
Problems with practicing magic

Revive, a handsome young man with short blond hair and a mole underneath his left eye position himself infront of his younger brother in a teaching posture.

"Riri, do you know where our demonic powers come from?"

Remembering the books I've read in the library which explains this, I continued. "From our surroundings?"

"Close, your thinking of magical energy or mana. But, what I'm asking is where our demonic energy comes from."

"I don't know," I admitted, as I honestly dont know what the answer is.

"Welp, that is to be expected" Revive voiced out, harrumphing.

"If it makes you feel any better, you were half right. Demonic powers comes from the surrounding, is true in a sense, but to be specific our demonic power comes from our soul."

"Our soul?" I repeated, earning a nod from both my brothers.

"Yes, our soul," The blonde with a mole poked my nose. "Functions by converting mana in the environment into demonic energy, otherwise know as Drana, which we can then used to power our magic."

"Hmm, let's make an example. You're a toy, but one that needs a battery to function properly"

"The battery is my soul?" I stated the obvious, eliciting a hum of confirmation.

"Following that example once again, I am a toy that requires a battery aka our soul, then said battery uses mana in the environment to recharge itself?" I continued eliciting a nod from both of them

"Then, my battery supplies me with electrical power which is our demonic power or Drana? So in other words, Mana in the air is like the power outlet and charges my soul, that acts like a battery which stores and converts energy. And Demonic energy or Drana is said converted energy."

"Exactly!" Revive clapped and cheered, "Riri is really smart like his big bro!"

He turned serious once again, "Demonic power is fundamental to even the most basic spell. The only way to activate it is through the power of imagination and the power to create things, followed by a good sense, demonic powers can be measured and shaped to design wonders such as demonic bullets, defensive barriers and even creating illusions."

Searching for something, Revive's eyes landed on an oak tree far away from the three.

Glancing back at the two other blondes. He shot them a small grin before addressing once again the saddened oak tree.

Taking a stance, Revive pulled back his ring finger and his pinky, forming a finger gun, pointed at the oak tree. Then a small orange magic circle formed at the tip of his finger, which consists of a phoenix encased in a circular shape.

My train of thoughts came to a stop at the scene before him. It was so fast, that I barely caught the speed of the projectile, it was the same size of a paint bullet and its velocity similar to a real gun.

Slowly I looked away from Revive's finger, now facing the unlucky target, I spotted a large hole formed in the middle of the tree, leaving the tree with around 5 inches of support on each side to keep it from toppling over.

"That was so cool!" I cheered, waving my arms in excitement.

Resting his hands on his waist, Revive faced the toddler with his chest puffed in pride.

"Thanks sport hahaha," shooting me a wink.

"Well, those are the many things you can do with your demonic power, Riri." His face altered to one of a veteran.

"Something you need to know is that demonic power is not visible to the naked eye unless it is highly concentrated or embodied in larger volumes."

Revive paused, looking at his lil brother with a serious expression. "Are you sure your ready to dominate your demonic power, champ? Cuz big bro won't hold back you know."

"Yes, I am," I cried, clutching my egg-size knuckles, jumping around with a look excited, my heart was beating like crazy.

The spell was basic, but in my previous world, something like that was impossible!

Revive beamed at the response, "Excellent, I'll show you this technique and a defensive one, once you learned, you can train on your own or ask for some help, alright?"

"Alright," I nodded, "I'm ready, big bo."

Revive and I swapped places. I was now facing another tree, and Revive was standing at Ruval side, who was patiently supervising the second eldest's teaching method.


It has been an hour since the training begun, and honestly, I expected this to be far easier, I was so damn wrong.

I followed Revive's steps carefully. Step one involved shaping and forming a bullet, I succeeded on that level. The problem was the step two, freeing your demonic power.

Revive advised me to send the demonic energy a finger and launch it, which I did, but unfortunately, that's where everything came wrong.

I felt a jolt of pain coming from the muscles of in wrist thus making me hiss in pain and drop my stance.

I sat on on the chair that Revive summoned earlier, glaring at my aching muscle. The worst part is that I could see it, how my wrist was moving similar to the thrumming of my heart. It felt like a muscle strain.

My brothers assured me that I'd be fine, and after that, then started to take their roles as a worried siblings and began scolding me for doing something reckless.

That's when Ruval the Bespectacled blonde, further explained that, the key to its use is not using a large chunk of demonic power and I should only summon the necessary amount of demonic power needed to perform a spell.

If I used more demonic power than needed, then it would overload my body, causing immense pain. Plus this method would also be inefficient and would quickly waste demonic energy.

"If I don't use enough demonic power, then my attack wouldn't work?" I repeated.

Ruval nodded. "Correct. It'd just create problems in future fights," his look turned to one of concern, "are you ready to try it once again?"

I pursed my lips, but still nodded, slowly standing up. "I'm ready."

"Okay," Ruval sighed, probably nervous of me getting hurt again, "then try hitting a tree with a demonic bullet and remember control is key."

Nodding, I once again took a proper stance with my hand aimed at tree.

"You can do it Riri!" Revive cheered from the side. While Ruval simply crossed his arms, watching my back with a supportive look.

I meanwhile bit my tongue, adjusted my aim, and with the already shaped the bullet in my mind. I just needed to launch it with the help of my demonic power.

"Remember Rye, you need to relax," Ruval reminded him, "don't think too much, just relax, and believe."

"Relax and believe…" I parroted, closing one eye to have a better aim.

Ruval and Revive saw it, the Phenex orange crest forming in front of my finger, the demonic power flowing towards my finger, giving me the ammunition to fire my attack.

And I did it, I shot the demonic bullet at the destinated target. This time I didn't felt pain surging from my limbs, or wasted for using a portion of my power. I simply followed my instincts.

Lowering my arm with a smile, I faced the two bystanders, ignoring the smoke coming from the tree. "I did it."

"Uwaah!" I jumped backward in surprise at Revive's sudden wail, scaring me. "That was super amazing! The way you stood! That posture! The way you glared at the tree! Big bro so proud of you for mimicking me!"

I felt my cheeks heat up. Because of the nature in my previous life, it was rare for me to earn a compliment from people, with the exception of my ex of course. But when I received a truly genuine one like now, I could only stand there quiet, not knowing how to respond.

The worst part is that the blonde with a mole was overdoing his praise.

"Calm down! You're making a scene!" I hushed him, feeling somewhat embarrassed. "It wasn't that great!"

"Are you kidding?! That was super duper amazing hahaha! Big brother is so proud" Revive declared.

"Now, now. I believe that's enough out of you Revive." Ruval stated, struggling to control his smiling face.

He faced me, his smile softening.

"Exceptional work Rye, now that you learned how to use your demonic power for offensive spells, let's jump to the last one, this time summon a defensive barrier, do you want me to make a demonstration?"

I offered a cocky grin, my embarrassment gone, "Not really, I've got this handled."

Ruval's eyebrow lifted up, as he smirked at the arrogant comment. "Hoh, Confidence are we?"

I waved off his concern, "Its because I feel like I know how to handle it Big bo. To make an offensive spell I needed to imagine a bullet. To make a defensive spell I just need to imagine a barrier, right?" I followed up, head tilted.

Ruval nodded in confirmation "That could work, too. Although, I was thinking more along the lines of a shield."

Putting an end to the conversation, I followed my brothers's wise words. Letting the demonic power flowing around me do its work, I loosened up, using the sufficient energy to cast the defensive spell.

"Big bo, I need help" I spoke, not moving from my place, not wishing to ruin my hard work.

"Ok, big bro will help you with anything" Revive volunteered immediately

"Attack me,"

Listening my order made Revive look at me with a bit worry, he then shifted his focus on the barrier "Ok, brace yourself"

He then took the same stance and fired another demonic bullet, which was the fortunately got parried by the same orange Phenex emblem from before, it didn't even make it close to my face. The magic circle as big as a fist.

"Alright," I nodded, mentally cheering at my success. "Now, attack me from a different direction."

Not wasting time, Revive redirected his attack to my stomach, suffering the same fate.

"Can you increase its power big bo?" I took a deep breath, before nodding at Revive.

He returned the nod, walking backward to have more space, the blonde then fired a bullet that was 3 time bigger.

Said bullet finally crashed, not one or two or three, but five. Five magic circles protected their summoner, all of them lined up to match up in height against bullet aimed towards me.

While the attack was successfully blocked, I felt the wave coming from the impact making me step back.

"I have enough" I sighed, feeling how I lost another slab of demonic power, but not much to fall from exhaustion.

"Amazing!" Revive gushed, "your improving at a rapid pace Riri" he complimented while patting my head.

Ruval also walk towards me with a smile on his face. "Congratulations Rye, as Revive had said you are improving at a rapid rate, so be proud of yourself" The Bespectacled blonde spoke softly, looking directly at my widing eyes.

"You learning how to use demonic power in a day is truly impressive." He continued while also patting my head.

Revive then pulled us both in a group hug and shouted with glee, "let's go grab some food and celebrate Riri's accomplishments wahahaha!"

"For once I agree with you Revive. Let us go home then." Ruval chided as he took me in his and carried me home with a excitable Revive by our side.

This feeling...This familiarity...I've only experience back when my parents were still alive. Truly it feels like I have once again gained another family.

This time I will do everthing, even sacrificing my body to claw my way to the top of this world and I won't let it take from me again.

Thanks for all the support btw guys. Also plez drop some reviews if you can

PopcornBrocreators' thoughts
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