

I heard the door open I could not move because of how much pain I was in. But when I started to think no one was there I heard a voice say "hay carder your awake its been four months since the war ". "um...sorry!... I should have started with this I am Anna now do you know what the blue flame is" ".. no?" "ok let's get you out of here first" "...ok?... dos that mean you're going to 'Barack me out' AND IF SO YOUR CRAZY!" "ok calm down and yes". Then she nocked me out. when I woke up to see a boy ruffly 17-19 I guess that is good since I am 19 and he is sourt of cute " Hay ANNA HE IS AWAKE!" "OK BE UP IN A SECOND!". When she came up she told the boy to go down stairs so she can talk to me privately. I got a good look at Anna she and was a pretty girl with red hair and was wearing a jacket and a pair of jeans with sneakers.

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