
DxD: Gamer in ttl would

Everyone had boring life and will be there are no exception in this if someone is telling you a story then it all started with a shifty previous life just as mine. I had a pretty shitty life and now I am in a world of dxd where if you turn your head you will see a girl with big tits and exposing thighs and where you get those lucky encounter like in anime. but there is a twist I am not just simply here I am here with a gamer system and I am gonna make the most of this life enjoying this world. so I am Vincent lane and this is my story.

Fanfiction_fan · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Chapter 40 : H-h-h-h-hoooly fuck."

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[Headshot! (Critical Hit)]



[Damage Boost!]


Imisa's head exploded from just one shot of The Executioner.

I had planned to speak up on not wanting to know what she would have done to me, but I was currently covering my mouth with my free hand as I stared at my gun, trying to surpress my shocked laughter.

"H-h-h-h-hoooly fuck." I gasped, I mean I was expecting a lot of damage, but that was over three times her health. Seriously this was one of my favorite gaming moments- The Discovery of something in the game that's not only brokenly powerful, but easy to get and even easier to abuse. It's like the first time I got the Chicago Typewriter in Resident Evil 4.

After a moment I calmed down and looked at the situation… Murayama and Katase are passed out on the ground and there is a Stray Devil's headless corpse not to far behind them.

'I hope I don't regret this.' I thought pulling out my phone and dialing a number, "Misha?" I asked.

"Yes Master?" Misha asked.

"Come to me real quick, two humans have been attacked by a Stray, I need you to take them to my house." I said.

"And the Stray?" Misha asked, any form of her usual seductiveness gone.

"I… May have underestimated the power of a new weapon…" I muttered, "Get here fast I'm gonna need to call Sona about a clean-up crew."

"Sure thing Vincent." Misha said right behind me, making me jump… Seriously, I need to put a bell on lot of people, "I'll take them home, Guest rooms?"

"Yeah." I said hanging up and calling Sona as Misha ran off.

"Vincent, you're human. You really should be sleeping." Sona said on her end of the Phone, sounding annoyed as if she were about to go to bed.

"Yeah well be glad I didn't." I said, "I've got a wasp-like Stray Devil that just became my next victim while I was patrolling my neighborhood. I need a clean up crew, one that has something in case there might be some Holy Water still left in this things blood."

Sona was silent for a moment, at least to me, I could head her talking to someone else though before she turned to me, "What was Imisa doing around your place, did she say anything?"

"Yeah, she was looking to make a few girls, possibly men, into her incubators." I said shuddering.

"Run a trace on her path!" Sona shouted to the possible clean-up crew. "Vincent was she attacking anyone when you were there?"

"Aside from me, no." I lied, "If she's got a base of operations you might find some girls there. She said she was rushing her plans because of me getting you and Rias to step up security."

"The paperwork is going to be a nightmare… I'd rather deal my sister than this." Sona muttered before hanging up.


"Are they alright?" I asked Misha as she tucked Murayama and Katase into one of the guest beds, I noticed Misha had stripped them of their regular clothes too.

"Physically their fine." Misha said picking up their clothes and leading me out of the room, "Mentally they should be fine, I doubt they were exposed to those Pheromones to cause any permanent mental damage… However the fact they were attacked by a Stray is enough to cause some panic."

"Ask if Rouge can come over tomorrow, and Yasaka." I said, "I want them to know what's going on around Kuoh now that they've been attacked and Yasaka is going to be plan B."

"Wipe their memories if they have a mental break down?" Misha asked, getting a nod from me, "So why the mutt?"

I smacked Misha in the head for that comment, making her act more hurt than she really was, "Stop calling Rouge a mutt." I scolded, "As for why I want her around it's so that I can break any negative thoughts they may have about Werewolves before they panic."

"If this backfires your nuts are gonna be busted wide open you know that right?" Misha asked.

"Yep." I said popping the 'P', "Never a dull moment."


I didn't sleep, I will admit that right now.

Thankfully Sona managed to find that Stray's den and thank Tyche, the Greek Luck Goddess, that Katase and Murayama were the first girls that Stray encountered for it's plan as the den was set up for a lot more than 2 girls but was void of any victims.

The moment Yasaka heard the news she pulled herself and Kunou over to my place to check and see if the girls had any long lasting effects due to the phermones let off by the stray. According to Yasaka, their nether regions would be a bit wet for a while, but nothing long lasting.

Rouge barreled into my house not too long after that in the early morning around 4 A.M., though granted she bounced off the door due to the fact she didn't turn the knob.

Right now I was sitting next to Kunou in the living room slackjawed while Yasaka held her daughter close, Misha and Rouge had commandeered the kitchen to make breakfast and Kuroka was watching over Murayama and Katase.

Now why was I slackjawed? Because Kunou is apparently very skilled at Video Games despite having only played them at my house. Seriously she picked up Resident Evil 3 (Despite me trying to reminder her that it's better to play Resident Evil 1 before at the least), and while she was at first a little unsteady and initially shocked mby Nemesis, she did something that I highly doubt ANY Resident Evil Player can say with honesty.

Her first fight with Nemesis outside the Police station, she won without dying on Normal Mode. I can honestly say I'm jealous.

I have yet to beat Nemesis all 7 times on Normal mode because I suck at Knife fighting in Resident Evil… Then again, I don't know many people on Youtube willing to Knife fight Nemesis on Normal Mode.


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