
He Who Shall Not Be Stopped

The daybreak approaches and Daegok-soo tries to pull himself up. After that fiasco and mad chase he endured, he is now having to make breakfast for that hidden powerhouse combined with that he can't make any repeating dish to serve him from here on out.

What a mess he caught, Tower-scaling is a lot more consuming than he thought in both physical and mentally although that is given.

That man in blue cloak is still there with his legs placed on the table waiting for service. Leisure he is despite chasing after him the whole night before. And speaking of that, he actually found his friends once more and... they don't seem to be in much better state than him.

"Can we leave the Tower for resupplying?" Anssa-um said as he checks the fuel on the motorcycle.

"Not until we clear the first floor. Until we could clear the trial of the first floor can we leave or advance to the next". Gwi-jaum said as he takes his early breather.

The 1st floor trial is a combat test in which if they obtain approvals of all combat instructors in this town. Only then does the teleportation anchor can be used to get out or enter the next floor. Many of them are obviously sword, polearms, axes, bows and the more obvious medieval weaponries.

Of course, you don't need to beat them, just do well enough that the instructors can approve them. Gwi-jaum much in a Regressor's fashion will beat them all for bonus reward.

"How did you even get a place like this? I heard that it could cost up to thousands of gold that we can't obtain easily right now. You're probably the fastest property owner yet". Gwi-jaum commented on his friend's feat even if unrelated to combat.

"I took a loan of roughly a few hundreds combined with this dirt-cheap property. Although it doesn't look like much right now. Having a proper base of operation will help immensely when we are having roughly over thousands of Tower-climbers up until now". Daegok-soo said as he still feels the fatigue of previous night.

A daring decision he took for sure. But unlike before when he only meet Harold at like days after entry. This time, he only has to wait for two because of the fluke that Daegok-soo purchase a tavern is a welcoming change

"Let me just handle this so-called Hero's breakfast before we proceed with anything. I don't want to imagine him going rough on my training regime because I didn't make satisfying enough meal for him". Daegok-soo said before he head toward the kitchen, once again with his limited supply. Just how much variations can he even make with onions alone is going to be a test of culinary that not even proper chefs love to.

Activating Hyper-Metabolism

You have consumed a 'Mediocre Fried Onion Sandwich' for the first time. You have fully healed and gain permanent +2 DEX, +2 INT

"Interesting... Let's see how far you can push your culinary skill with just onion alone". Harold said after he consumed basically subpar meal wholeheartedly, at this point. If it is unique, he gains something out of it for sure.

"So... how do I earn enough money to pay off the loan? Because I'm pretty sure that just selling and servicing here will probably took us years on end if we're fortunate.

"If it's money that you worry about then don't need to worry about it. What you need to do is to train your skill with him otherwise you won't be able to make it past the first floor. And beside, Jiang is in real trouble because his physique make it impossible to master any conventional weapon". Gwi-jaum comments on the group's situation.

The group continues their discussion before they make their separate ways.

Meanwhile, at Daegok-soo's location.

"Huff, huff..." Daegok-soo muttered as he ran down the chosen path that his mentor has chosen.

If it was just running, it wouldn't have been so stressful for him. The fact that he is being forced to maneuver through the tight corridors and turns while his mentor is chasing him down.

The townsfolks witnessing only think that it is just some cardio training he is undergoing but in reality, it is far atrocious than what their sight perceives.

Like what is spoken before, one could accomplish a sub-2-hour marathon if they push both their mental and physical to the limit. But, a marathon is usually a straight path with no sharp turning within sight.

His mentor's task: Make a 4km lap as fast as he could. Not too difficult at the first sound because there's no time limit. But from his gaze, he could tell that he is in for an earful reminder if he goes too slow for his liking.

Having to slow down for sharp turns in general, his speed is hampered not only by just the surroundings alone but also the people going about their days. Worse, he ended up just hitting the dead ends and having to regain his lost momentum as a result.

Unless he is in major routes and avenues, running in this place at his optimal speed is asking for accidents to happen and he doesn't have the time nor money for reparation if anything happen. 

After an unknown amount of time that he lost count, his mentor gave him the signal that his task is done.

"Look what we have here... 31 and a half minutes spent. Not too bad although there's still a lot to be improved". Harold said as he gives his assessment of Daegok-soo's performance.

Daegok-soo wanted to snark him for the impossible task that his mentor tried to make him do. For even an athlete, 4km run in half an hour is literally their peak. Let alone in constrained area.

"From everything that I has observed of you so far. Your most pressing weakness right now is of your maneuverability, I can tell easily that you desperate the most when you try to turn your direction at high-speed in which you tend to lose your balance easily or even fall toward the ground.". Harold said as he analyzes Daegok-soo's problem.

Inertia motion. A constant and problematic constraints of all runners during long-distance running. When you change your direction, the body's inertia motion still force you to go that way and one must account for it.

Although it has been long since his competitive running scene and change of careers, Daegok-soo still remembers that detail thoroughly. He even sees careers end because of it.

"This is your new task. You must now keep up with me in the next 4km that I'll run. You will see how I maneuver myself and come to that realization on your own. We'll do this as many time as you capable of witnessing me." Harold said while Daegok-soo is in the midst of his confusion.

Before he could say anything. Harold left him in the dust as the Daegok-soo desperately attempts to catch-up with that force of nature.

As much as his tired body could do to follow. Daegok-soo chases behind his mentor as if the 4km run before didn't sap any of his strength. Suddenly, he wished that his stamina could fare better a bit because he didn't even get any chance for proper recovery just now.

"Please... I'm not like you yet!" Daegok-soo pleaded as his already-sweaty body tries to step forward in fatigue.

He thought that learning Thousand March Footwork would be at least simpler than trying to learn swordsmanship. He was wrong, really wrong about it.

Back at the Gwi-jaum's location.

Gwi-jaum continues to slash his sword as he practices the Immovable Swordsmanship once more. It's been awhile since his regression but his muscle memory and recalling of the techniques are still fresh in his mind.

With that, he is sure that there will be nothing that can beat him here in this floor for now. But the future isn't set in stone and he would do himself well to not underestimate any threat that arise. Can't let himself be taken advantaged like this for sure.

There's no better dueling sword art to be known here and even against greater number and deadlier enemies, its reliability is just out of the roof much like its actual namesakes.

As the wooden dummy in front of him is carved with countless sword slashes, Gwi-jaum never once stops planning of the future. If he can't even do anything right with regression, then he would simply be worse than pathetic trash. As stupidly overused and 'dead horse' this twist of event might be, he just simply glad that he can change the terrible outcome that will come.

He remembered the surge of Regression Novels that were on the rise in the previous life and now of his and in comparison to his current situation now, he still is nowhere that leisure at all like those privileged bastards in those novels.

"Either way, I'm still the cheater here. And I swear to this Tower that those arrogant bastards in those shitty novels better stay in there. Remain as fiction because their existence brought nothing but misery to anyone else". Gwi-jaum muttered beneath his breath as he also understood the hypocrisy of his comment.

And speak of the devil, one prime example approaches, not at him but really close. Think of how terrible an average person personality-wise and you realized that half of them is even worse.

Gwi-jaum won't even bother making description. Just think of Daegok-soo without any positive trait and crank the jack-assery up to beyond digit representation. In fact, that's literally all that could be entailed because this type of people are so prevalent as main characters in Korean Novels. Anyone who remained a modicum of sensibility knew without a doubt.

It's fun to read them, not so much interact with these self-centered bastards.

He won't even bother learn that disgrace's name. Only the naming them of 'Edgelord template 1, variant A'. Provoking people into fighting them before humiliate said people with their unfair and overpowered ability. Most likely the skill that the Tower has given them at the start.

Gwi-jaum swears that he is going to broke the fourth wall and choke the writer who wrote that generic moron into this reality. Not because he actually could but he said so due to his Genre Savviness regardless of being proven wrong or not.

"Don't even interact with them. Only suffering will come if I done so". Gwi-jaum thinks to himself as he continues to swing his sword against the dummy.

Not even in five minutes, other Tower climbers have already left the training field because that abhorrent power-drunk moron. Flaunting their strength as if they themselves are invincible. Searching for anyone to continue their addiction of dominance, Gwi-jaum inevitably get caught within their line of sights.

They said that the ultimate test of characters is how much one remain themselves when given power. Some just see the slippery slope and then they immediately went off the rail. If this arrogant bastard is any indication then the prospect of later interactions with the more powerful Tower climbers are no doubt... very bleak.

Gwi-jaum quickly dodges a sudden attack as his body's instinct quickly pull himself out of danger. As the dagger implanted into the dummy with great force that it uprooted out of the ground.

"Didn't I say to fight me?!" The edgy bastard tries to provoke Gwi-jaum again as their entire personality is written to be edgy and arrogant for no purpose than to be it.

With speed not belonging to new entry climber, the edgelord immediately went on their onslaught against Gwi-jaum as their dagger slathers against his sword. If it weren't for the Immovable Swordsmanship, he would be pushed back long ago but he stood his ground thanks to its basic.

Unfortunately though, his training blade obviously don't fare well as the overpowered strength of his assailant quickly chips the blade. If he doesn't act quickly, the sword will shatter in a few seconds later.

Applying all of his strength in the following hit, the training blade shatters like an explosive grenade as its fragments scattered toward the edgelord assailant. Using the brief moment that he obtained, he quickly grabbed another training weapon amongst the training racks.

Not even a moment too late, he managed to repel yet another fatal blow using the spear that he grabbed in a blur of moment. Even if it is not his suitable weapon, he still has his one skill.

Eternal Arms Mastery

With swift motions and techniques that unseen, he quickly repels back his attacker with roughly same efficiency as the sword. The edgelord not wasting any more time made their charge relentlessly as they attempt to overwhelm Gwi-jaum with overwhelming stats.

That's precisely what Gwi-jaum deduced out of them. As of right now, no one has leveled up just yet because experience isn't gained from act of killing. Otherwise, it would easily lead to twisted acts of crime against life itself to maximize stat gain. Of violence being the sole gain in the equation. Point in case, FFF-Class Trash Villain which he have read as an example of someone abusing 'Combat EXP' system by systematic genocide.

Thus, there is one proper guesses that he can only make. Bonus levels. Some skills give straight level ups for free thus Gwi-jaum guessed that it must be one of them. People haven't yet figure out how to level up as he heard of saying how them tried to hunt wildlife didn't increase their LVL.

At the beginning, difference between levels is staggering as even one stat in right attributes make all the differences. The gap slowly bridges later on but right now, it is like heaven and earth altogether.

As the clash between the two worsen, Gwi-jaum has changed weapons many times over. Between swords, polearms, maces of all the kinds as each couldn't last any longer than his training sword. If there's any grace however. That would be...

Eternal Arms Mastery. Rank up! D -> C

The ability to wield all weapons with proficiency regardless. It's not the most broken overpowered thing to exist. But it is useful and saving him right now in the pinch. Quantity sometimes is a quality of its own. With that, he actually managed to push back the assailants bit by bit from the inevitable defeat before.

"Stop. I've seen enough"

The fight between Gwi-jaum and the edgelord ceased temporarily as the man draped in blue cloak steps into scarred training ground. Of course, only Gwi-jaum knew who he truly is.

"Quite an interesting power display of power you have here. How about this, try to make me take a step back and I shall consider giving you a reward". Harold said as he deliberately try to lure the edgelord's attention toward him. There's no better bait than the promise of power to these kinds of people.

No additional question was asked, the arrogant bastard lunged at him with all their might as Harold unsheathes his twin broadsword as he wield them with great proficiency against his opponent. Using the bonus stat he gained from Hyper-Metabolism, the original gap between them is bridged despite him only being a LV1.

With speed and strength overwhelming compare to Harold himself, he continues to march forward unflinchingly despite the onslaught itself. Every time he shows himself his moments of weakness, they're actually just feints for him to counterattacks. Needless to say the amount of time that they have fell for it. With that, Harold intents to end this combat in a swift blow that sends him flying.

Harold's method of combat is just frontal assault. No trick, no plan of deception, just literally walk up to his opponents' faces and beat them down as fast as he could. He is someone who really measures time with such preciousness that even wastage of seconds alone could irritate him.

And that certainly include picking fights that could leave him on death's door just so that he could save a few seconds afterward.

Overwhelming stats made clarify as dagger wounds make their marks all over his body. As if the fight will likely end in the edgelord's victory, the arrogant bastard made their swift final blow that pierced into Harold's gut, seemingly with their victory declared.


Harold looks directly at his opponent's face with what looks like herbal grass in his mouth. Then with a single swallow, his tactic takes its effect.

You have consumed Basic Vitality Grass. You have activated Hyper-Metabolism.

You have fully healed.

Only someone like him is daredeviled enough to resort to such deranged tactic. Because after all, time is that precious to him. All the wounds immediately sealed as all of the edgelord's progress immediately vanish into thin air.

Already suffering from injuries, the edgelord immediately charge toward trying to end the fight immediately with raw stats. But no trick can't deceive the same master twice. In eventuality, the edgelord was immediately send flying into the wall, much like what Harold intended.

"You did well, I suppose. Consider it as you have met my approval". Harold said as he shows his status screen much like what he did before.

Almost without a single doubt or hesitation, the edgelord immediately picked the EX-skill with a giddy expression of utter selfishness. Gwi-jaum who has conveniently went out of sight can't help but smirked at the idiocy that the edgelord is about to do to himself.

Daegok-soo who also arrived peeks out of the corner of the wall as he immediately uses the Eyes of Secret that he is given. As the level between Daegok-soo and the edgelord wasn't too great, he got his full glimpse into the skill that the edgelord is given.


Headstart (Rank A)

You starts with 5 levels ahead of others. You gain access

to the attribute points gained from said levels up.

Current Holder: *Daegok-soo's mind refused to register due to being so generic that there're like 500 people with the same name*


"Yeah, no wonder that bastard really thinks himself as an MC of those generic novels. When no one else can level up as of yet, that is definitely a cheat skill." Daegok-soo said as he made his assessment.

He turned around to see the people that Harold has told him to bring. More precisely, the 1st floor instructors who supposed to be the trail examiners have now come here to punish the troublemaker upon hearing Daegok-soo's report.

From the way they dressed, they are no definitely no slouch or push over. Clad in proper gearing and armor, they might not be the best but they are certainly good at what they do.

"Trainee, from what I heard that the arrogant bastards tried to pick a fight with other trainees and ruin their training. And now they attempt to murder, am I right?" The man dressed in plate armor, wielding sword and shield with both of his hands.

"Yeah, but I suggest that you wait for a bit before you resolve. Deaths for bastards like them is too light for all the pain they capable of to others". Daegok-soo said as he knew that one day, he may unwittingly become one as long as he stays in the tower.

Harold gave the access of his EX-skill to the edgelord. And with glee that they have come across a hidden powerhouse, the dream of domination soon falls apart when they actually feel all their power they got disappearing instead. And the truth is only revealed when they actually read what the skill is.


Goddess's Favor (Rank: EX)

Thanks to the assistance of the goddess of time herself, what

should have taken far longer can be done in much shorter time.

Unfortunately, everything that is gained from her help will vanish

into reverie like the fleeting moment it is.

Your EXP gain is exponentiated during 'great crisis' that occur to you

and everyone around you. However, your level is set to 1 when not in

crisis and any stat gain from level up attribute points is sealed.

Current Holder: Harold Seminute


"You bastard!" The edgelord immediately lunged upon realizing Harold's ploy. But unfortunately, their decision can't be overturned any longer as the instructors have finally intervened.

Gwi-jaum have that smile on his face as if his plan is unfold accord to his enigmatic thoughts. That is why one doesn't immediately pick a random skill based on its ranks as there maybe hidden drawbacks that can disrupt or even ruin your build entirely. There's more to skills than just rank alone and that synergy between is the way to go.

Beside, it is a good moment to take assessment of what the instructors can do either way.

Because of all the stat increase that was gained from leveling up was sealed by Harold's EX-skill, the edgelord was immediately left faltered by the first blow from the sword instructor. Not even with a sword, but by his shield which leave him helpless. Without the stat buff, the edgelord was just a nobody.

Seeing that they are in an unwinnable situation, they tried to run away in which an arrow immediately penetrates into their knee as the crossbow instructor fired her with precision. Then the dual-dagger quickly bind all of his means of escaping before the spear and tower-shield instructor did the final procedure in apprehending him.

"This guy is about to serve his jail time from all the crap he did. And this isn't even his first crime either with how much he bullied and terrorized the townsfolk with his strength. He's as good as dead because no one will pay their money to hire him for anything". The sword instructor said as he could hear the edgelord cursing him in foreign language that he won't bother react or understand to.

Tower-climbers can't exit the Tower without clearing the first floor's trial and his power is practically shutdown thanks to the EX-skill's drawback. Right now, he is now no different than a normal person and combined with the negative reputation he has incurred, he is practically stuck in this floor for the rest of his miserable existence.

A fate worse than death awaits.

As the edgelord continue to yell as they being dragged away kicking, Gwi-jaum and Daegok-soo took their liberty to wipe away any memory of their involvement with that failure of a human being. Much like things being spoken at the beginning of a novel then never mentioned again.

"Thanks for your assistance. How can we repay you for your trouble? My name is Victor and you can find me at the militia barrack if you wish". The swordsman instructor said in gratitude.

"Can I have some hundreds of gold to repay the property loan that I purchase?" Daegok-soo immediately go to the chase.

"If it is money issue then that's fine. You can head to the town hall for your reward since I don't carry much on me right now. Still, thanks". Victor said before he follows his fellow combat instructors.

The training ground fell silent. No one probably will return here until the next day due to what happened. Daegok-soo took a deep breathe because he genuinely didn't know what he should do. If it weren't for Harold's decisive action, he would have likely stood like a statue there until things escalate beyond his capacity.

Gwi-jaum has the same thought because he is already pushing his limit then. And Harold took damage because he didn't even bother using his Immovable Swordsmanship . Because he thought that it would be faster to just confront his target heads on.

All three of them are really a mess of their owns.

Ding! You have completed your first quest. "Stop the Assailant!"

You have accomplished the quest without killing the assailant! Bonus applied!

You have gained 450 (+150) EXP


The level up notification flashes in front of them, except for Harold. And there's no achievement or title for being the first to level up amongst the climbers. That's fine, there's no use celebrate the mediocre.

"Guess that counts for something. You notice the 5 attribute points that you received right? Put all of them into MAG, you will sorely need them later on. Even just 1 point in it makes all the difference between heaven and earth". Gwi-jaum said as he explains his regressor's reasoning and wisdom.

Decided to accept his friend's advice considering the in-and-out knowledge of the tower solely relies on him.

Pressing the '+' button right next to the MAG, his point is added. Suddenly, he felt the essence of his body altered as he puts the point into the selected attribute.

The thing is... He doesn't know how to manipulate the magic he just gained. Which stumps him into asking Gwi-jaum for assistance.

*sigh* "Think of it like streams of your own existence circulating around your body. If you want to reinforce something, thinking about directing that stream toward it. It's not even the best example since this is something that you would learn by instinct". Gwi-jaum explained the concepts of mana manipulation.

"Wow, thanks for that explanation". Daegok-soo sarcastically responded because he understood none of it.

"Hey, Harold. Can you tell him about how to manipulate mana?" Gwi-jaum asked Harold as he really didn't think about the in-between of his plan. When you have to prepare for 100 floors, you don't really make room for the minor things in-between.

Harold gave the same confused look that was the worst which Gwi-jaum anticipated. In the end, none of them could even teach anything proper for Daegok-soo. Dejected as he is because he spent points for the thing he didn't even know how, he decided to return to his tavern for recuperation, Gwi-jaum and Harold follows him in fold.

Once they made it back in roughly about an hour later because Gwi-jaum wasn't that great of a runner like Daegok-soo.

Just as Daegok-soo's hand placed on the door handle, a sudden ominous feeling was detected by the Regressor and Hero. Gwi-jaum couldn't mistake that feeling at all.

"The Witch of Blood" Gwi-jaum muttered in his mind as something shouldn't be happening occur. Of all the possible people that could visit the tavern, it has to be her.

The two froze briefly as they stood looking at Daegok-soo as he opened the door. Completely blissful and unaware of what might be behind.

As the sight reveals, a girl with pinkish hair and pink overall dress was waiting at the seat in front of the counter, patiently waiting for someone to come. Stepping out of the kitchen is Jiang who seemingly tried to cook something for appetite but failed to even decide what in the first place.

"Sorry man, she said that she was waiting for you". Jiang said to Daegok-soo as he glad that he is relieved from the embarrassing attempt of being a tavern keeper.

The girl turned toward him with wide eyes before suddenly coming toward him.

"Daegok-soo!" The girl in pink hair said as she then hugged him tightly.

"Yeon Sanzang1! You come to this place too!?" Daegok-soo said as he is surprised of her sudden appearance.

Gwi-jaum looks like he could explode at any moment. If anything, there's the thousand yard stare he is giving as he looked at the affectionate display between the two. The dissonance of what he knows of her and right now can't be anymore glaring and that makes him genuinely sickened.

To save himself, he quickly steps out of the tavern. Turns out, he has a lot more to make adjustment to the plan. Although this is a good outcome or not can only be leave to how much Daegok-soo can influence her.

"What a headache... Just how on earth did he courted that fucking timed nuclear bomb?" Gwi-jaum said as he sat outside trying to calm himself from that rather shameful act that no one seen.