
Chapter One: A Brand New World

In a remote area, within a cavern, lies an unconscious young girl. She lies sideways sleeping bewitchingly onto the craggy stone floor; a fact that she wears no clothes or garments. The constant drips of water echoes throughout the small cavernous abode of the mysterious streaker. The brilliant silver sheen of her long hair could be seen from the small amount of light available. Moments later her eyelashes start to quiver with activity. Opening her eyes she stares blankly and then with a start she quickly sits up. Her golden eyes search the surroundings.

"I'm still alive?"

A single question escapes from her thin pale pink lips. Confusion apparent and her state of mind scrambled. But more so than the situation before her something else confuses her a bit more.

"I'm a girl now?"

Now examining herself, two small mounds could be seen protruding from her chest. Not only that but further down...

"Well, doesn't really make much of a difference anyway."

She impassively dismisses the difference of her own gender. Standing up her young beauty was put on full display. Though a bit thin she is nonetheless a beautiful young girl. She stands on the shorter side of around 168 centimeters, or around 5'5". Her thin legs were longer in proportions in comparison to her body overall. Her face still has features from her childhood making her look younger than she appears. Her flowing silver hair trailing down her back and front side, spilling onto the craggy floor below.

"Where am I? I am certain that I should have died."

Then to answer her question a strange ping enters her ears. A strange message shows up in front of her. Widening her eyes as she stares at the baffling situation in front of her. Words were being inscribed into the empty air.

Welcome to a new world.

Fate is an intrinsic part of the universe, but here it is not.

Life can only be carved and whittled away, with nothing but your own.

For yourself and only yourself.

For that is the reason you are here.

Go! Claim your own fate.

Weave your destiny.

Live your story.

Live with no regrets.

With this gift in hand.

Not even deities or demons can stop you.

Then after reading the last sentence, the message shatters. Its pieces faintly illuminate the cavern and fall silently down to the floor. In its place a wispy orb of light floats. It slowly makes its way towards her and melts seamlessly into her chest. A sensation of warmth spreads throughout her body. Another message pops up but in the form of a recognizable fashion. A transparent screen in front and within it a UI similar to that of games greets her. To the left of the screen is the location of the different tabs for the UI. A home screen, dungeon layout, shop, lottery draw, and status. Right now the home tab is displayed. It displays what the UI is about; in short, it functions as a tool to willfully create dungeons. Many UI jargons were explained in detail. DP, Dungeon Points, is used as currency inside the UI. From dungeon making, using its shop, drawing from its lottery to tweaking one's or another's status. She receives a freebie of 1,000,000 DP to use in her infancy stage. Any unused DP after would be taken away.

"It's like a game or a light novel."

She ponders as she navigates to the shop tab. Many other tabs appear in the center. Clothes, food and everyday use items could be found in the shop. Recognizable items from her world were listed as well as items that are a staple to fantasy games. Potions, plants, monster parts, minerals, armor, and weapons are just one of the many things that could be found. Navigating to the next tab and then on to the other. The lottery draw was at it sounds, using DP to gamble on getting either items, monsters or abilities. The status tab shows her the state of her body. Using numbers to measure her strength, agility, dexterity, magic and as well as luck. There were presently no abilities that she possesses according to the status tab.

"I wonder how strong I could get?"

Not even deities or demons could stop me? She remembers the earlier message.

"Is that an indirect way of stating that I can become stronger than even a god?"

Right now, however, she feels as strong as a young girl. She finds no difference between her past life and current life.

Evelyn Yukiko Emsworth

HP: 14/14

MP: 52/52

STR: 2

DEX: 4

AGL: 3

MAG: 7


She had no comparisons of her current status. She had no way of knowing how strong she stands at unless she herself invests DP into her attributes. She did not want to invest in her status attribute just yet until she could have a better grasp of the UI first.

Over in the learning of abilities, many basic abilities that could be learned. From Aptitude of Magic to various forms of weapon mastery. A little search bar could be seen near the top.

"Only the basics..." Evelyn whispers. "For anything else, I have to search for it?"

Confirming her theory she clicks the search bar and a keyboard springs open. She then types in "immortal". Two search results were found.

Immortal Body:

A body with no mortality. Immune to even fatal diseases and wounds. Never fearing old age. A true body of eternity.

DP cost: 1,000,000

Immortal Soul:

An indestructible soul. Never prone to corruption or be destroyed by any mortal means. A soul of perpetuity.

DP cost: 1,000,000

"Expensive." She scowls. "I'm not looking to live forever anyway."

Evelyn was just curious whether or not it would have something that many would sacrifice to just to obtain. She was just testing its upper limits. Before she could get anywhere further she finally clicks onto the dungeon layout tab. Multiple screens pop out of existence and align themselves right next to the other. Three screens now floating in front of her. The one to the left is the same now with labels specifying different floors. The middle is a general map of the selected floor. The one to the right is similar to the shop UI, but more designated for dungeon building. An option to expand the dungeon, options of placing monsters and other miscellaneous things could be found. There were preset rooms and pathways that she could purchase at a set price. She could also set whatever specification she wanted and the price would be calculated from there as well. She wanted to expand the current floor to be around a five-mile radius from the center. It ultimately cost 800,000 DP to create it. After tinkering with the dungeon layout a bit, it would nearly cost her all her DP to setup everything that she wanted. However, she had already made up her mind and continues with her expansion. Currently, she has no plan to use the lottery, nor did she really need to strengthen her status. Other than acquiring the abilities she wanted she needed nothing else at the moment. In the end, after an exorbitant amount of DP spent, she had a little over 5,000 DP left. Whether or not disaster strikes after she could not be bothered; she had already died once.

The floor instantly expands. Empty fields and hills of white could be seen undulating beyond her sight. An eternal night sky dotted with many stars could be found above her head. Twin moons, one of ruby red and one of sapphire blue, shines ethereally bright. A small thatched house stands in front of her. Frosted breaths could be seen exiting between her lips. Evelyn, now wearing a white with sky blue accent kimono, stands in the winter scenery without shivering. She had already bought an ability which negated the biting cold that she would feel from the environment. In addition, she also spent some DP to acquire the aptitude to use magic. It was for her own quality of life that she made that decision.

Stepping inside she could see the entirety of the thatched house. A hearth is found in the middle of the house with two metal prongs at opposite ends. At one end of the house, a simple elevated bed is found. She prepared her daily necessities and they were located all in wooden crates, haphazardly placed around the one room house.

"I'm going to need to organize," Evelyn sighs. "I could do that sometime later I suppose."

Going over and sitting down she then activates the auto-placement function of the dungeon layout tab. It automatically places animals, monsters, and plants onto the dungeon floor with the amount of DP she specifies. With one press she left it to the UI, now dubbed the system, to its thing. Disrobing herself and then with a yawn she gets into the bedsheets. Leaving everything else to the system, Evelyn comfortably falls into a deep slumber.

Next chapter