Prologue 3 - Accident

The great Magus was walking through the void peacefully, when suddenly, an beautiful rainbow orb flew into her head, smashing into the quickly erected Magic Barrier. Then, the barrier shattered like glass, as the orb began pushing the Magus somewhere far away - making a hole in her head along the way.

Swearing, the Magus quickly separated her soul from her body, only for the orb to begin sucking her in.

"No... I refuse this bullshit!"

The Magus roared. However, no matter what she did, the orb seemed undisturbed and unharmed. Infuriated, the Magus cursed the orb:

"You shall never reach your destination

Oh one who has lost his nation

You shall fail in your desires

Twisted by their ethereal callings

They shall burn, alight like fires

Eldrich twistings, twirlings, curlings

Never living, never dying

Falling down and now you're crashing"

[E-ro-- Un--b-e to com--et- --era-i-n! E-te-i-- a--o-pi-o-!]

The orb fell towards a world - one that looked like many plates stacked on top of eachother, made of the finest porcelain by a god's hands.

The Magus felt the world's overwhelming power grab the orb and pull the orb - and her together - inside.

"Take this you pice of s-"

Thus fell the Magus.
