won't be getting up in at least a minute meaning that I had time to deal with the last thug until those two recovered.

The only standing thug was a few feet away from me when I turned towards him and he lashed towards my head with punch that I managed duck under thanks to my higher DEX and I moved into his guard shoving a hard elbow blow into his stomach that almost doubled him over. I leaned stepped back a little before twisting my body to the left, pivoting with my right leg, and delivered a roundhouse kick to his temple. I sent him flying a few feet and with Observe I saw he was unconscious the moment he hit the ground.

Then I turned towards the two remaining thugs who were now trying to rise to their feet. I rapidly walked towards them and I spartan kicked him on the side of his face back to the ground and finished him up with another kick to his head that rendered him unconscious. The last thug was about to run towards me if I read his intentions right but I swiftly neared him, grabbed his head with my hands and pulled it down as my knee rose. The result was a broken nose and for the last thug to be pulled into unconsciousness as he bleed from his nose.

A new skill has been created through a special act. The skill 'Hand-to-Hand Combat' has been created.

Hand-to-Hand Combat. Passive. Lvl 1 [0.0%]. Hand-to-Hand Combat is the art of using your body to attack your enemies and also using it to defend yourself from unharmed and harmed enemies alike. Increases STR and DEX by 10%.

By fighting against multiple opponents STR and DEX rise by 1!

By fighting against multiple opponents VIT rises by 2!

Quest completed!

Your level has increased by one!

I looked at the announcements and smirked in triumph knowing what this meant for me. It seemed like things were going to be easier than what I was expecting but seeing that I basically came from another dimension then it was… understandable? No? Meh. I don't care. I just wanted to become powerful, get an Harem in the process and look like a badass while doing it. It was not a lot to ask for and it seemed like... the universe? Gaia? I don't know what but it was on my side.

I dismissed the alert boxes and looked towards were Katase and Murayama were fighting to see Muruyama deliver a strike to the Lieutenant's got making him double over and for Katase to finish him off with a hard blow to his head. He was rendered unconscious but other than a quick observe I didn't pay him too much attention as I instead focused on Murayama and Katase with a slightly concerned look on my face that was partially faked.

"Are you two okay?" I asked them before I made a show of looking at their slightly ruffled states and then at the unconscious thug. I chuckled sheepishly scratching the back of my head. "I guess I should be asking him that question instead."

Murayama smirked almost haughtily while Katase gave me a small smile. "The concern is appreciated Issei-san. As was the help," said the pink haired one of the pair and the most gentle of the two as she looked at the six unconscious thugs behind me. "I wasn't aware you knew martial arts," she mused and I could see the interest in her eyes as she looked at me.

Murayama kept her smirk in place as she whistled when she looked at the prone bodies. "First you stop being a worthless pervert and now it turns out you can fight pretty well. You have been certainly keeping secrets from us Issei-san," she said with a teasing tone as she put her shinai away as did Katase.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Like I said yesterday, I became aware of some things and realized I couldn't be blatantly looking at girls because it will only bring forth problems for me in the future. As for me fighting like I do, well, that's also a quite recent development if I'm honest," I said almost smirking but I held back to appear nonchalant about the fact. Cool, collected and somewhat aloof. That was what attracted girls. You kept them by being romantic and all the lovey dovey stuff after all. "And it seems that fighting has its uses after all."

Katase nodded in agreement. "Indeed. While I was sure Mina and I would have been able to get rid of these guys easily on our own I'm glad you helped Issei. If there is anything we could do to repay you…" she trailed off and she gave me an expectant look.

There was a smirk on Murayama's –Mina's face as she also gave me the same look and I realized this was a test to see if I was really going to change 'my' perverted ways. I almost smirked myself but held that in and shrugged my shoulders getting surprised looks from them. "Reward? Nah, what are you talking about? I didn't do this expecting a reward. I did this hoping to help two of my cute classmates that were being harassed. If you want to reward me I'll accept it but I don't really ask for anything."

It took them a moment to process what I had just said and Katase gave me an impressed look and there was a wider smile on her cute face and Murayama smirked at me in approval. "You are seriously going to change, eh?" She asked rhetorically.

"I am."

Katase nodded her head. "Then if not for helping us then let's reward you for going out of your way to stop being a nuisance to us girls. Would you like to hang out with us tomorrow after school? We don't have club activities and I think I can speak for both of us when I see that Mina and I want to know this new you," she proposed with disarming and cute smile on her face.

I saw Murayama nodding in agreement and shrugged my shoulders and returned her smile with one of my own. "Sure. Why not? I'll be a fool to not to accept such a proposal from two beautiful girls, won't I?" I said rhetorically and I almost smirked as the blushed a little and giggled. This was proof enough that what attracted girl wasn't physical attributes, though they certainly played their role, but attitude. And my current one was doing wonders for myself.

Murayama then nodded at me. "We'll see you tomorrow then. Let's go Miko," she said before she grabbed her friend's hand and they began to walk away. I stood in between the beaten thugs watching them walk away staring at their swaying backsides and I have to admit that it was quite the great view.

Quest Alert!

Two Girls. Double the Fun.

You have greatly impressed Mina Muruyama and Miko Katase with your desire to change your blatant perverted ways and your ability to fight. They have invited you to spend an afternoon with them hanging out. Use this opportunity to impress them further.

Rewards: 1000 XP. Greatly increased closeness with Mina Murayama. Greatly increased closeness with Miko Katase. A good time with Mina Muruyama and Miko Katase

Failure: Greatly decreased closeness with Mina Murayama and Miko Katase.

Mina Murayama and Miko Katase. They'll be excellent additions to my harem once I got my hands into them and if the quest was anything to go by then it will happen way sooner than what I was expecting like it happened with Aika. I wasn't going to complain however. Not in a thousand years.

I closed the window mentally and looked around to most curiously note that none seemed to be on the streets. I rose an eyebrow at that but shrugged it off as coincidence before I moved towards the thugs and liberated them from the money they carried on their person. Even though I collected it in yen, when I put into my inventory it converted into dollars but I shrugged it off too as game mechanics. After that was done I quickly abandoned the area whistling a merry tone as my hands slipped into my pockets. It was time to grind some.

-DxD: Gamer-

I arrived at the same park from yesterday and after moving to a secluded part of it surrounded by numerous trees I used ID: Create to move myself from my home dimension to the one of my own creation –It rhymed! After that was done I checked my new stats to confirm what I briefly thought about after I finished the last quest which granted me another level.

Name: Issei Hyoudou

Title: N/A

Status: N/A

Race: Human Job: The Gamer

Level: Lvl 5 Next Level: 1.9%

HP: 550/550 R: 1% (5.5) per Minute

MP: 932/932 R: 1.8% (16.8) per Minute

STR: 6.6 (6+0.6)

VIT: 10

DEX: 5.5 (5+0.5)

INT: 33 (30+3)

WIS: 18

LUCK: 10

Stat Points: 20

Money: 300$

Just like I thought I had twenty points to spend on stats and my mana regeneration increased with both the augmenting of my mana pool (Whether it was by leveling up or by increasing my INT) and my WIS. As those two where right now it would quite impractical for me to grind and fight but luckily my INT was already pretty high and I had the points to quickly correct that right now.

So without too much preamble I put the twenty points into INT increased the base stat to fifty putting it at a total of fifty five thanks to the passive boost Mana Manipulation gave me. Not a second later three alert windows appeared in front of my face and I smirked as I looked at them. It seemed like different from the Manhwa I will gain two passive skills and a random active skill every fifty base points per stat. That was awesome.

The skill 'Mana Affinity' has been granted by reaching 50 on INT!

The skill 'Medium Mana Capacity' has been granted by reaching 50 on INT!

The skill 'Knowledge Absorption' has been granted by reaching 50 on INT!

Mana Affinity. Passive. Lvl Max. A skill that allows the user to become more sensitive to mana and handle it better. 10% increase in MP recovery rate. 5% increase in total MP amount. 5% increase in magic attack. 5% increase in magic defense. 30% increase in MP related skill effects.

Medium Mana Capacity. Passive. Lvl Max. An ability given to the few users that are born with an exceptional ability to handle mana. Mana Based attacks are 15% stronger. Uses 10% less mana for all abilities.

Knowledge Absorption. Active. Lvl 1 [0.0%]. A skill that allows the user to use mana to directly absorb the knowledge from any written source. The time spent to absorb the knowledge depends on the amount of knowledge and the amount of mana used. Cost: Depends on the user.

Next chapter