

(Lio wake up late for school)

Lio: crap! I am gonna get late for the class.

Lio' mother: by honey.(in a sweet tone)


(Lio enters his class 10 minutes late)


(Raymond is Leo's bestfriend)

Lio:thank you for telling me.Ray(in sarcasm)

Teacher: attention in class please.

(After school)

Lio:wanna grab a bite.

Ray:sure why not.

(While they were crossing the road,Ray saw a boy that was about get hit by a truck.)

Ray:get away!!!(he shouts to the boy)

(He Runs and trys to save the kid by pushing him but.)

Lio:No.....!(while running toward him and crying)

Ray:why!(questioning himself but he saved the kid)

(But just before getting hit,Lio grabbed to him. They both got hit by the truck,and died.)

Ray: where am i?


Ray: what happened to us?(in panic)

Unknown being:oh my!

Lio/Ray: who are you?

Unknown being: there is no need to know who i am.but...

Lio: but what?

Unknown being: you two are choosen to be reincarnated as one being.

Lio:what! This is just some sort of joke right?....right?

Ray: No!,i think not. Look at our surroundings this just doesn't makes sense.

Lio: you are right.

Unknown being:now...i must tell you that after this, you would forget me and that we ever met, but you would remember your purpose and have memories of past life.

Lio:what?(in confusion)

Unknown being:i was bored of all the work.so i wanted some entertainment.

Lio:are you serious!?

Unknown being: so, i would reincarnate you i an world that is full of mana.

Ray:and what purpose were you talking about? And who are you?

Unknown being: if you really that desparate to know then i must tell you. I AM EXISTENCE.

Ray:please elaborate what you are trying to say.

EXISTANCE:you know the concept of multiverse?

Ray:yeah,that there are infinite universe for infinite possibilities.

EXISTANCE: correct,now you can say me as the one who creates and destroys those universe that should not exist.as for the purpose,there also an universe that i can not control and thou it shall be destroyed.

Lio: so you want us to destroy it.

EXISTANCE:Yes. If you destroys the planet that i reincarnate you to, would be enough to create a massive chain reaction to destroy the universe.

Lio: how can we do that. And that we would actually destroy that world.

EXISTANCE: i will grant you both 3 wishes each. And if you don't want to do it,your soul will just disappear.

Ray:(he was to terrified to say something about that) can we first observe the planet.

EXISTANCE: of course!

Lio:(thinking) so we observed the planet for more than 200 years before making any choice.so this planet have only one continent that covers 43 persentage of whole planet, and there is no shortage of water since 40 persentage of oncean that is isolated from the other part of ocean is made of drinkable water.there are four countries on this land as following: aroma empire,quintxl kingdom,orlog republic and syuaniaya.

EXISTANCE: Are you ready to choose your skills.

Ray:yes!Lio you choose first.

Lio:ok, EXISTANCE can I ask anything?

EXISTANCE:yes, but i will make bit of change if i a think it is bit over powered.

Lio:ok.(so i exel at physical talent and reflexes,i also have spacial,virtual and logical intelligence , i would choose)

1.GOD strength and speed

2.unlimited growth

3.mastery(whatever tool i take it would have already be mastered excluding staf)

EXISTANCE: ok, but for GOD strength and speed you have make your capable of using it,as you grow your God strength will increase. Now you little boy.

Ray:hmm(Lio has taken very excellent skill by knowing his strengths.but what are my strength,think...think. yeah my intelligence,i just forgot that i have very excellent memory and i exel in science and architecture . Now)my choices are :1.unlimited Mana with affinity to all eliments.

2. Creation

3. Divider(it talks half the power of opponent and adds to the user)

EXISTANCE: excellent choice but for divider skill user must be in under 37.5 meter of radius for skill to activate.

Ray: ok.

EXISTANCE:now i would reincarnate you to but i can only reincarnate you two in one body.


EXISTANCE:because i don't have the power to control that universe.

Lio:acceptable,i Guess.

EXISTANCE:( some incantation in a foreign language)

(Like that they shall destroy the planet.they will also get companions and enemies, there is a long journey awaiting for them.)



LIO is a very energetic and clumsy person.he is nearly 178cm(5'11") tall.he has very attractive natural golden brown hair,with masculine body.around 17 years old


Raymond is quite but rational person.he is nearly 171cm(5'8") tall.he has a slite brown tint in his hair,with average body.around 17 year old