

A good man dies and is sent into another world- Well, he is killed in cold blood just because of who he was, a sad reality. There, he is adopted by someone- Discovers secrets of that world, and slowly realizes that he is not where he think he is. -Author note- This novel is gay- If you haven't read my damn name yet! This is for gay people- Heterosexuals stay away, treat this novel like drugs and don't do it. Now my gays, you can stay, i plead you to stay my dear gays. [This fic contains spoilers of my [Son of the Night] fic! Go read that one first if you want.

DaoOfGay · Others
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67 Chs

Chapter 19: Fuck-

His lips slowly approached the submissive Nátt, who closed his eyes as he waited for the tender touch of those lips that would take his breath away- Only to be surpirsed when he was bitten instead- He moaned in surprise when sharp teeth sank into his shoulder, leaving behind a strong bite mark- "Mmm... I think i like you." A voice he did no recognize spoke to him, he raised his eyes to see Mokza- But not him at the same time, it was the dragon inside his soul. "Yes, i think i'll take you."

"Wait-" Náttúrumaður's cry was silenced by a strong, hot kiss to his lips that instantly fogged his thoughts, he couldn't help but moan at the feeling of the hot tongue brushing against his own tongue- They were dancing, the long, forked tongue was teasing his mouth and making him very dizzy by kissing him silly. "So cute-" The dragon was going to continue, but was stopped by Mokzaxirrathan, king of consent, who pushed the dragon back into the depths of his soul as his very aroused body pressed against a very weak and aroused Náttúrumaður, who whimpered when he felt Mokzaxirrathan's hands on his hips that were so close to Mokza's hips, that in fact, their dicks were touching each other.

"Ahn-" Nátt moaned softly when Mokza's fingers touched their dicks together, it was only a reaction- He wanted to push Nátt away- Not because he was disgusted, but because he was afraid he would hurt him- but Nátt of course took it the wrong way. The flame of his arousal was put out by the cold water of fear as Mokzaxirrathan looked at Nátt's eyes, which made the smaller man realize what he was doing. "I'm sorry, I... i'm sorry." He whispereed, he couldn't be there, he was making everything worse- His fingers dragged the energy in the air as he casted [Dimension Door] and teleported 500 feet away in an instant.

And Mokzaxirrathan?

Well, he stood there, confused. [You scared him off!] shouted the dragon inside his head roared in anger and annoyance at his host, which made Mokza even more confused- "What do you mean ~I~ did that?" He heard a huff of smoke in his mind as the dragon said: [Do i really have to waste my time in explaining mating to you? What you just did- You oushed him away when he desperatly needed to be mated, which is something dumb to do- Most females go on heat whenever you arouses them, which makes them more emotional! And he, albeit a male, must've gone in heat as well, and you rejected him, which promptly made him go look for another mate!]

In all the years Mokzaxirrathan has lived with this dragon inside his head fighting for control, this is the first time in forever that he heard this dragon speak so much! "So what do i do then?" He was sincerely confused, because he was hard and bothered, he didn't dislike Náttúrumaður, but he didn't love him either, so he was confused about what should he do- Should he, for the first time ever, follow his instincts and the dragon's word and go after him or just stay here and take care of his not-so-little problem?

[Go after him, you idiot! He's a fine treasure, i want him in my hoard, he's perfect, he's everything i've been looking for all these years!] This deeply surprised Mokzaxirrathan, because he remembers ever since he got this ddragon, it would tell him 'I want!' and whenever he asked what the dragon wanted, he would respon ' I don't know, i'm looking for something that i want.' and shut up after (That used to be the longest conersation they had). [He's valuable to me, to us- He is the key to our happiness, and yet, you throw him away!]

"I just wanted space! I was afraid i wouldhurt him i we continued, I'm sorry okay?" This was also the very first time he ever apologized to the dragon, which surprised both of them at the same time. [Wow, he's already changing us!]

If you asked Mokzaxirrathan how a dragon entered his soul, you would have to know how he died- Shocking, isn't it? He did die on that night his family died, but he was brought back to life by mysterious forces, and when he woke up, he had a dragon on his soul that he hated- Dragons killed his family, he hated those oversized lizards! But then he suddenly had a dragon inside his soul? Of course he rejected that side of him, going further beyond as categorizing it as a separate part of himself, and not a part of himself at all.

Like every True Dragon has their categorization- Metallic Dragons (Gold Dragon, Brass Dragon, Copper Dragon, Silver Dragon, Bronze Dragons, Iron Dragons, Steel Dragons, and Mercury Dragons), Chromatic Dragons (Green Dragons, Blue Dragons, Red Dragons, White Dragons, Black Dragons, Brown Dragons, Purple Dragons, Grey Dragons, Yellow Dragons), and Gem Dragons (Emerald Dragons, Sapphire Dragons, Topaz Dragons, Amethyst Dragons, Obsidian Dragons, Beljuril Dragons)- They also have their 'Special' categories, or their deities.

Mokzaxirrathan only knows of Tiamat, of the Chromatic Dragons, years fighting her cult led him to learn about Tiamat's brother and archnemesis, Bahamut, who was casted down from heaven after he lost against Tiamat, which brought her reing upon this world. His objective is to kill Tiamat and bring her down, so the world could be free from this eternal hunger that plagues the people!

He is surprised that Tiamat hasn't attacked this forest yet- [Oh, it's because of Yggdrasil.] The dragon inside his soul stopped his thoughts: "Because of who?"

[Yggdrasil, the Forest Dragon ruler of this forest.]

"And what does a forest dragon has to do with tiamt? Is she scared of him or something like that?"

[Very much so- I mean, as long as forests sexist, a Forest Dragons will also exist, so even after they die they'll come back, stronger than before!]

"And where's this Yggdrasil dragon?"

[Oh, we're in his corpse- This large tree is his corpse.]

"So he's dead?"



-Author Notes-

No smut for this chapter huhuhuhuhu