

Dune " ^ "

Well nothing seems to go pass Aunt Cathy. I've been trying to do a good job by keeping the occurrence of my nightmares a secret from her to stop her from worrying too much. I mean myself and Christine already is enough for her to handle causing trouble here and there but I can't seem to do so, even if I tried denying it she'll still find out anyway without much of a choice I had to agree.

The worry very visible on her face laced with pity as she stares at him. Yeah you all may be asking isn't she a witch, can't she possibly try to suppress his nightmares with some spell or potion. Yes she did try and it worked but after a while the nightmares repeated itself, even worse than before he had them only at night but now whenever he closes his eyes he's being dragged into the nightmares relieving such painful memories.

Christine O_o

Sensing the gloomy atmosphere she had to butt in.

Okay people let's eat or we're going to be late for school, I do not wanna be late on the first day or I'll be cursed with bad luck. And Dune why in the heavens name is your hair like that you look like you just came out of a wind typhoon.

Suddenly feeling bashful like a 3 year old, ears turning slightly pink from embarrassment he answered her saying he wants aunt Cathy doing it for him instead for good luck ^_^.

After having breakfast, his long curly hair now combed and tied up in a ponytail, they where ready to leave.

With aunt Cathy getting the car ready and them bringing out their luggages Christine kept yelling at Dune to hurry up she doesn't want to be late Dune was forced to reply her.

Dune =_=

Wait a minute we're not going to be late school doesn't even start till next week we're only going so we can register and check in early since we live in Avalon, driving from here to NY take approximately 2hrs 35m to 3hrs, that's going to be super stressful so we have to stay in the dorms. Rather you should say Dune hurry up or we're going to be late to see my prince charming. With Christine staring at him like she wanted to fry him she said did I just hear a hint sarcasm in your words. What if you did came Dune's reply, I'm so going to fry you. We're both going to live in the same house I believe let's see if mom's gonna come to your rescue. Yeah right you and I know it'll take only one phone call and you're gonna be in deep $#!π. Why you little piece of...

Aunt Cathy (^^)

Watching them bicker like old married couples she couldn't help but step in, she's also going to be late if she doesn't finish with their business on time.

Okay you two that's enough get in the car and let's go or Christine you don't wanna miss seeing your prince charming right, with Dune and herself laughing after she those words Christine turning pink from embarrassment she whined mom... you're supposed to be on my side we're both ladies here you know. Alright alright let's go now.

The drive to New York felt short, each of them lost in their own thoughts Cathy thinking did she do the right thing, letting them attend school after being homeschooled almost all their. They where homeschooled because other kids were weary of them while others tried to Bully them but of course they fought back, she didn't ponder on the thought for long she wanted them to live a normal life not in the shadows. She could have made them take online classes course, but she wanted them to have their own youthful experience. Christine and Dune having same thoughts on their minds what will school be like for them, meeting new people finding their mates or rather falling in love, will it turn out good or worse without them realizing they've arrived in front of the huge school gate with the name boldly written welcome to "ARTEMIS COLLEGE"....

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