
Magic without magic circles?

98..99...100 as I hunch over, breathing heavily, my hands desperately reaching for my water as I gulp it down all at once as I can finally rest from that hellish training like what the hell I'm eight even grown adults don't train like that every day I'm sure of it as I then begin to feel excited and see how much strength I can acquire now maybe I'll get at least a few points as I nod in agreement with my thoughts with a smile on my face that is erased as I see my stat menu


[Name: Yami zagan ]

[Title: The Gamer]




[Sacred Gear: none]

[HP: 1000

[MP: 2500

[STR: 15]

[VIT: 12]

[AGI: 16]

[INT: 19]

[WIS: 11]

[LUCK: 9]


The difference is only 0.5 points. I scream out loud as I fall back as I need to rethink my evaluation of the system as it appears that it won't be as easy as I thought, but then again I shouldn't have assumed I'd gain so much strength from just doing that exercise as that was naive of me and disrespectful to all those who have been breaking their limits daily to gain strength as it feels like I'd be spitting in their faces.

But 0.5 points per day isn't bad, and according to my calculations, that would give me around 182.5 points per year, which is very good. I also need to balance my magic because I can't tell how strong I am due to being isolated here, and I doubt anyone can break in due to the sealing barriers my mother put up, and magic from my ancestors would make it difficult for an intruder to break in since only I have the capacity to let others in because of the seal embodied in me by Arnold through the use of a blood seal, which may enable people and myself entry beyond the seal and into the grounds I am presently seated on, as well as the mansion.

You should probably take a bath. I think to myself while I'm dripping wet from that exhausting workout that I'm only a child dammit. Sure, I've matured faster since I'm a demon, but a kid is a kid.

I'm currently reading a book about magic and it says that we use magic circles to output magic, but I want to find a way around that. From what I've gathered and researched, in order to not use magic circles, one must have precise magic control over their mana, which can take a long time to master. However, if I don't use magic circles to practise magic with and start using magic without the circles right away, I might be able to overcome that.

but from what I've gathered and research in order to not use magic circles one must have precise magic control over there mana which can take a long time to use however if I even don't use magic circles to practice magic with and start right away with using magic without the circles then I may be able to understand and get extreme control over my mana sure it's a long shot and could take a lot of trial and Effort but it will be a lot more In the long term, it will be advantageous to me because I have finally agreed on a plan and can now go on to my next step.

Using demonic power (mana) requires the power of using your imagination and the power to create, as well as having a good sense, while magic is just knowledge to control equations, using your head and making calculations. So while they seem similar, they are very different from each other.

So now that I have a basic understanding of what to do with my mana, what magic should I try first: dark magic, blood magic, sealing magic, or my exclusive curse warding magic? On second thought, the latter sounds a little too complicated to try first, so that leaves dark magic, blood magic, or sealing magic. I grumble, and when I finally make up my mind, I select black magic for a variety of reasons. 1 It's the same as light, which demons can't stand, thus it'll help me fight angels and fallen angels. Second, it is the most damaging magic, and third, it is the coolest magic.

As I stand in the field, I close my eyes and imagine and try to make the magic obey what I want it to do as I envision a shape I want it to take as I put it into action, I feel beads of sweat fall from my head as my mana depletes, but once I fall, it stops and I open my eyes to see a sword or katana to be more precise made of darkness, but it's not perfect as to be expected with a few out of shape areas.

as I drop to the ground as it seems I lost around 60% of my mana as if would seem I need to train my mana more to increase the size of it but I will contemplate such thoughts later but for now I'm hungry so I will have to hunt some fish or boar from the Forrest as the mansion is out of food but I feel a smile on my face as I laugh look at me go 8 years old using magic without circles and being dependent as I walk through the Forrest looking for some food .

I'll keep trying to navigate my magic and mould it to my will in order to get more control over my dark magic. I already have some big magic spells in mind, but I'm still a long way from using such powerful spells, so I'll take it carefully.

Every journey begins with a single step. I just have to have patience.

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