
Chapter 14: homemade weapon

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After getting off the train I continued to follow the man though the crowd, not like he was hard to spot in the crowd anyway, he was a head taller than everyone else.

He stopped by a house supplies shop and picked up a kitchen knife set, I bought a few things as well there.

A Sledgehammer, two fire axes, and several rolls of duct tape.

Eventually he stopped at a cafe, where I quickly hid in the shadows of while he went to the open air part of the cafe in the back of the cafe.

While I was in the shadows I built my new weapon with what I bought at the house supplies.

[The Defiler]

[A homemade weapon originally built by Dead Rising 2 Protagonist Chuck Greene, very effective against the undead… and anyone you swing it at really.]

What? When I'm fighting Stray's I'm listening to Dead Rising 2 music, may as well have a weapon to go with it.

Eventually two others entered the back of the cafe, and I knew who they were.

They were different heights, but both had golden blonde hair, both had golden yellow eyes, both wore Shrine maiden outfits, and the taller one had the DxD world staple of breast's big enough to support their own gravitational field.

They were Yasaka and Kunou, the Leader of the Yokai Faction and her daughter.

'This could prove a real problem if Hisame actually manages to do anything.' I thought.

Hisame, as I expected, stood up pulling out one of the kitchen knives he bought and walked over to Kunou while Yasaka was looking at her menu.

Fortunately I had sent a Shade into Kunou's shadow as soon as I saw her, and I was now pulling out my standard revolver and set Muramasa on the back of my hip.

"Die animal!" Hisame shouted, causing Kunou to spin around with dilated pupils.

"Shade now!" I shouted firing my revolver at Hisame's hand, knocking the knife out of it.

[OST- Dead Rising 2: My Own Little World]

"What!?" Hisame shouted as my Shade burst out of Kunou's shadow and slashed him with it's hook, knocking him back and knocking out 42 HP.

"You know." I said stepping out of the shadows, reloading my revolver as I did, "It's really not nice attacking a lady, much less so attacking a little girl."

"Kunou!" Yasaka cried out pulling her daughter away from the area.

"You stupid pathetic human!" Hisame shouted, "You ruined everything!"

"Everything?" I asked, "I don't know about that, I just stopped an asshole from killing an innocent girl."

Hisame apparently didn't like my banter and charged me, pulling out another knife.

He was met by my Quick Draw, knocking out another 47 HP and stunning him.

"It's go time!" I shouted running up to him, spinning him around, and Suplexing him, dealing 55 damage.

Then flipping over him and suplexing him a second and third time for 60 and 58 damage, then after the third slam I let go, throwing him upward a bit so he'd roll onto his knee's sitting up.

"See ya!" I shouted dropkicking him and sending him flying into a wall, dealing a total of 99 damage.

[You've developed 2 new skills]

[Chain Suplex]

[It's a suplex, just done repeatedly with no break.]

[Drop Kick]

[A jumping double footed kick to the face, not the best idea when facing a crowd, but damn effective in getting space 1v1.]

"This get's the blood pumping." I said as my Shade floated next to me.

Hisame stood up with a broken nose and glared at me before charging me again.

"These Stray's don't do anything but charge do they?" I asked my Shade, "Drop him."

My Shade hissed in a chuckle before sinking into the shadows, creating it's own black circle for a shadow, and zipped in front of Hisame, sticking it's hook out and stabbing his ankle, dealing 44 damage.

The fall he took did another 15 damage, and the twisting of the the hook did another 20 damage.

"Time you got you punishment for attacking a child." I said drawing Muramasa, a hum coming from the blade as it freed it's sheathe.

I immediately slashed at Hisame's recovering form in an upward slash, knocking him into a table and dealing 77 damage.

I then made a left slash for 76, a downward slash for 78, and made for a right slash to finish him.

"Bye." I said beheading the stray.

[OST end]

[You've reached Lvl 16]

[2 New I.D.'s are available.]

[Zombie Dungeon]

[Living Puppet Dungeon]

Now that's nice to have.

I sheathed Muramasa and turned to the two girls as Shade lifted himself from the shadows.

"Are you two alright?" I asked Yasaka and Kunou.

I was treated to seeing Yasaka's kitsune ears and nine tails exposed, and her rushing up to me a sniffing me, "You smell perfectly human…" She mused with a grin on her face.

'Oh geez.' I thought.

"Thank you for saving me and my daughter." Yasaka said, "I am Yasaka, my daughter is Kunou. I am the leader of the Yokai faction."

"Pleased to meet you ma'am." I said, "I'm guessing my interference was not needed then."

"Not unwanted though." Yasaka said sultrily, as she trapped my arm between the two planets on her chest.

"What's your name mister?" Kunou asked as she eyed my Shade.

"Vincent Lane." I said, "Just moved to Kouh from America, only reason I'm here is because this jerk off bumped into me before painfully stating he planned to kill some Yokai here."

"Not like he could have succeed in that when he made my Kunou his first target." Yasaka said, "Still, you took care of him very effectively."

My Shade floated up to me, Hisame's head stuck on his hook, and held the hooked head up to me.

"Oh right, Yasaka, Kunou, meet one of my Shade." I said, "He's one of the reason I survive as well as I do. Don't worry, he's friendly."

"H-hi." Kunou said slightly intimidated by the Shade.

My Shade shook Hisame's head and hissed.

"Alright, alright I'm texting her." I sighed pulling out my phone and snapping a picture of Hisame's head.

-Vincent- Hisame is dead, sent you a picture.

-Sona- Yes… it's seemed very effective, what did you use to behead him?

-Vincent- Hiromi's katana, Rias gave it to me.

-Sona- Very well, I'll send someone to collect the body.

I looked up from my phone to see Yasaka had already burned the body to ash and my Shade was looking at his hook, which only held ashes and blood.

-Vincent- I hope that picture is enough, Hisame just got cremated.

-Sona- What? How?

-Vincent- Do you know a woman named Yasaka?

-Sona- The leader of the Yokai? No wonder you and the Rouge didn't have any trouble.

-Vincent- Actually… I lied about the Rouge, and Yasaka didn't seem to lift a finger to help me kill Hisame.


-Vincent- I had… other help I want to keep secret for now… Plus he was kind of an idiot who brought a knife to a gun fight.

-Sona- Vincent, I'd like to stop by your house tomorrow. There's a reward on Hisame's head that I'd like for you to have, plus considering your luck with Stray's I may have a job for you.

-Vincent- Stop by whenever.

I looked away from my phone and saw golden eyes not an inch from my face.

"Whoa!" I shouted taking a step back.


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