
Chapter 18: Find Out

Náttúrumaður was feeling a little nervous- Since he was taking Mokzaxirrathan to his private little place where he likes to go.

A lake he found with his father, and where he transfered his tree to, since he deciided Yggdrasil needed a better place to rest, so he took him there, his roots cover the lake, making this hidden lake below a giant tree very much beautiful, there are fairyglows growing in there as well so it is not dark at all, but quite illuminated there. And also because he is going to take a bath there,


'Oh fuck- Oh fuck- Oh fuck-' Was all Nátt could think of as he imagined Mokzaxirrathan naked for even a second , so he had to focus on anything else- Anything! His mind wandered into the images of his father's dissaproving glares and into the thought that he might make Mokzaxirrathan uncomfortable, or how he might be disgusted by his stares.

That, in fact, put him right into his place as dread filled his being and he could not help but think back of how he died on his past life and cringe at it- He didn't want that to happen again, so he'll keep his distance from him. "Here we are!" Nátt acted like he was cheerfully, inside he was going through every single action and phrase to make sure he is not acting like he is drooling over this fine man.

Because he fucking was! Like, oh muy fuck, he just wanted to swim and get lost within those beautiful eyes of this man- That soft golden honey color that when reflecting the sun's light made it look like spheres of pure gold. "huh, it's... Good." And this place was beautiful, the glowing crystaline water that looked to be made out of precious jewels- It was so beautiful- The glowing floating spheres jjust made this scene even more surreal and beautiful, like this was a sacred place he was invading.

In fact, Yggdrasil needed a lot of magic energy, and this energy comes from his roots, where this lake is, making magic energy pass through this lake, making the water so pure and purely magical.

[Magical Water:

This powerful water has a great concentrated amount of magical energy, keeping it devoid of impurities- This water can clean your body, removing impurities if consumed. It is also used to cleanse your mind and sou as well, making your being pure.

it can be used as an ingredient in potions.

It can be used as an ingredient in medicine.]

Náttúrumaður awkwardly smiled at Mokzaxirrathan, who just stared at this beautiful crystal lake in awe, although his face never moevd, continuing to be this stoic, cold face that was very much murderous- This is his permanent expression it seems. "So you take baths here?" Mokzaxirrathan turned his face towards Nátt, who nodded as he slowly stepped away from them, to give him privacy here in this place.

However, Mokzaxirrathan seemingly had other plans for him, because his large arm stretched out and grabbed him by his shoulder as he said: "Well, come on then, take a bath as well." And in an instant, the only piece of clothing Mokza was wearing fell to the ground as Nátt looked at his won body, fousing hard on not to be so. Nátt couldn't back down now it seems, because his own clothing was taken down by Mokza- Which he did not consent, but it was so sudden he couldn't say anything. 'Fuck- Okay, focus, what can you cast to keep yourself fine in this situation?' Then, Nátt remembered- what he can't see, can't hurt him!

He quickly casted a [Silent Image] spell, a 1st level spell of the School of Illusion that covered his crotch area, making a perfect replica of his crotch completely flacid (Which really wasn't, he just doesn't want Mokzaxirrathan to see his awkward boner), so he just sat down on the water, removing his coat of leaves and boot of grasshoping and leaving it on the side- The bottom of this lake was completely rocks or something solid like rocks, so when Nátt sat down on the lake, his head was poking out.

Mokzaxirrathan also sat down, completely naked, as well, and super close to Nátt- He could feel his breth right into his neck, and that almost broke his concentration on keeping the illusion in place. "So, can you show me, like, someting your magic can do?" Mokzaxirrathan awkwardly asked while the voice on his head mocked him: [Very smooth, as always, no wonder you don't get laid at all-] Mokza shut the voice up by doingwhat he does best, give it a mental shove.

"I... OKay?" He couldn't do any spell that required concentration, because it would be hard to concentrate on two spells at the same time- He can do it, but he would be sweating a lot. His fingers danced as he pulled the threads of magic and weaved a complex pattern, casting a 4th level spell: [Compulsion], which led him give an order to ac reature and it has to follow to the best of it's capabilities. He turned to Mokza and said: "Growl", his eyes glowing in a bright green light that made Mokzaxirrathan dizzy- But in the end, he growled.

"See?" Nátt smiled silently, but the spell he had did not have the effect he thought it would have- suddenly, scales grew on Mokzaxirrathan's face, his eyes turned red, and he lunged for Náttúrumaður with his claws- Pining him against the lake's bank, his claws sinking into the soft earth as he looked down upon the surprised eyes of Náttúrumaður.

At that moment, Nátt lost concentration-

The illusion broke.

And Náttúrumaður's hardened cock was exposed to Mokzaxirrathan to see- Which he did, he looked down at Nátt, who was being pressed down, in a show of dominance by him, who in his momentary anger attacked. "Oh... I get it now." He smirked, the dragon inside his head hummed: [Well, he does make a good ally- Maybe a good bed mate as well?]

Well, guess he'll have to find out.

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