
A Brutal End

the horrors of men will never cease to amaze, their hate and vile can know no bounds upon the earth.

Donald Dupart Duckman lived a normal life he paid his bills did his taxes and only occasionally made up lavish stories to impress a girl or two he never ment to hurt a soul.

sadly being kind never got one far in the game of life, being left alone by his so called friends when they finally found their big break to greatness as moviestars, he was left abandoned on the side of the road.

They stole his ideas and left him to rot but some souls still found the kindness to believe in him, found by ducks beaten and within an inch of his life they carried him back to their nest. nursed him back to health and treated him with kindness no human had in a long time.

he survived being abandoned and so led his duck's no his comrades out from their small little pond left by the wayside to take them to a new home one full of prosperity.

A madman he was surrounded by an army of ducks he charged the stage his old 'friends' took to make them pay for their dear betrayal but his friends paid the price for his actions.

they attacked and tore those trators to peices but they survived the onslaught of ducks long enough to call the guards who mercilessly shot him and his companions dead that night.

he never ment to let his friends be hurt"oh what I wouldn't give to give my dearest ducks a second chance, I promised them to take them to a land of prosperity where they could run free I failed you all. I am sorry but this will be our end"

he and his ducks perished that night lost by the hands of vile humans he so sought to take revenge against. But the ducks did not blame him for they followed him with love till their end and only wished for him to continue living so he could bring happiness to their kind once again.

this should have been the end the great blackness surrounded him, the sweet release of death enveloped him taking his soul back to the void oblivion of all, least that's how it should have been bit something stopped him.

'what is that it sounds, no it can't be I'm dead how could they be here' there it was again and now louder it called bringing him to a great room of white.<Quack><Quack> ....<Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack><Quack>

the sounds of countless ducks entered his mind deafening his own thoughts, and like a torrent from the bright light that caught him from the abyss the ducks washed over him surrounding him, the nudged at him and pushed him around and all he could do was cluch them all in his arms, in his embrace the ducks felt his care."I know not the mericle that brought you back to me but thank the heaven's for my ducks have returned!"

[as I thought you truly were the one my children told me about.] a great booming voice echoed within his soul and he tore himself from his precious ducks to gaze upon its figure. before him stood a massive duck cloaked in fethers of purest silver and gold. the duck towerd so far above him he saw not even its face lost in the misty white above its webbed feet spread out like fields of grain yellowed by the sun's rays.[in my anger I was about to strike Thunder down upon the land and scorch all those humans souls into oblivion for their actions against my children. but my children have pleaded with me for you to be spared from the rest, a man so sadly cast out by his own race embraced the way of the duck so fully even I almost did not believe my eyes. so I shall give you a second chance and my children so dearest to you have offered up themselves so that you may live.]

"What I. I... I don't understand your greatness what are you saying" brought to his knees he stared up at the towering figure above him awaiting his awnser.

[I even as a God lack the power to give you such an option to 'reincarnate' as the other gods do. I rule the ducks they are all that matters, never once have I taken in a human as my own but for you I shall grant their wish. be thankful human, these few ducks you called freinds have given up their very eternal souls to grant you a second chance, who am I to go against their wishes. their souls shall grant you a new body their grace great wings of strength.]

"no no no no NOOO... not like this please all I want is for them to be happy I can't let them give themselves up for me I won't allow it!"

[science you insolent man you have no right to rebuke their kindness, I haven't even the slightest idea why they care so much for a human but there resolve is more than enough to assure me of your nature. so I shall give you all I can and bid you adue child of man, to thee I grant the will of a concourer, you shall be my first and only apostle, king of all ducks ruler of the lands so rich and bountiful. go forth child and create a land where our people can roam free!]

With those last words of wisdom Donald was send back down to a world of magic and sorcery to take the will of the ducks along with him.

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