

"You'll have to go through me first! I am Kaby, a rank E mage of the Knights Guild!" said the Knights.

The bandit leader had a snicker on his face after hearing what Kaby stated.

"So you're from that STUPID guild ?! People know me as Bergan The Mad of the Northern Wolves and I'll show what real madness is !"

Bergan is a bald man wearing black jacket and pants. He was a cruel man who has killed and tortured a lot of people for fun. He could be seen laughing while kicking someone on the street. He also sexually assaulted many women. That's why many gave him the name "Bergan The Mad".

These 2 guilds were currently at war against each other, one was a legal guild while the other a dark guild. They were fighting over a territory in the West Forest. The Northern Wolves wanted to claim the territory of the Knight and their rare crystal mine.

Bergan The Mad rapidly rushed toward Kaby. A second later, he was already in front of the Knight aiming his spear at the abdomen of his opponent. Kaby didn't have time to dodge the attack so he put his sword before him, intending block the attack with his blade. As the spear hit him, Kaby was sent flying fast enough to leave a deep crater in the stone.

"Gyahaha...Tell me what are you gonna do now without your little sword ?"

Kaby raised his eyesbrows in a display of shock as he saw his sword broken down in half. He would have never expected that Bergan The Mad was THAT strong. Now that he couldn't continue fighting anymore, Kaby knew he had failed his duty as a knight, he couldn't protect the villagers. He looked down at the floor in shame as he muttered "I failed..."

"A failure indeed...Knights never gives up, they fight until the end."

Yasu decided to make his apparition as Kaby had already abandoned the fight. Seeing his despairing look frustrated Yasu greatly as he felt like giving that fool a punch. He know understood why he had never heard of a righteous guild like The Knights. It was fated to be disbanded if their members had so low willpower. Now all he wanted was too finish this mess and return to his cavern. He wasn't that impressed of Bergan's strength as he could easily keep up with the speed the mage displayed earlier.

Kaby and Bergan The Mad widened their in surprise as they haven't detected his presence until he spoke. He was just standing near them and they didn't even see him. After the shameful day where Yasu stepped on a tree branch, he decided to put some effort into learning to hide his presence by blocking his Reiryoku from "pouring out".

"Who are yo—" Interrupting Bergan, Yasu focused his Reiatsu on the man and effectively paralysing him. Next, he condensed an ice harpoon in the air and shot it toward Bergan. The latter tried to move but as he had never encountered this kind of situation, he didn't what to do to break free. As expected, the harpoon easily pierced his body but it still continued his trajectory and hit the floor, making a hole of 40 cm deep. Killing the man in the spot.


Kaby didn't how to react as he had never expected this kind of situation. Bergan The Mad just got killed in one move. He looked at the dead body with his mouth wide open. Kaby then turn his gaze toward his benefactor .

"Thank you for saving us, Sir! May I kno—"

Yasu decided to return to his cavern and ignore the man who calls himself a "Knight". This kind of person didn't deserve his attention. He wasn't a hero or something. All he wanted was to live free as back on Earth, he was mistreated by his uncle. He often served as a punching bag whenever his uncle wanted to vent some frustration. He would starve for 3 days sometime. Even his clothes were from garbage. Because of that he became a very cold person who hadn't know love in his life. Which is why Yasu had no friends or girlfriend at school, his poor attire didn't help him in anyway. The only things that interested him were manga and novels that his kind neighbour let him read.

Now that he was given the opportunity to live free without having to care about what the others expected of him, he was determined to go on adventure and experience interesting things he saw within Fairy Tail manga.

Nearing his cavern, Yasu stopped thinking too much. Overthinking wasn't good. Instead, he decided to finally pay attention to the notification in his mind.

Ding! You have received 1000 TP !

("I almost forgot about this...")

Yasu could receive Points by killing people who did harm to their others for their greed, fun, etc... Yasu had the ability to sense if someone was a good person or not. This would comes very handy in the future. Yasu noticed that many things could be bought within the Shop. There were many categories such as Weapons, Consumables, Skill Manual, Pets, Bloodlines,... There were also ranks like Earth, Heaven, God. The price were depending on the rank of the "product". For example, a healing pill of the Earth Low Rank would costs 1K TP while the God Peak Rank 50B. According to the description of that pill, even an injury from the strongest God could easily be healed.

Seeing this, the corner of his lips turned upwards as he felt extremely pleased. He knew that the Shop was something amazing as he had read many novel before. Now he felt like he was the protagonist of one of those novels.

After entering the cavern, Yasu decided clean his katana for a few hours before beginning his sword training. He hadn't made any progress in awakening Kōrudo. He had always carried his katana with him over the last 3 months. Yasu had grown increasingly fond of his Zanpakutō as he had freed 3h in his schedule to clean it everyday with the utmost care.

He looked at the katana as he unsheathed the scabbard. "One day, I hope to see you in your glorious form fighting exciting battles alongside me...together..."