

Deciding that he didn't want to waste his time Adrian began to look at the other perk he had gained from leveling up his dungeon. He had gained a new skill called [inspect]. So naturally the first thing he did was use [Inspect] on himself.

Name: Adrian

Species: Human

Skills: [Inspect]

Combat Power: ☆☆☆☆☆①

Adrian almost fell over after reading his stats, he was as weak as a cripple! There was only one combat power beneath him and it was 0 stars rank 0, at least he was 0 stars rank 1!

He turned towards one of the Verdant Wolves guarding the Dungeon Core and used inspect on them.

Species: Verdant Wolf

Skills: [Bite]

Combat Power: ☆☆☆☆☆③

This wolf seemed to be almost three times stronger than him, and this was one of the three original wolf's he owned so he assumed it was stronger than some of the new ones he purchased later as well.

Adrian was looking over the different monsters in the DP shop seeing which ones he should buy to help him dig when he heard barking and the Verdant Wolves he sent out hunting barreled down into the dungeon.

He looked over confused as one of the Verdant Wolves dropped a rusty dagger at his feet, and nudged it towards him with his nose.

"Adventurers?!" Adrian exclaimed in shock, he was slightly worried as his dungeon was not yet ready for adventurers to go in it at all. With the measly defenses he had right now he would get wiped for sure!

The wolf that placed the dagger shook its head, then nudged the dagger again indicating his guess was wrong. "Oh I wish you could speak right now" Adrian sighed as he picked up the dagger and began to examine it.

He used [Inspect] and it really was just a rusty dagger, nothing special about it at all, it even stated that it was made with very crude craftsmanship. He let the dungeon convert it into DP before he looked towards the wolves.

He ordered three of them to guard the Dungeon Core this time as he was now on alert for intruders due to this strange turn of events. He took the other seven out of the dungeon before he asked them to lead the way to where they had found the dagger.

The wolves ran into the forest and would periodically stop and look back as they waited for Adrian to catch up, he was much slower than they were running through the forest.

After a few minutes of this they stopped and barked as they stood still on a spot, there looked to have been a fight here as there was some blood on the ground where something had been killed and then drug into the forest, the branches of bushes and trees pushed to the side as they walked past.

"Can you follow its trail?" He asked the Verdant Wolves to which they confirmed before they sniffed a few times and darted into the forest once more. Adrian began to come to conclusions as to what had been carrying that dagger based on what he had seen and he arrived at several answers.

The first and most likely was that there were some sort of humanoid monsters nearby and they had just killed some prey before bringing it back to their den.

The second was that a human or humanoid monster had just been murked by some sort of monster and Adrian was now chasing the monster that had killed them.

The last and least likely answer was that it was a human hunter who had just killed its prey, that was the least likely because most hunters would be more skilled than this, using either a bow or spear and not leaving such a mess.

Either way he was going to figure out what had happened in order to ensure the safety of his surrounding area, he did not like being caught unaware. He would rather be the one hiding in the dark than the one in the light, catching his enemies when they are oblivious.

They continued to run for roughly five more minutes before the Verdant Wolves stopped and looked at him, they had arrived. The reason the wolves were able to stay outside the dungeon longer than before was because of the Dungeon Level up, it allowed them to hold more mana thus increasing their range.

Adrian slowed down as he quietly approached the position of the Verdant Wolves, he looked through the dense underbrush to see what they had found.

In front of him were a bunch of wooden huts, with little green humanoids running about as they screeched in glee, a giant boar was seen roasting on top of a bonfire along with a dead green humanoid, which Adrian assumed had fallen in the fight with the boar.

Species: Goblin

Skills: N/A

Combat Power: ☆☆☆☆☆④

He looked back and forth at the goblins inspecting all of them, and the strongest was at the 4th rank and the weakest was at the 2nd rank, all of them were stronger than him. He sighed again at his weakness. There were roughly 20 goblins and Adrian decided he needed to take them out.

He couldn't attack the goblin camp directly as they outnumbered his group more than two to one, so he decided to ambush their hunting parties. He ordered the Verdant Wolves to quickly replenish their mana at the dungeon before running back as fast as they could.

Next chapter