
DxD: Gamer in ttl would

Everyone had boring life and will be there are no exception in this if someone is telling you a story then it all started with a shifty previous life just as mine. I had a pretty shitty life and now I am in a world of dxd where if you turn your head you will see a girl with big tits and exposing thighs and where you get those lucky encounter like in anime. but there is a twist I am not just simply here I am here with a gamer system and I am gonna make the most of this life enjoying this world. so I am Vincent lane and this is my story.

Fanfiction_fan · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Chapter 19 : The woman

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I turned around, "I know of the Supernatural, locally at the least." I say, "Go on, test me."

"Test you?" The woman asked putting her arms under her breasts, pressing them upward, "Okay, who's the hottie that's the current leader of the Yokai and where is her home?"

I smirked, "Yasaka, Kyoto." I answered, "She's a Nine Tailed Kitsune, and single mother."

The woman raised her hands to the sky in relief, "Thank fuck." She breathed, "Maybe I can get a fresh opinion on my skills."

"Skills?" I asked raising my eyebrow, please don't tell me she's been doing that breast changing a lot.

"Body modification." She answered, "Nothing like growing a tail or extra arms, still working on that last one he he he…" I did not like that chuckle, it sounded perverse, "I've been working on a spell that will allow me to alter certain aspects of my body in anyway I want."

To show me an example, she grabbed her breasts again and began massaging them again, this time they began to shrink until they were a more sensible C cup size.

Then her hands moved to her ass and she soon massaged it, and in moments her ass had grown to the point it had began to strain her pants, she went from having almost no ass to having one bigger than my hand.

"And that's only the stuff I can show." She said grinning, "I can alter my insides too." With that she winked at me.

'Dear God… A perveted witch.' I thought, 'Issei would love being in my place right now.'

"What do you think?" She asked flirtatiously, shrinking her ass down to a more manageable size.

"I think I'd like to know you're name." I deadpanned.

"Oh… Right, that's embarrassing." The Witch said rubbing the back of her head before holding out her hand, "I'm Cassa Mirine."

"Vincent Lane." I said shaking her hand, "So… Forgive me for asking, but you're a witch right?"

"Yep." Cassa said grinning.

"And you specialize in growing your sexual assets." I continued.

"I can grow other assets too." Cassa added giving me a lewd look, "But I do know some combat spells."

"And you decided to blatantly practice magic in the middle of Devil Territory, with no barrier." I finished.

Cassa's perverted look finally vanished, "Wait… " She mused looking around, then stiffened, "Aw fuck my ass with a foot long cock. I'm such an idiot!"

With that Cassa took off down the bridge, her arms flailing slightly as she ran for her life.

"Isn't there anyone sane in the supernatural world?" I muttered.

"Not likely." Muttered Koneko… When the hell did she get here?

"When did you get here?" I asked looking at the Nekoshu beside me.

"Just now." Koneko said, "Rias sent me to investigate whoever was using magic out in the open."

"Some witch." I said, "Literally."

"What's your thought on her?" Koneko asked, "Friendly? Or Hostile?"

"Issei's perfect match." I said, "A Perverted Witch that uses magic to go from A-Cup to E-Cup."

Koneko looked downward at her chest and grumbled, "Pervert then." She muttered, "Dangerous?"

"Only to the male population's noses." I joked looking at the Neko, "What do you think?"

"An annoyance then." She concluded before looking at me, "You smell like a fox, why?"

"Yasaka." I sighed, "She decided to visit me after I went to Kyoto tailing a Stray. Speaking of, Rias really needs to start patrolling this town."

"What happened at Kyoto?" Koneko asked giving me a hard look.

"Stray wanted to kill Yasaka's little girl." I said, "Impaled him with the sword Rias gave me, which is apparently the Muramasa, the cursed sword and first work of said sword smith." That last part I gave an annoyed look.

Koneko blinked in surprise, "Rias just gave you that sword?" She asked, I nodded, "Dammit Buchou."

Didn't think Koneko could curse, "It's getting late." I noted looking at the setting sun, "Why don't you come over to my place tomorrow and we can talk more then?"

"Sure." Koneko said walking off.

I smirked, 'Just gotta inform Kuroka on reinforcing the doors and walls somehow, then we can work on getting those two to make up.'


Seeing as Sleep has become optional for me as a Gamer, I wandered across Kouh for several hours, patrolling for Stray Devils since Rias so far doesn't seem to have bothered to do so.

I had my Sniper Doll leaping across buildings, keeping me in sight as she did, her job was to snipe any threats to me before they attack me in the back. But she also had my Phone, and was ordered to call help to my location should something happen… Well call them to get their ass out of bed, then text them the incident seeing as Puppets don't have voices.

"So far nothing." I muttered pulling out my revolver, checking to see if it was loaded before holstering it again.

Then I felt blood splatter the back of my head.

I spun around, pulling out my Shade Revolver as I did and aimed it at… a headless woman holding a jagged dagger.

"The hell?" I muttered as the corpse fell over.

"Well that's a pity." A woman's voice said causing me to shift into a combat stance, "Still, they are just willing thralls, no big deal."

Thralls… As in Vampire Thralls?

Looking up I saw a rather mature woman looking at me, she had long black hair that was flowing freely across her decently sized chest, her eyes were a deep red, her skin was way too pale to be human, and her violet dress seemed old time gothic.

There was someone next to her, but she was completely cloaked.

I sighed, "Great…" I muttered, "Someone trying to kill me. I'm surprised haven't been flocked by Devil's looking to recruit me, so you're gonna kill me and recruit me anyway."

The woman chuckled, "Oh no you silly boy." She said, "I don't plan on having you join me in any form. I'm going to make sure you don't join my enemies."


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