Dropped Might not come back
In the year 21XX physical media is almost extinct, everything from card games to board games has transitioned to digital media. One card game has been made to fill the niche market known as a physical card game. Enter Faction Wars, FW for short, a small TCG compared to the giants of the day such as Yu-**-Oh!, For*e of W*ll, or Mag** the Gather*ng. Our protagonist named Nash F. Rivera loves games especially card games and has found this little game now watch as he becomes one of the greatest players this game will ever see.
Nash "I'm so bored! Why did they delay the new expansion. I was getting ready to start playing it this weekend." On a fine Sunday afternoon Nash is laying on his bed bored, he could be doing homework but who has time for that.
Nash " OK" 'I could have heard you even if you weren't yelling like mad' 'The supermarket is a few blocks away from home and it's on the way to the G.A.M.E. store so that means I could browse through before I come back, and maybe pick up some new game before coming back'
After completing the task his mother had given him Nash set his eyes on the G.A.M.E. store. He takes a peek inside and finds a new game, on physical media no less his attention is unexpectedly drawn to the game and decides to take a closer look at the box. It's a small box only about 16cm in length and 12.5cm in width while being only 2cm deep. He notices other kinds of the same box they have a different main colour about them. The one he was holding was golden orange in colour, with the edges being bronze in hue, and on the front there is a mechanical-looking Thunderbird with ruby red eyes, and talons the same hue as the boxes edges. a the the top there is a small gear symbol, Nash assumes that that is this decks main theme. And the logo on the front above the bird is a simple looking design, with a dark blue under-glow and a dark Royal Blue lining; the words the logo was trying to convey where "Faction Wars". Nash goes up to the counter and picks up 2 of the 8 boxes, the one with the Thunderbird on it and one that has a Dragon looking thing on it. They both came up to $11.08.
(AN: He picked up 2 because he has a sibling and will practice with them.)
After returning home Nash goes up to his room and looks through the decks he just bought. He opens the golden orange one first, in it he gets 1 full-sized deck (This is 60 cards, split over 2 decks), a rule book, a coin, 6 counters, and a paper play mat. He reads through the rule book to get a sense of the rules and to know how to play.
Nash "So that's how you play this game huh, I guess the other one will have the same stuff just with a different deck." He then begins to go through the deck and gets:
1x Chrome Lord
1x Chrome Scholar
1x Chrome Thunderbird
3x Chrome Insect
2x Chrome Raven
3x Chrome Bird
2x Chrome Mechanic
2x Chrome Dagger
1x Chrome Knight
3x Chrome Squire
2x Dismantle
3x Laser Blast
1x Chrome Mansion
1x Chrome Barracks
1x Chrome Library
1x Chrome Armory
1x Chrome Castle
25x Chrome Core
He just thought that this deck likes chrome a whole lot. After looking at one of the card closely he found that in the top left corner there was a symbol, he remembered that this is the cost to playing that card. In the middle there was a big number, this is the health and attack of the card. On the right corner of the card was a little sword this meant this card was a unit(monster), in the rule book there was a total of 6 different symbols that could be used here they where: sword = unit, hat = spell, house = stronghold, crown = lord, speech bubble = adviser, and shard = core. Below the picture was the card's name and information. He liked the look of the cards although he just didn't understand why a game like this couldn't just be an online game. He decided to sleep on it and play tomorrow with his little brother.