

Tiny specks of dust seemed to dance in the morning sunlight that slanted through the window, as it bathed the building in its dawn


As the sun rays cascaded through the white curtains, Vera's lashes flickered. Her eyes slowly opened. The light was too bright, blinding her clear view sight so she shut it again.

After some minutes, she opened her eyes again. Staring at the ceiling for a while, she yawned opening and closing her eyes, lazily reaching for her phone which was kept at a small table beside her bed, before grabbing it.

She stretched her hands out widely, before leaning on the headboard. After unlocking her phone, she groaned in frustration at one glance of time. The alarm that was set by her, already alarmed at the exact time set, but was to carried away by the drowsiness as a result of her last night shift at work.

With a sleepy face and bleary eyes, she got out of the bed leisurely, staggering towards the bathroom to wash her face.

After brushing her mouth and drying her face, she stared at her reflection in the mirror that revealed an early-morning-beauty-figure. Seeing her messy hair which covered both sides of her cheeks, she gently tucked it behind her ears. She walked towards the bath tub filled with soapy water before pulling off her pyjamas, succumbing into the midst of lively warm water. Closing her eyes, she placed her head at the end of the tub, half leaning, while spreading her relaxed arm on it, heaving a deep long sigh.

However, with the look on her face, one couldn't be that oblivious not to notice the highlight of exasperation and foil aura oozing around her. The feeling of nervousness and doubt clouded her emotions and facial expression.

To her, life is just worthless, a worthless time that travels around the world. Her main focus was to drown herself in something distracting and less attention. Her life seemed to be thwarted, messy and dead.

Opening her eyes slowly, her thought drifted to her past life, how everything turned from perfect to dead. That thought made her eyes bubbled with tears. Tears of not pity but regret. Tears of long sufferings.

Vera who was once a famous lady with high class, elegance and admiration, now transformed into a destituted feeble, under the coverage of an handcuffed forlorn. She was once an orphan, brought up in the noble family of the famous Fetcher's clan, as their first adoptive daughter. She lived a very happy and comfortable life before her two foster siblings came in, twisting her happiness into sorrow.

The two siblings grew up to live in pretense happiness, faking their love for each other, while at the same time thinking of a way to terminate their target which was vera.Though vera had everything she could possibly wish for, like material things, but all that ended after her sisters birth. What she failed to get was love. After the birth of Amanda and Diva, her foster siblings, Oliver and Margret, her adoptive parents, treated her like an ordinary person like the maids and butlers in their house. Though she still live a life of wealth but her happiness matters. For once, she wished her foster siblings shouldn't have come to this world, but, what could she do? She was still happy for them in any way, because everyone deserves the best.

They trained them to become spoilt children, throwing money away like throwing a tantrum. They never lacked anything. Money was everything to them.

In the history of the Fetchers, their clan was known to be the most successful and powerful topmost country's largest industry. Over hundred percent of shares surrounded globally the world in Country F, they raised the total amount of ninety-two percent, which caught the glimpse of various county's worldwide, including the biggest country in the world, Country V.

Twenty years later, Vera grew up to become a very beautiful lady, smart and intelligent genius. Her business accumen had raised over eleven percent of the family business earning that engrossed the majority of shareholders accounted by their various company's. Her humility, loyalty, dominance, earned her the title of the next of kin of the Fetcher's, making her both the hem and gem of the family's clan. This made hatred and envy scheme through her foster siblings eyes, as it grew wilder each passing day her progress is being celebrated.

Amanda Fetcher, the first biological girl child born by blood to the family, was known to be a sweet loving child, before she changed, into a worst beast anyone could think of. Her mother, Margret, tried everything possible to give her the best home training but everything was futile. Though she raised her with money, and made her have anything she could ever wish for, she slowly began to regret raising her like that. She blamed herself for her children's attitude, regretting not training them the way she trained vera. Sooner, she began to compare her with vera, throwing insults and curses at her face while showering vera with the sweetest praises she could ever think of. Of course, that even made her hate vera more. Her hatred was intense and the feeling of eliminating her develop really bad.

Diva Fetcher in the other hand, was a character-type-like of Amanda. The only difference was her patience in dealing with people who crossed her boundaries. She is easy to deal with pest like she calls them but was to difficult to handle. She can be happy this second and angry the next minute. Her anger was quite tolerated by those who have lived with her for decades. When they see it coming, they mind their business and return to work but expect for the stubborn ones who want to catch the latest gossip.

One fateful day, the news about the death of the Fetcher's rumored around the country. It was once called a beautiful life wishing time opportunity which later parted way for mystery and complications. Their death dropped down the progression of the company and the inability to focus that brought depression to Vera, made is tougher to handle. Imagining swallowing yourself into the vortex of misfortune, how would react? Same with Vera! If someone could tell her fate could twist turns, it would be in her wildest imagination that fate twists like this, more or less like a roller coaster. Not to talk of were she resides in now, living in a small retched house whose building would soon collapse.

Sighing in exasperation at her unsightly fate, Vera put the unnecessary thoughts out of her head.

*Knock Knock*

"Coming" Vera said as she sauntered out of the bathroom quickly, putting on her white robe, dashing out of the bathroom descending on the wooden stairs which is not less than four steps, one after the other leisurely before walking towards the door were the knock sound came from and opened it.

"Hello Vera" Said the woman at the door with a smile. Vera was left gaping in shock as she recognized a familiar face -- The assistant of her younger sister, Diva --

"W-what are you doing here!" said Vera in shock and anger.

"Calm down dear, you wouldn't miss what I came here for" the woman commented with a scowl in her face, a face which Vera wanted to punch so badly. Angie was one of the people that instigated her sister against her.

"What do you want" Calming down, vera asked expressionlessly.

"Diva offers you a chance to redeem yourself and get out of the slums."

"What do you want?" she asked again, running out of patience. It seems her little demeanor wouldn't last for that long especially when the suspense is tensed up. She hated it but tried to control it.

"Won't you ask me in or do you prefer to have such a serious discussion out here" Trying to cover up the words with a concerned look.

"Well... I don't mind discussing it here with you" she shrugged her shoulder nonchalantly, trying to piss the woman. If she had known someone like Angie black would be coming here, to discuss a deal, from what she assumed to be correct, she would have boiled a hot water ten times hotter than one-eighty degree or even throw a huge tantrum. But unfortunately, but fortunately for her, those thoughts were just mere words.

"I agree...but don't you think that health comes first. This environment is not good for people like me but you seem not to affected by the environment because you are drowning here" she said it in a slight whisper, but behind her words, they was mockery.

"Miss black, I don't know why you seem to oblivious to your surroundings. Look around..." she stretched her hands out, pointing in circles to the environment.

"Don't be fooled when you refer health to this kind of situation. Take a look at both of us, who looks like he/she needs health first" she returned the same gesture by whispering, and as expected her face darkened a bit but changed back.

Her mood swings was quite impressive... but totally absurd. With a proper look, Angie looks a bit skinny yet her luxurious exorbitant dress, and the heavy makeup at her face makes her look sexy and well taken care of but vera, she wasn't as skinny as her, and her natural beauty and unique features even made her look quite compatible to Angie.

Her thoughts where broken when she felt someone push her hard to the corner before walking in. Angie turned her back to vera direction before giving her a pitiful look.

"Oops, I didn't see that coming" she said sardonically before tossing her hair behind her back, sashaying away. Gods know how she looks like when she sashays... like an evil demonic little witch.

Angie walked majestically into the house with an irritated look on her face while observing her surrounding. Her reaction pleased vera as she released a faint smile.

Diva sat at one of the couch before placing her bag at the center table placed at her front. She crossed her legs, placing her intertwined fingers which covered her knee before speaking.

"There is a man, his name is Scott Johnson" she began with a serious face.

"He is the CEO of Crystallic Flowhills, dominated with over 5.6 billion people accustomed to his business. Do you want more details or should I walk away and never come back?"

"If it pleases you" Vera replied nonchantly. Oh..she loves pissing this woman off.

"It would please me to let you know I have something that would make you cooperate" she replied, half smiling.

"Nothing...absolutely nothing can make me want to cooperate with a devil"

"Oh, are you sure?" she retorted with a raised brow, smiling wickedly. Vera had a bad feeling about this. The feeling was strange. Still in her thought, Angie brought her phone out from her hand bag, before unlocking it. She opened and app and once it opened, she brought a picture directly to her face that made vera snap out from her thinking. When she saw the picture displayed before her eyes, her lips parted open and her eyes widened in shock. Her reaction made Angie smile triumphantly. This was what she wanted, to make her fear and submit herself to her. Now, she can take advantage of this opportunity.

"So, are you willing to cooperate?"


Hello guys, how are you doing I just wanted to say a very big thank you in appreciation for my readers, it's...just amazing to describe, the feeling is beyond grateful Thank you all my dearest readers. Ace would keep you accompany till the last journey

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