
My First Year



POV switch to main character/ first person for the majority of the novel


You know, all things considered being a baby isnt actually THAT boring. I mean i'd rather not go to the bathroom in my pants, but my new mom, always leaves the news on when she leaves for work. Plus I'm always tired as a baby and sleep half the time.

Oh yeah, I figured out were and 'when' i am right now. I'm currently on a planet very similar to earth in the 23rd century. There is 1 major differences though that being a thing called Full Dive VR which seemed insignificant to me at first, but now is one of the reasons I know i'm not going to be bored here...


9 months later:


So... I've learned a lot about this place. Apparently on my 1st birthday I am required to get a nanobot augmentation. These are definitely the old type of nanobots but it seems they are more effective if used earlier in life making the average life span about 130 years old.

This augmentation also means I will be able to use Full Dive later in life with out a headset. But I will still have to get a capsule if I what to play for extended periods of time.

Another thing I learned was that the Full Dive VR is not only used for entertainment. It is actually the main way to access the internet and many jobs require you to use the Full Dive for almost everything.


2 weeks later:


Finally, Its been a whole year on this planet and the day of my augmentation has come. I just hope it doesn't feel like it did last time I got one. The amount of uncomfortableness I had to go through was so great I still remember it 426 years later. Well maybe not, another thing i've noticed here is that all of the memories from my past life are perfectly clear, every, single bit. It should come in handy.

Oh, my moms home meaning its almost time. I gotta brase myself.



"Ok, ma'am your child is healthy enough to get the class 1 augmentation."


"That's great, but are you sure he can't get a class 2? My family has had generation apon generation of class 2 talents."

WHAT!? What do you mean 'class 1'? What is a 'class 2'? What is the difference between the 2 and the 1? I'm so confused, I never heard anything about different types of augmentations. Wait, does that mean the so called class two increases your life span even more? So. Many. Questions.

"Ma'am your son would be able to get a class 3 processing augmentation"

Ok. Ok. So... there's EVEN more classes. And what's the 'processing' part about? Do the augmentations have specialties?

"If he's THAT much of a prodigy then why would you suggest a class 1 augmentation!?" Man my mom got mad quick.

"We don't have any doctors experienced enough to do a medium-low level augmentation on a child." The doctor was still calm even after being yelled at. "If you want your son to have the augmentation now it would cost hundreds of credits just to get a doctor with enough skill and experience to do it."

"Who do you think I am?" Hmm, that seems to have made her more mad. "I'm the godd**m CEO of Vinx. Do you think I don't have the money to pay for my own sons augmentation!?!?"

Um. What. This day is, well... confusing to say the least. We live in a very small house. Given, the stuff in the house is nice but from what I've seen on the news Vinx is a multi-billion dollar company and the creater of Full Dive tech. Who could have known my mom was so rich. I think this doctor is screwed. *sigh in my thoughts*

"Look, with his talent if you always get him the best augmentation you can each year, it might start costing millions of credits at a time. I've heard of rich families having a a class 2 talent and eventually went bankrupt because they tried to get the highest augmentation there son could handle every year. I could only imagine how much it would cost for a class 3 talent." Dang. Am I really talented? I don't know why but I have a hard time acceping it. In my last life I was practically useless in anything other than programming. I only started trying other things when I was 170 and finished the last program humanity ever needed, a recreation of the ancient 'Windows' logo bouncing around the screen. And this played on every hologram in the house untill the owner of the home comes in. Basically it was usless and I decided humanity didn't need programers any more.{A/N: looking back I have no idea why I added this info.}

Anyway my mom told my doctor to get the better doctor even if it'll cost 'a bit'.

"Yes ma'am he will probably be here in about 2 or 3 hours I will show you to your waiting room." The doctor said in a calm voice.


This room is NICE. The walls have what seem to be very expensive paintings all over them, and there's a leather couch with a gold night stand on its right side. There's an ivory statue. This stuff is extremely difficult to get, almost priceless. The farming of leather was banned 160 years ago and the farming of ivory was banned 240 years ago. These people are definitely sucking up to my mom.

Hmm. I just realized I dont know my moms name. I almost never see her talk to other people and when I do they call her 'Ms. Vinlei'(vin-lie) or 'Ma'am'. I wander if there's any way I could ask her without being suspicious. I guess i'll try.

"m-mommy?" I've talked many times before so this 'question' did not surprise her.

"Yes dear?" She has a soothing voice, the opposite of what she had when the docter told her of my 'talant'.

"w~who are you mommy?" I hope that works. I didnt encounter many babys in my last life so I dont really know how they talk or think. Right now i'm just hoping that the BS about my talent gets me out of any suspension. {A/N: And that it did}

"What do you mean? My name?" I nod with a slight smile.

She smiles back and says, "My name is Leasia. Can you say that lee-see-ah. Leasia."

"lee-se-see-ah. lee-see-ah. Leasia." I repeat with my smile growing wider every time I say it. "I like mommy's name."

"Thank you dear. Are you hungry?"

"YES" This day has been to weird I need food.

"Ok, i'll ask for the nice doctors to bring in some fruit."




"Ma'am Dr. Friday is here for young Ren." It was the same doctor that my mom yelled at.

"Ok, lead me the room he's in." Leasia seemed far calmer now than earlier.


"Gooday Ms. Vinlei, how are you?" So this is THE Dr. Friday, I should have figured, he is a world famous doctor known for being the 7th most skilled augmentor on Kilse (the planet I'm on). But even with all that he still seems to talk to my mom like a equal or superior.

"I'm good." Ooh. Yeah she's the superior one. She didn't even say thanks for asking much less ask back.

"Ok, before I start the augmentation surgery i'm going to put you to sleep. It will only sting a little." Ouch. Man i'm tired.



*Oh no, not this feeling again.* For about 2 hours after surgery you feel like your blood is rushing 3 times faster than usual and there's little bugs crawling all over you. *sigh guess ill wait till it stops.

"Ok, honey lets go home so you can lay down." I smiled as a response.

The flight home was quiet, but I got to see some pretty interesting shops. The most interesting being a guild shop for the VR shooter guild called breakpoint.


And so my birthday is about to end. "Good night dear, sweet dreams."

Ok. This came out way sooner than I expected and I think it got tge ball rolling enough that I can keep on going.

Also this was a longer chap as promised, a bit more than 3 times longer.

I did break one promise though... this written on phone:(

As always point out any grammer/spelling mistakes.

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