
Dual Class

What is a city boy to do when he wakes up in a white room with nothing and no one in it? All that greets him is a blue screen flashing with one word. "Welcome" In this story of wise cracks and wide spread murdering, Drake is forced to face old traumas and find his way in the new world of a merged planet forced by the system. He will find enemies and allies aplenty. Even some he would have never expected. His decisions will shape the future of his planet and journey in this new wild landscape that the system has brought. With God and Anime on his side- Oh and some spotty game knowledge- he must forge his own path. But first. He needs to get through this damned tutorial in one piece, and figure out how his damned spell works. New Chapters are posted Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 6 PM EST. -------- Cover Art is done by my wonderful friend Caneera you can find her at https://caneera.carrd.co/ for all types of commissions. This is a story I've decided to write because my endless fantasies of chuunibyou like proportions could not stay in my head any longer. I've just wanted to make a story I can make some cringe jokes in and this is the result. I really do hope people will enjoy it as I really do enjoy writing it, and will keep writing it. If you can catch some of the references I would love to hear it. Love and Peace! Just not in this story. If you would like to read ahead, you can find my patreon at the end of any of the chapters! At patreon com/Arthur_Inverse You can also find the story on scribblehub and RoyalRoad if you wish, it will stay as up-to-date as webnovel. I would like to also mention that, this is essentially unedited work for now. More edited versions are on scribblehub. Discord: https://discord.com/invite/jJw54jd2GX

Arthur_Inverse · Fantasy
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299 Chs

Chapter Forty-Two: Old Friends

"Bear! How are you here?!" Drake exclaimed, walking over to the mountain of a man.

Drake moved in close and gave Bear a slap on the side of his arm, "Have you gotten taller? And wow! Look at that claymore, are you a half-yomah?" he joked.

"I don't know what that means but no, still human bro. Just a bit taller from the rank up," Bear responded, a half smile creasing his face.

A small whining came from Bear's raised hand forcing both of them to look over at the poor man being held.

"My liege…. May this one ask to be released… I have gathered said monster cores as well. Before this hulking oaf! Decided to brutally manhandle me!" Theodore yelled, like an angry kitten scowling at Bear from his position.

"Oh! Right, he's with me, Bear. Would you mind letting him go? He didn't do anything right?" Drake asked.

Another whimper from Theodore sounded as he whispered under his breath, "This one tis but an afterthought…?"

"No, nothing to me at least, I just saw him scavenging cores and thought he might be stealing, so I nabbed him. But what's with the 'My Leige' stuff? I didn't take you for being into that kinda roleplay," Bear scoffed.

Drake shook his head with his hands on his forehead, "I don't know either, it's just the way he talks. Believe me you get used to it quickly, but he's no danger. And how did you know I was here?"

Bear just smiled. Releasing Theodore with an unceremonious plop as he hit the ground on his rear. Then pointed further in, "Let's talk, it's been what, almost two weeks? Don't mind me spending the night in this cozy new fort of yours do you man? Or should I say Shot?"

Drake stiffened slightly at the mention of his alias. "Yeah.. let's talk. And of course not, I can't turn away the monster that saved me from monsters can I? I'm glad to finally be able to pay you back some anyway. Come on in. Oh! Do you have water on you? I want to make some fresh venison stew," Drake said with animated expressions.

Theodore rubbed his injured butt and most likely his pride as well as he stood up, dusting off his clothes, addressing Drake, "My lord, where should thou put the aforementioned cores?"

Remembering Theo was still here, Drake thought on it for a moment before answering.

"Ummm, here," Drake said, pulling out one of the large tubs he had looted before from the Squad Captains," Just put it here for now, I'll clean them up and give them to-" he stopped himself and looked at Bear.

With a raised brow Bear looked back, "They're for the little construct sleeping in the tent right? Don't worry man, my lips are sealed. But you should keep her out of sight more often, it's easy to spot her," Bear mused.

"How did you…?" Drake wondered, then realization hit him.

He has some sort of sensing skill or perimeter identifying skill? Drake thought.

"Like I said," Bear grinned, "It's been a while and we'll talk. Over there fine to set up a fire?"

Bear didn't even wait for an answer as he patted Drake on the shoulder and started moving over to an open area, pulling out a massive tree trunk to place down as a seat for himself, then began making a fire.

Theodore dropped the monster cores into the tub as Drake asked, and brought his gaze up to Drake, "Sire, do you know that tactless oaf? How dare he impose on my liege like this. It is reprehensible!"

Drake smiled and looked back at Bear as he explained to Theo, "Bear is a friend yeah. He saved my life not too long ago. I blacked out and was stranded in the forest. It must have been before you started stalking me, " Drake turned, smiling back at Theo, "And before you forced your way into my fort as well. What was the word? Reprehensible?"

Theodore coughed and brought back out his cane, "Yes well this one supposes it is acceptable for the savior of my liege to be so daring then," he coughed again, and began walking towards Bear, "My humble self will see if Master Bear is in need of assistance forthwith the food preparations!"

Drake let out a sigh as he pulled the monster core filled tub into his inventory, "Where did all these characters come from? I really hope there aren't any more people that are going to pop up and bother me. 'Susmaryusep'…"

He moved over to the gate, and stared at the now darkening sky, it black as the infinite abyss as it consumed the last streaks of light. Drake slowly lowered the gate, as he stared off at the horizon beyond the trees, both apprehensive of the new things to come, and excited for how much stronger he could become from them.

The small fire and pot had been set up by the time night had fallen, and Drake had made his way back over to Theodore and Bear. They apparently weren't much for conversation as Theo sat upright on the opposite end of the tree trunk with his back straight and stiff as a board. Bear on the other end tending to the fire, and filling the more than large pot with water from barrels he brought out.

Jeez, how much does this dude eat to need a pot that big? It's even on another level to the ones I've seen the kobolds use. Drake chuckled inwardly.

Walking up to the fire, Drake opened the conversation, "So how hard is it going to be to get you to talk about how you know so much Bear. Actually wait, it will be a long night. First thing. How are you?" Drake said, a genuine smile on his face, glad to see the man who saved him doing so well.

Bear grinned up back at Drake from tending to the fire, "I'll be better when you make me some damn food man. We out here hungry," Bear answered in his low thunderous voice, his tone the polar opposite to his upbeat words.

"Yes, this one is a tad famished as well my liege. A meal would certainly be splendid," Theodore chimed in, adjusting his monocle.

"Alright, alright, food first then, "Drake said, putting his hands up in surrender at being outvoted, " But I want some answers while I cook, and don't worry about Theo, Bear, he's a bit off but he's only level 10 so he can't do any damage as far as I know."

Bear shook his head, "He can do plenty. Shot," Bear said looking pointedly at Drake, "How many people have you run into so far outside of me and Theo here?"

Drake looked confused for a moment and answered truthfully, "Just you two why?"

Bear's face took to one of concern as he continued speaking, "I'm sure you've seen the TP Ladders but people are killing each other left and right out there bro. There are a few groups that have banded together for protection, but there is a group of killers out there as well."

"What does that have to do with me?" Drake asked curiously, pulling some cut venison out of his inventory and placing it into the pot.

"Everything," Bear answered, standing up, "You haven't seen where you are on the ladder recently then I take it."

Drake was taken aback, but it was true he hadn't had a chance with everything to check the ladder let alone anything else about the tutorial in truth, so he brought up the windows quickly.

He first saw the remaining days left, as well as what was left of the participants.

[Time Remaining Until Tutorial Concludes: 110 Days, 14 Hours, 52 Minutes, and 23 Seconds]

[Remaining Participants: 2,895]

He grimaced at the even lower participant count from the last time he had checked. Next looking at the ladders.

[Top Level Leaderboard]

[Rank 1: Bear Level 23]

[Rank 2: Shigure Kenzo Level 21]

[Rank 3: Joker Level 19]

[Rank 4: Kohoo Level 19]

[Rank 5: Chris Spears Level 19]

[Rank 6: Super Megan Level 18]

[Rank 7: Ladden Hampert Level 18]

[Rank 8: Big Willy Level 18]

[Rank 9: VitaminD Level 17]

[Rank 10: xXxGunLover69xXx Level 17]


[Rank 2,803: Shot Level 10

There were no surprises there. He was still at the bottom pretty much for Levels, his situation being what it was. What did surprise him was that there were still people below even him? What had these people been doing? Were they just hiding or getting carried? He would have to ask Bear.

Now he went on to the TP Ladder and his eyes widened. Standing at the top was a very familiar name. As it should be since it was one he had used many times before.

[Top Tutorial Point Leaderboard]

[Rank 1: Shot 664,500 TP]

Drake's jaw dropped at the sight of his ranking. Had he really gotten that much TP?

Then a pin dropped for Drake. If people were forming groups to protect themselves, as well as groups for people to hunt others, that would make him…

"Looks like you get it now," Bear said, unusually serious in his tone. His low voice only making the statement more ominous.

Drake looked up, feeling the pressure coming from Bear.

Is this aura? Or just his difference in level, I haven't felt anything like this even with the Foreman. Drake thought, his mind beginning to race.

"Shot, you are now the person with the highest TP making you the biggest prize pinata currently in the Tutorial. And you are only level 10," Bear said, the weight of his pressure smothering Drake. Feeling it was almost harder to breathe under the weight.

"Is that what you are here for then? What was with all the niceties then?!" Drake said, his mind fumbling over the possibility of what might happen, on whether he had just been betrayed yet again by someone he trusted.

His mind raced trying to parse how he could get out of this. Could he beat someone twice his level? No, he was obviously outclassed, even before he was so significantly outleveled Bear's strength was anything but normal.

Should he make a break for Natto, then leave Theo? Could he even move fast enough to outrun the man, even with his new Endowment skill. But he hadn't even gotten a chance to use it yet. Would Bear give him time to even cast the spell?!

Drake's body began to sweat, as his vision blurred. He could see Bear moving, but Drake couldn't comprehend enough to know what to do. Until a hand came down on his shoulder.

"Whoa, bring it back man," Bear said calmingly, "I didn't mean to jump ya with that all serious like. I just wanted to make sure you knew the seriousness of your situation being a low level and all."

The weight Drake felt suddenly lifted, and his vision slowly began to stabilize. Whether he froze up because it was Bear or because he wasn't ready to fight another person he didn't know, but he was glad he could delay it for now.

With a sigh Drake spoke, "Bear why did you have to do that man, I was scared you were going to try to kill me for the TP."

Bear waved his other hand, the one resting on Drake's shoulder squeezed him before letting go, and sitting back down, "Nah I'm fine with TP, my class is especially good for fighting against groups. So I have no problem. But I really mean it, you have to be more aware and careful. Identification skills are more common than I think you believe."

Drake took a few deep breaths to steady himself, "What even was that pressure you just did, is that an aura skill?" Drake asked.

"Oh yeah, my bad man. It's still a bit finicky, haven't gotten it locked down just yet. Tends to come out when I don't want it to or I'm uh… emotionally heightened…" Bear said, apologetically.

Bear then pointed to the other side of the tree trunk before Drake got a chance to continue, "Is he going to be alright?"

There on the ground, fallen behind the tree, was Theodore. Passed out and his mouth foaming.

"Eh…. he'll be fine," Drake said dismissively.

Thank you all for reading, and hope you all are excited for the new year!


Susmaryusep -  Jesus Christ or Oh my Lord.

Arthur_Inversecreators' thoughts