


"Mom how many times do I need to tell you that I'm not interested in marriage right now , I have so much to do , I can't get tied down at this point "

Mom are you even listening to me , he asked clearly frustrated when his mom was paying no attention to him but was rather busy with arranging everything before the guest arrives

but he didn't give up , he followed her eveywhere she went , too stubborn to let go .

"mom!!!! "

" My god Alex stop it , we already had this discussion like hundred times before and I will repeat it for the 101th time if you want ,but my dear son my decision is not going to change , you need to marry this girl that I have chosen for you "

"I dont get it mom ,why are you being so cruel and forcing me into an unwanted marriage , I'm only 25 for god sake and just took over the buisness, I need some time to settle down a bit before taking in another responsibility ."

"Alex" , his mother sighed and turned around to face him

"I have already invited them and they will be here within an hour , you have two option leave now and let your mother's head hung in shame or be the responsible son that you already are and be here supporting your mom , decision is completely yours " , His mother said looking at him straight in his eyes .

ohhh great the last thing that he wanted was an emotional blackmail .

He knew many things but never to let his mother down , the only motto of his life was to be the best son for his mother and for that he will do whatever it takes , even if it means to sacrifice his own happiness .

"Fine mom , I will meet them" , he said defeated

His mothers frown was now replaced by a wide smile and she palmed his cheeks and kissed his forehead

"That's like my son ,thank you so much honey " she said and hugged him while he hugged her back .


He was getting ready to meet his unwanted guests , his face lacked enthusiasm,his eyes were not glowing as there usual .

Fixing his tie while his mind wandered to find answers to the relentless questions that were bombarding his brain . "Why was his mom so adamant in marrying him so early and that to against his will" ," she never forced him like this ever then why now?" but again he never had a say against his mom , his dad died when he was just 6 years old ,He has a very faint memory of his dad but his mom's struggle to create a respectable existence for him and herself after his death is still engraved deep in his heart and may be that was the reason why he had so much respect and adoration for his mother , in his eyes his mother can do no wrong .

He ran his hands through his silky smooth hairs and looked in the mirror and checked himself in the mirror one last time before proceeding downstairs .

His mother caught him half way to the stairs and alarmed him excitedly about their guests arrival , he just rolled his eyes at his mothers energy and joy for them .

He took a deep breath and prayed to almighty to give him the strenghth to bare this drama . He saw a gentleman who seems to be in late 50s walking into the hallway with a bouquet in his hand , A women accompanying him behind.

His mother walked towards them with a welcoming smile

"welcome Mr and Mrs.cruise , pleased to have you here with us "

"same here Mrs. Jefferson "He said handing the bouquet to her

Alex walked towards them with a painfully forced smile .

"Hello Mr and Mrs cruise ,nice to meet you ,I'm Alex Jefferson , he said and move forward for a handshake as if he was really looking forward to meet them , he didn't know he was such a good actor , should have tried in acting he thought to himself and smirked

"ohh my!!!!!! ,your are even more handsome in person than shown in those magzines " Mrs cruise said earning a laugh from everyone .

They sat together and the normal talks were going on,topics changing every five minutes from sports ,to politics to buisness between the elders and Alex just sat there looking at them in boredom. He resembled a toddler who is warned by his mother to behave properly in front of the guest or else he will be denied chocolates and candly floss . occasional fake smiles and head nodding was the only contribution he gave to make them realise that he was very much involved in the conversation that was going on .

He was looking down waiting for the time to pass quickly when he heard an unfamiliar female voice .

"Sorry we got late , but the charity event took much more time than expected" , everyone's including his attention was diverted to the source and he was stunned .

A gorgeous women , who didn't even wear a single ounce of makeup yet managed to look so beautiful , just like an angel sent from heaven , her brown hairs , oceanic blue eyes and fruity lips, everything about her was so tempting . He had seen so many gorgeous divas who were ready to throw themself on him on his one signal but he never felt this attracted to someone and that too on the first attempt ,was this love at first sight for him ?

"It's okay darling , come and join us , his mother said " another girl was also there with her but his eyes refused to notice anyone else but her , it was like only he and she were present in the room . Soon he started loving the idea of marriage , if his mom has chosen her for him as expected his mother can never do anything wrong .

"Mrs jefferrson , Alex meet my daughters Elizabeth and Crytal cruise", Mr cruise introduced pointing at them and they exchanged casual smiles

" Elizabeth " he whispered to himself and couldn't manage to stop the slight blush that occured on his face

The same aimless conversation continued for an hour

"Ahmm..Mrs.jefferson ,let the children talk alone , I'm sure they need some time alone "

"Finally"!!!!! Alex screamed on the inside

"yeah yeah sure , Alex please take crystal and show her around "

He got up excitedly and that's when it hit him

wait ...what ? He thought his mom was confused between the names but when he saw the other girl getting up and walking towards him , he was damn sure that it was not his mom but rather he was the one who misunderstood .He felt something inside him break , but he decided not to show it and smiled when on the inside he was shattered to pieces This was not what he expected , this was not what he wanted .

Next chapter