
Chapter 2

Lugh backed away quickly, narrowly avoiding a wave of wind that tore through the wooden floor and-, "Man! That carpet looked expensive and now it's ruined."

"Inconsequential, I will have it replaced before the day is done." The 'noble' spoke calmly, unbothered as he wiped the dust off his shirt.

"Rich asshole."

Lugh ducked abruptly, dodging a katana that would've lopped his head right off, "What's the obsession with katanas? Aren't you guys supposed to be European themed?"

"Katanas are superior weapons." The girl attacking him spoke back, sheathing her blade with closed eyes.

Katanas were what now?

Lugh chuckled at her words, "Yeah okay, watch this."

Vanishing from his position, he appeared next to her and smacked her across the face so hard a very audible crack rang out, "I don't get why you think you even need weapons."

"My back pain is gone?"

"What?" Lugh abruptly punched her in the face with a blackened fist, blowing her through the adjacent wall, "Two down. Anyway... I get it if they're like Excalibur or something but, most stuff is annoying. It just breaks if you hit the other guy too hard."

"Agreed. I did not know you people to be so sensible."

Curious, Lugh looked over to the Devil that had agreed with him, only to be met with a massive burst of flames that enveloped the whole room. He looked at it only for a second before shamelessly jumping out the window, shattering the expensive glass by virtue of weight and momentum.

"You people are ruining my loot!" He complained indignantly, waving around his fist.

As if the guy just wanted to spit in his face, snake-like streams of water burst out of the room after him, tearing through everything in their path as they came crashing at him but stopped abruptly, floating in the air.

"Magic is a far superior method of combat in comparison to banal and savage displays of strength. I am glad we see eye to eye on something." The Devil continued his words from earlier, visibly unconcerned with the possible death of his own men as he sauntered out of his ruined mansion, "I notice you move moments before I attack. Why is that?"

Lugh just shrugged, "Dunno man, maybe my instincts are that good?"

"That would explain much. It isn't entirely impossible." The Devil spoke a little too calmly for his liking, like he was sure he'd overpower him, "But, you move too early for it to be instinct."

He snapped his fingers and the water serpents started moving again.

"I call it Haki."

Lugh, not interested in answering the question, only stepped to the side, avoiding them at the last possible second before punching down at both of them with haki clad fists which dissolved them completely, dispersing the Demonic Energy that held them together.

"There, that." The Devil snapped his fingers again, "You moved like you knew what was coming."

"Dunno man." Lugh shrugged again, "You might be overthinking stuff. Is your age getting to you?"


"Yeah, I thought Devils didn't go senile with age?"

"We do no-"

"My Lord! I apologis-..."

The few servants that were left after the 'clash' ran to join their Lord but were cut off by him holding up a hand, his blue eyes regarding them like trash, "You were late, and are now obsolete. He has rendered nearly half of you incapacitated... I don't think you need my pieces anymore. He does."

"No wait! Please!"

Lugh didn't move, watching with a confused smile as the Devil pointed a hand at his own peerage and snapped his fingers, setting them all on fire instantaneously, "I will not brook incompetence of this calibre."

"Why'd you do that man?" Lugh asked quietly, "Not cool at all. They were trying to help you." 

Grinning, the Devil held out his hands as bat-like wings sprouted from his back, "I serve the Great House Leviathan! My name is Br-... Why are you trying to steal their weapons?" The still unnamed Devil paused, looking at him incredulously.

"Well, you set your mansion on fire, dipshit." Lugh pointed at the burning mansion behind him, "These things should fetch a good price."

The Devil facepalmed and inhaled deeply, "I killed them because they were of no use to me. Do not test my patience, I will do the same to y-... Why are you showing that finger to me?"

Lugh was flashing him the bird, waving it around.

"I kinda wanna get mad so I can get a power up or something for fighting for justice but..." Lugh crossed his arms, closing his eyes and humming in thought, "Like, these guys tried to kill me cause you said so... Eh, I don't feel bad."

"Splendid! Those who are weak do not have the right to think themselves important or have a say at all! It is the right of the strong to do as we please!" The Devil cackled loudly, his long brown hair fluttering in the wind.

Lugh snorted at his words, "Damn, you really said that like you didn't get your rank cause daddy dearest wanted his kid to be special... Damn."

"I am a High-Class Devil of the Hous-"

"Womp womp."

"Human arrogance is a damnable thing." The Devil raised a clenched fist, still not attacking him.

Lugh knew why he was hesitating now.

Nobles weren't exactly the brightest of the bunch when it came to thinking ahead most of the time, and the guy had just killed off his own peerage, "You just killed them and now if you kill me, daddy gonna be angry right?"

"...I listen to none! I do not care what my father says! Or anyone for that matter!"

"Cut my life into pieces~ ahh sentence." Lugh chuckled to himself, putting down the weapons he'd hoarded from the dead Devils and turned to him, "You wanna go, big boy? Let's do it."

This time however, his black arms gained a distinctive crimson pattern, pulsing with raw power.

In a blur, Lugh appeared next to the devil and grabbed him by the throat, smashing his haki-clad head into the man's face before putting a hand behind his head and slamming it down on his own knee. Lugh then grabbed him by the back of his collar and threw him to the ground.

"You think you're high class, buddy?"

"I... I am high-clas-..." He was interrupted by Lugh kicking his head like football...

"Well, that's disgusting. I didn't think his head was gonna explode." Lugh pulled his leg back with a repulsed face but other than that, there were no particular feelings. He'd experienced death before, and the guy was trying to make him a slave for eternity, his actions were completely justified.

Though, Lugh guessed he could've just knocked all of them out right at the start instead of fighting... Eh, what was done was done, he'd use it next time.

Casting one final glance at the corpse, Lugh picked up his loot and sauntered off into the distance.

"Guess I'll go on a walk."


Okay, maybe going on a walk hadn't been such a good idea.

"Inform the Lord, they found the lady!"

"Damn it! I thought we were completely isolated!"

Lugh didn't even know what the hell they were talking about as he walked through the white corridors of a hospital, curiously watching the two men standing near an unlabelled door with hardened expressions.

See, the thing he didn't like about this world was that most of the guys in it were fodder for the upper class... Attacking the latter would make a spiralling diplomatic incident that would get a whole pantheon on his ass and attacking the former was just boring.

He'd just been walking through empty forest land and found a strange complex, didn't even know it was a hospital or something and walked in for directions... This made the people in there panic and run away for some reason.

"Guys, where are we?" He asked as politely as possible, raising one hand in surrender while using the other to hold his weapons... A katana, a halberd, and a longsword... expensive stuff.

"You are in the territory of the Old Satan Leviathan! Leave immediately or we will call Lord Br-"

"Is that the guy with blue eyes and brown hair?" Lugh held out his free hand, "About this tall, with a massive stick up his ass?"

One of the two nodded hesitantly, clenching his fists.

"Yeah that dude dead as hell... which is strange cause we're in hell." Lugh nodded to himself, ignoring how despair seemed to overtake the men's features, "Pay me what I was promised and I'll buzz off. You'll never know I was here... You got treasure in that room?"

He sauntered up to them and pushed them away before kicking the door off it's hinges.

"Why the hell is he so strong?"

"I work out, and I'm a motivated man." He clocked them both in the jaw, knocking them out, "And right now, I'm motivated to hurt you. How the hell am I supposed to leave this place? The sky being purple might be cool for you but I don't like it at all."

Sighing, Lugh walked into the room.

What he found inside could be called a treasure but eh... It wasn't the kind of treasure that he was looking for.

It was a purple haired chick wearing a hospital gown sleeping on a medical bed.

"Do I kidnap her and ask these Leviathans to pay me in exchange?"

That sounded like a good idea.

There had to be some significance to her if they made a whole hospital complex for her and even assigned a guard... Though the noble near her looked more like a stand-in than an actual heavy hitter... maybe the actual guy was off duty or something?

Shamelessly, he slung the girl over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and jumped out of the window, landing on a dirt patch before walking off into the night, humming a random tune.

Now just for clarity, Lugh was a man of honour, if she'd been a kid, he'd have left her... And he would also have kidnapped her if she was a... dude.

"Should I try waking her up with Conqueror's Haki?"


Hope you enjoyed the chapter.


As explained in the undertones of the last chapter, Haki is a power that results from willpower.

He has insane skill and control over that precisely because of how hard-headed and set in his ways he seems to be. Bro kicked a noble's ass with no regard for how his extended family would come after him for it. Also because he's been using it since he woke up, explained in the last chapter too.

I hope this was useless for you because you did pay attention while reading but I've outlined it all the same.

I went with a simple backstory because his past isn't what matters and I don't wanna do info dumps that take over half the chapter explaining how he knows somebody.

I hope you've been adequately entertained.


Lastly, give any feedback you have for me... plz.

This is my first time writing something outside Fate.

Next chapter