
Ch6: Training, upgrades and graduation

(MC pov)

Man, time sure flies when you're a child soldie-Exorcist, I meant exorcist. A lot has happened in this past 3 years, and it was already the time of graduation for this generation.

First is, of course, Annihilation Maker. I have experimented and created several monsters using either materials, that I got after asking Ewald and Strada, 2 cradinals of the church, knowledge, imagination and energy. Here they are by the order of their creation:

--Yata: 3 eyed crow. Used for detection, spying, observing, etc...

--Shadow: Able to act as a spacial storage, can contain an unfinished beast and allow its creation over time.

--Venom: A symbiote from Marvel, used some spiders as an ingredient, allows the following: Spider-sense, enchanted reflex, enchanted strength, biological armor, regeneration, wall climbing, tendrils manipulation, allow breathing anywhere.

--Phone: Created from an actual supernatural smartphone, have free access to both Supernatural and mundane Internet, can download info into the mind directly, allows both thought acceleration and parallel processing. Because apparently for some strange reason, this world is 10 years early in its technology development. It's like someone just decided to that the world's calendar should be 10 years early. So, since this is 1999, the world state as a whole, from history to development, is equivalent to my original world in 2009. That is to say, 9/11 actually already happened, in 1991, ww2 ended in 1935 and started in 1929,etc...

(A/N: Don't worry about this, just consider that by the time canon arrive, the world technology lvl will be similar to us in 2018, it's just for plot convenience and me being a lazy ass author)

--Shadow soldiers: Soldiers who have 1/summoned number of the summoners skill and power, either in magic or combat, but can't be stronger than half of the summoners strength. Undying as long as there is an energy supply, can infiltrate, move and stay in shadows, can swap places with the summoner unless in different dimensions. Dead bodies can be used as a catalyst.

--Purification circle: A half-monster half spell, that allows the purification of all the evil intentions in it, can prevent or adjuste just how much of it can enter. Perfect for practice of Senjetsu. But the bigger the circle is, the more absurd the cost will be, and it can't stay in an area permanently.

--Merlin's wand: Created from the branch of the Norse World tree, because the church has apparently a batch of them for some reason, even though they should be a heretical item. A monster that acts as both a sheath for Ascalon and a wand that can cast 2 duplicates of spells, as long as they don't reach a certain lvl, without a cost.

--Artificial angels: Created using holy and light magic from Ascalon and the church mass produced weapons, there are 3 variants, with 2,4 and 6 wings corresponding to their strength. As a side effect of devouring those light weapons, I can now recrete them as beasts, making me able to make a shit yon of light swords and exorcist guns.

After I created this beasts, my training became much more easier and diversed. For instance, the purification circle finally allowed me to try and train Senjetsu, and while progress in it was kind of hard, it helped immensely with the creation of my beasts, since now, instead of just relying on my reserves, I can use the purified ki in the world too, so I use it in every mediation session. Another example of my training, is the phone beast, which is a goddamn cheat. With it, I'm already at PhD lvl in different subjects.

As for memory partition, it is the ability to partition one's thoughts to form multiple independent thought processes. While normal people can only have a single "room" in their brain and focus on one thought, partitioning adds partitions to the one room to create multiple rooms. While machines can calculate on the same level, nothing else compares when used for problem solving, 4 partitions is my current limit.

This paired with thought acceleration, makes me able to solve the equivalent of Fermat's Last Theorem mentally in under a minute.

Besides, memory partition had the wonderful side gain of being able to actually control my beasts while still fighting at the same time, that is to say I can actually use one of my partitions to take control and inhabit the body of one of my beasts, or use it to organise them and issue orders while I am focused on fighting.

Now as I said, most of this beasts are just secondary forces, compared to the main 4 ones that I created with the help of Dulio, and even then, they took months to create atleast one of them, but that's a story for later.

In regards of Ascalon, I continued my swordmanship under Ewald for the last 3 years, reaching quite the high level with it, and I also familiarised myself with all its capabilities, from holy damage, sword slashes, light beams and the like. For my magic study, I was surprised they actually supplied me with all the books I could have asked for, apparently they are from a deal with Grauzauberer. It seems that the church is really going all out with it's investment in me.

When I realised that, I decided to milk it out for all its worth, and asked them to make a special exorcist ouffit for the day of my graduation. It was a tailor made church vestments inscribed with millions upon millions of runes, Hebrew words, enchantments and blessings of various saints from all over the Vatican over the course of 3 years. Garrants the following: High-class lvl of protection, nullifies any kind of dmg below that. Decrease air resistance, grants a holy aura comparable to that of a 4 winged angel, increased mana regeneration, increase in physical abilities, self-repaor and adjustment.

With it, I also asked for a light sword and an exorcist gun to be upgraded, nothing really that powerful, but just in case if I ever needed it.

And so with that, my stats looked like this.

[ Name: Samuel Willis

Age: 14 ( He looks like he's 17-18 years old)

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Physical body: Mid-tier without activation of Touki (Top high class with Venom, low Ultimate class with Touki, will become stronger with time until adulthood)

Mana pool: Half ultimate-class

Power: Rune magic (Master), lightning magic (Master), water magic (Advanced), light magic (Advanced), Holy sacraments (Advanced), Barrier/Sealing magic (Advanced), Dark magic (Advanced)

Skills: Acting (Advanced), stealth (Intermediate), Mana manipulation (Grandmaster), swordmanship (Master), CQC (Advanced), Holy power manipulation (Master), Senjetsu (Intermediate), marksmanship (Intermediate), spearmanship (Intermediate) ]

With this, I was as ready as I can possibly be to tackle the supernatural as I can be, as long as I didn't go around and start courting death, I will be probably safe, through sadly, I can already feel it, that I'm reaching this body's potential limit.

Humans unfortunately are really weak like that, and it's only very very few exceptions that can surpass this limits, but even they will reach a certain limit, like Vasco, he with continous training and an exceptional talent, was able to bring his body to the absolute, limit reaching Satan-class with it.

Sadly, it seems my body won't be able to reach those kind of heights without modifications, now at my base without any kind of reinforcement from Venom, magic or Touki, my body alone is able to excert high-class power. So I will just be waiting for the opportunity to come, to finally ascend from this limits of my current body, and I know it will, after all I plan to become abandon my humanity.

As for the my future now, well it's a long standing tradition for the church to pair up new exorcists for the beginning of their careers I the supernatural. So who's the best possible partner for an absurdly strong exorcist with a holy sword and a high-tier longinus? Of course, its another absurdly strong exorcist with an even stronger sacred gear.

That was how I ended up partnered with Dulio for the next 3 years. Going back to my room for what will be the last time, I was able to feel 5 familiar presences waiting for me in there. Deciding to just play along, I open the door and switched the light on, only to be blasted by the collective shout of the current occupants of the room.

"SUPRISEEEE!!!!!!" Looking at the culprits of this event, I see Asia, Jeanne, Lint, Siegfried and Dulio looking at me with smiles waiting for my reaction.

"Thanks guys, I'm glad we can all meet before me and Dulio's departure" hearing that, the kids moo dropped down. Seeing that, Dulio just sighed and said.

"Oh come on, don't be like that. You all know its just a mission and we will back in some months, it's not a goodbye, just a see you later. Besides, this is supposed to be a party, so forget all that and let's begin!" Saying so, he used his sacred gear to create some sparkles, which did distract the children from their broading.

I just joined them in the feast, we had some some pretty basic stuff and just enjoyed the presence of each other with some conversations, Asia and Jeanne complaining about the old fools of the church as usual, Siegfried being pestered by both Dulio and Lint to limit his usage of his demonic swords to just the standard swordmanship unless absolutely necessary, even through the blades accepted him.

That's right, I don't know if its because he was much stronger or because he was more stable? but for whatever reason, Gram and the other demonic swords actually accepted Siegfried as their master, and that actually helped deal with a big part of the life-drainage problem, but couldn't completely suppress it.

I actually was helping all of the kids in training for this last years, guiding them in awakening their magical cores early and developing their own holy magic reserves by injecting mine I their body and circulating it without damaging it thanks to my Master level control on it. With his mana core, we're trying to solve the life-force problem by both suppressing the demonic aura with holy magic and powering it up with mana instead, like what Vali did with his Juggernaut Drive. And while it's still far away from being perfected, we were successful in this endeavour.

For the rest, we convinced Father Vasco to let Asia train in exorcist arts atleast to be able to defend herself just in case, in which she trained in spearmanship, magic or barrier magic in particular since she seemed to have some talent in it, Holy sacraments and the use of her sacred gear from distance since she had practice dummies all around, in fact she is developing how to incorporate her healing in her fighting style, to try and become a heal rank who can continue fighting and regenerating from any damage done to her. For Jeanne, she was actually able to come in contact with the Spirit inside her and was able to finally resolve the burden she was feeling about her identity, and with that she activated her sacred gear, blade blacksmith, to which I helped her by supplying her with all kind of sword abilities I could think of, from elemental and counter elemental swords of Kiba, to more absurd ones like teleportation, poison, explosive swords. I also told her to train how to make and control flying swords to make her go Gilgamesh style. For Lint, I remember she will get Incarnate Anthem from that crazy witch, so I decided to tell her to focus on both fire and holy magic, besides of course swordmanship and marksmanship too.

As for Dulio, well I don't consider a rival for no reason since he already unlocked his Sub-Species balance breaker. In the original show, while he was somewhat skilled in close range combat, it wasn't really that much, which was a problem that was quickly solved with him having taken Courtain and with me as a tank that can actually reach him if he doesn't go for a killing blow, which made him train more in hand to hand combat. Of course, I also helped him develop holy energy reserves, since he already have his mana core active because of his longinus.

I actually introduced all of them to each other, in hopes that they will befriend and keep each other from going crazy or getting excommunicated. After the party ended and we bid each other goodbye, with me promising to visit the moment I came back and to stay safe. I went to sleep, ready for my mission and chance to visit the world outside of this city.

Next chapter